When an event occurs, people react differently. Their reaction might depend on a belief that was shaped in childhood. This is likened to a behavior pattern ..... we don't see things as they are, we see things as we are.
An example of this would be: If a child was chased by a rabid dog and bitten, the child would most likely form an opinion that all dogs are bad and would be afraid of all dogs.
This child would develop behavior patterns different from other persons who had not been chased and bitten. In fact if a different child was raised around a dog which was playful and mild mannered and very friendly, the child would develop a behavior pattern with thoughts that all dogs are friendly.
Any particular person can hear one word or see one event and that word or event can turn the person's prospectives completely opposite, upside down and inside out. A different person who developed different behavioral patterns wouldn't necessarily react in the same way. We are all different. It can be said "we are they", but the "they" doesn't fit all of us. Each of us in the "they" are our own person. Each of us has our own beliefs, soul and spirit. A person with negative thoughts perhaps will cause the life of this person to be filled with negative things. But a spirit which is alive and happy might result in a fruitful life.
To have positive and happy thoughts and beliefs is good. Even an older person can change the thought and belief process. It might take a lot of change and energy, but it can be done. In the world we live in, which seems to be filled with more crisis type events, we need to have as many positive thoughts as we can. Otherwise, the negativity will get you down.
Challenge yourself to change your negative patterns. Think of positive things only for one day and see if you feel any difference. You might have to work at it, but you can do it. Transform yourself into a new person. A healthy mental state improves your entire health. If we all would change our patterns, then this would apply "we are they".
Old Springfield Pictures
Sangamo Electric 1899 - 1978
My sister worked there until closure.
Illinois Watch Co. Springfield Plant
1869 - 1927
Weird Names For Food
Have you ever ran across a name of a food and thought "how weird". There are some mighty strange names, and especially those from the United Kingdom. I have a friend in the UK and she was always talking about this or that food. Most of them I would have to ask what is that. Then I thought about some things we have in America, and they are just as strange. Here's a list of some mighty weird food names:
- Toad in a hole. It's a dish made in England, with sausage links baked in a flour and egg batter, sometimes with gravy.

- Bubble and squeak. Hash made from leftover cabbage and roast.
- Birds in a nest or Eggs in a basket. Simply eggs fried inside a hole in a piece of bread.
- Bangers and Mash or Bangers and Thump. Sausages and mashed potatoes with gravy.
- Limping Susan. Okra and rice.
- Hoppin John. Beans and rice.
- Eton Mess. Strawberries and whipped cream over baked meringue.
- Cat Heads Biscuits. Southern style biscuits.
- Flying Saucers. Fried bologna, topped with mashed potatoes and a slice of cheese and then broiled until cheese melts.
- Pigs in a Blanket. Hot Dogs or Smokey Sausages wrapped in crescent rolls or canned biscuits.
- Angels on Horseback. Bacon wrapped oysters. But at our house, they were hot dogs slit lengthwise, with cheese in the slit and wrapped in a bacon slice then broiled.
- Devils on Horseback. Dates stuffed with cream cheese then wrapped in bacon and broiled is the most common, but apricots or prunes can be used rather than dates.
- Spotted Dick. English steamed sponge pudding made with suet and dried raisins and served hot.
- Sh*t on a Shingle. Chipped beef or ground beef gravy over toast.
- Ants on a Log. Celery spread with peanut butter and sprinkled with raisins.
- Shoofly Pie. A brown sugar, egg and molasses pie with a crumble top.
- Goeduck ("Gooeyduck"). It's a saltwater clam and is called the world's strangest clam. Can be cooked like other clams.
- Shaking Beef. A Vietnamese dish, with beef cut in small pieces and the skillet is shaken to cook.
- Tatties and Neeps. Mashed potatoes with mashed Swedish turnips.
- Rollmops. Appetizer made with herring strips rolled around a pickle.
What's To Eat At Our House Tonight?
Sirloin pork chops beaten with a meat mallet, floured and browned and simmered in gravy. Homemade potato salad, leftover chicken and noodles (from yesterday) and a vegetable salad. Flan cake leftovers for dessert.....OMG is this flan cake good!
Learn A New Word
So that Greenviewanites can be the smartest in the county.
New Word: hagiography = biography of a saint
New Spanish Word: cinturon = belt
Thought For The Day
Anger is a brief lunacy.
We talk about the Marbolds and the person you're talking to thinks of "marbles". When you were in school, 90% of your field trips were to New Salem. When you order a "sody" and no one knows what you want. When you eat chili, you want peanut butter and honey sandwiches because the school cafeteria served it that way. You remember the PTA's maid rite sandwiches.
When you remember getting vanilla or cherry cokes at Emma's. When you remember the go kart track north of town. You remember when Joe Waggoner sold heavy cream and he was the custodian at the school. You remember when the school had to put braces (those ugly square metal things on the wall) in the gym to keep it from falling.
You remember when we had great bands and concerts (Gary White can take a bow). You remember when we had super great basketball teams. The clothes requirements at the school a long time ago.
Remember when there was very little crime and no drugs. Just about everyone is a Cardinal fan.
Just a few memories and thoughts about our dear old town. Once a Greenviewanite, always a Greenviewanite, even if you move. And if you move here, you automatically are taken into the world of Greenviewanites.....a clan amongst ourselves. Never to be shaken nor taken from the fold, ever.
I found the following utube song and prayer which was so
appropriate for the weekend hurricane. The words to this song are wonderful.
Remember the rating indicator at the bottom of this post.
I love your variety!! You never cease to amaze me. How do you do it?
Note: the maid rite recipe was the best, wasn't it? But, it was the Band Parents who made and served them at the county fair stand they had.
Greatest band, ever, was with Mr. White!! Were you in the band? I don't remember.
Thanks for your great blogs, Carla.
Charlotte :)
Ok about the Band Parents...I have the recipe and it says PTA/Band Parents Maid Rites on it.....they used to have dinners at the school too besides the fair....I don't remember the fair stand. I didn't have a mom to be involved in that stuff. .... It really is hard to think of new topics for this blog.....sometimes I sit here for hours trying to figure out what to write but I guess I'm lucky to have writing experience or I couldn't do it. I just was working on tomorrow's blog!! I was in the band but I didn't stay in it my last two years of high school as I was in too many activities and I had the big house to take care of plus I worked at the Corner Cafe...I played bass drums, bells, cymbals, marching drum and sometimes xlylophone. Thanks for reading the blog and supporting my efforts to keep Greenviewanites informed....both of yesterday and today. Carla
The Band Parents food tent at the County Fair was a very big deal, and always had a large crowd...I don't remember the maid-rites, but I do remember a lot of pies and other deserts
Ken Dirks
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