Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Supremes

I bet you thought I was going to address the Supreme Court Justices.  I might or I might not, but I probably am going to.  These days those Justices are arguing among themselves like a bunch of fishmonger's wives.  Or, at least like an old married couple who have been together for about 50 years. 

It's a good thing there are women on that bench to keep those old guys straight.  Otherwise women's rights might go down the tubes.  There are good things in that health care bill that people are trying to ignore because it's a political year.  It really doesn't matter who wrote the bill, it's now more of a political issue than anything.

If the Republicans were in office instead of the Democrats, then it would be the Democrats trying to say the whole dang bill is unconstitutional.  But is it?  Why are people so opposed?  And especially the Republicans.  If you have ever been in a situation where you didn't have health insurance and had an episode where you had big time medical bills because of no health insurance,  or, if you are one of the unfortunate persons who has exceeded your lifetime maximum under your health insurance plan, your attitude might be different.

Sure there are things in the bill that maybe aren't right for every American person.  Why not salvage what's good and change the others instead of zilching the whole thing.  But.... there are so many good things, like no applications of pre-existing conditions exclusions for those with medical conditions, continuing insurance for children to age 26, etc.  There were many children who were covered for private health insurance with chronic diseases but their lifetime maximum under the health insurance plan caused them to have no insurance, and the application of pre-existing conditions exclusions by insurance companies prevented the parents from getting a different job just to get health insurance.....under national health care these children and other ill persons are now covered.  Is that so bad???  Remember it could be you or one of your immediate family that this could also don't scoff before thinking it through.  Keeping in mind that all insurance in general is sharing in the cost and paying in advance.

The same type of anti-arguments occurred prior to the enactment of Medicare in 1965.  The Republicans didn't want Medicare then and have been accused of trying to dismantle Medicare for years.  At that time Ronald Reagan told people that if this terrifying monster of a program is enacted, one day "we will wake up to find we have socialism".  Does that sound familiar?  And then Reagan went on to say "you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was like in America when men were free".  Does that sound familiar?  Basically the same things the Republicans are saying now.  It is said that most Republicans in Congress feel that Medicare is vile and threatens America....and call it socialistic cancer.  But how many Republicans in general will enjoy being covered under this plan.  Sure, probably not the Congressional Republicans as they have their own spiffy plan, the cadillac of insurance plans.

When Medicare went into effect it didn't do what the Republicans feared...and now a lot of  general public Republicans are saying extend Mediare to cover all Americans..... put us under Medicare rather than the national health care.  But if some have their way (the house budget chair Paul Ryan) Medicare will be privatized.  This is not good for the people.....and will most likely bust Medicare and then where will the millions covered under Medicare be....without a sound insurance plan.

I have been a Republican all my life.  I don't agree with the Republicans in Congress and those who have listened to newscasters like Scott Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.  I have carefully read the law and all of the components.   I bet there are many many Republicans who don't have health insurance  who are agreeing that the health care plan is a good thing.  Those who oppose it most likely have employer furnished health care and are afraid they will lose it which is not necessarily the case as there is a choice involved.  Don't give me this "it's unconstititutional argument" as the only reason it shouldn't be in effect". There have been other "constitutional" matters that have come up in the years past....did you fight as hard or is it a political issue because of who the President is and health care is his baby.

Even if the health care bill is determined unconstitutional and the health care plan goes away, employer furnished health care may become a thing of the past for some because of the rising cost of medical insurance.  The Republicans might at that time think the approximate $40 per week for national health care might seem like a good deal at that time. 

 Under Medicare you pay in advance and share in the cost with millions of others....this is the whole premise of any insurance.  The unknown.....but when and if it happens, your bills will be covered.  Medicare basically is generally an earned entitlement....we have paid in to Medicare.....and national health care would work in the same vein....but the opponents don't seem to want to recognize this.  It just seems to be my way or the highway......get rid of national health care and get rid of Medicare as it now operates.  Wow....some congressional peeps sure believe in some weird things in my book.....and does the public believe in the same things?  Maybe I'm in the minority but somehow I don't think so.  Sometimes those with opinions against the party don't join in the fracas and cause more uproar.   I guess the election this fall will tell all.

Keep in mind that the evenif the health car law goes away, the Republicans have their own agenda for health care....they just want their version which is so similar it's don't get too fixed in your thought as eventually we will get to go through this again.....another party in office and a different health care plan, wrapped up in similar paper, just a different bow to disguise it.

Supremes will once again be called to the it or isn't it will once again be the question.  They will once again fight like fishmonger's wives.....for what???  A new Republican health care....copied from the current health care law.

There are a lot of egos that need stroked and they each definitely want to get that stroke...... I'm kind of burned out on the whole bunch of political arguments.  "I'm the best" say the Democrats.  "I'm the best" say the Republicans.  Who the heck knows who is the best.....they all seem to me to be a bunch of crooked politicians.   Maybe it's best for the Independents to have their say.....and I don't mean Tea Party either.

Today's highly controversial and highly political post wore me out.  I normally don't address these type of issues for fear of stepping on someone's toes.  But it's time someone said something other than what I've been hearing, so I did.  I also have my beliefs and with the rights given to me by the Constitution of the United States, I'm having my say.  Sorry if you didn't like it......If you feel that this is unconstitutional, send it to the Supreme Justices....they probably would welcome it instead of what they now have on their plates.  Enuf said for today.  I'm tired.  See you later.

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