Friday, March 30, 2012

Thinking It's Saturday on Friday

Don't Ya Hate To Be Behind A Day

Today I woke up thinking it was Saturday.  I piddled and didn't do my early morning chores.  Suddenly I looked at the calendar and saw that yesterday was marked on the calendar but Friday wasn't ...oops yesterday was Thursday..... that meant that today is Friday not Saturday.

But I guess it's better than me thinking it was Thursday and it actually was Wednesday.  I would hate to be behind two days instead of one day.  And, oh my aching head, when I think it's Tuesday and it's actually about a horrible thing.

Do you remember when you were a kid and off school on your summer break....who the heck cared if it were a Monday or a
Wednesday or a Friday.  We just didn't care.  Any day was a good day for kids.  I think we judged it by if it were a teeter totter day or a baseball day at the old grade school play yard.  Or maybe even a slide down the fire escape day.  It didn't matter which day we did any of this.  We just did it! 

 I don't even think we gauged our play by the time either.....we met usually after we ate  breakfast or dinner (it was dinner not lunch then).  And, we played until it was dark or until someone in the family came looking for us.....but they always knew where to find us.  Either in the grade school yard or in the field behind Doc Paulaskis' office.  Where else would we go????  We couldn't drive in those days....and no one was gonna steal us in those days....heck you didn't even have to lock your house in those days.  And everyone knew everyone in town and even in the country.

I do know that on baseball days, you wanted to get to the baseball diamond early to get on the best team.  Some of the girls were better players than the boys (ME!) selection was important back then.  Even though we didn't have a trophy for the was the prestige, believe me.

But the golden days of playing all day are gone.  It's now chore time or work time for some.  Get up, mark the calendar, take the medicine to keep going, eat a healthy breakfast, get on facebook and on this blog and then sit back and watch the boob tube until it's time to get back on facebook or get up off your lazy hind end and do a chore of two before you sit back down.  Oh....forgot the part about exercising to make sure you make it to your next birthday.....that's important.  I think I would prefer to go to the old school baseball diamond and play a game or two....if there weren't so many houses there now, it might be fun.  I think it might be pretty cool seeing all of us hobbling around, doing deep breathing exercises (sure it's exercises??), rubbing our sore elbows from swinging those bats, and the slow run to first, then second, then third and by the run to home, needing an oxygen tank. 

Oh well.....Friday is here.  And Saturday is tomorrow.  Thank goodness for that.  It means sleeping in for most people and doing fun things.  Have a great weekend!

The Past

Most people probably have never heard of the Court of Honor which was located in Springfield.  Copying from the records I could find:

  It was a considered a fraternal benefit insurance society.  It organized in 1895 with what historians called an elaborate ritual. It prospered principally as an insurance company (in 1920 there were over 75,000 benefit members and only 2,300 social members), and then transformed itself into a regular life insurance company.  In the early 1920's it changed its name to the Court of Honor Life Association, and in 1924 reincorporated simply as Springfield Life Insurance, after its headquarters city.  In 1934 it merged with Abraham Lincoln Life, and in 1934 it was reinsured with Illinois Bankers Life.

The 1915 City Directory lists the location of Court of Honor at East Adams, on the South East corner of Second and Adams.  Mr. Charles Reifler, a man known for  contributing to the progress and welfare of Springfield,  was one of the organizers of the Court of Honor....he was the publisher for this organization for their publication "The Court Of Honor".  A 1912 historical encyclopedia indicates that the Court of Honor fraternal benefits society was phenomenally successful, doing business in 1912 in eighteen states, with financial resources of over $2,000,000.00.

The following pictures are actually ink blotters given out by Court of Honor.

(note: you can click on most pictures to get an enlarged view)

I know that we had several policies issued by Illinois Bankers Life on our lives in the olden days.  I think that the Illinois Bankers Life may have been a prevalent company in this area....must have had an agent living near here.

Thought For The Day

We are each entitled to our own opinion,
but no one is entitled to his own facts.

--Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Feeding the bugs.  A past time in the summer and not supposed to be in the spring.  Yes, the bugs came out and about one month early.  So now we have to contend with flies, bees, hornets, wasps, mosquitoes, ants, and all the rest.  Just massive amounts.  I guess a no hard freeze winter means we will have to suffer the massive amounts of pests this year.

Better go to your favorite store and stock up on bug spray.  We have already went through a half of a can of wasp spray.  Those pesky things.

I guess there are some things we will need to suffer through for having a mild winter.  But, the grass seems greener and growing like wildfire.  I guess that means a lot of exercise on the old arms driving the big rig mower around the yard....up and down the hills and around the trees. 

So for now, I'll spray the buggers.  And scratch my bites when I miss a few.  buzzzzzz...shucks there's one now!!!

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(all blog posts and content are protected under copyright laws)

Hope to see you again.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Supremes

I bet you thought I was going to address the Supreme Court Justices.  I might or I might not, but I probably am going to.  These days those Justices are arguing among themselves like a bunch of fishmonger's wives.  Or, at least like an old married couple who have been together for about 50 years. 

It's a good thing there are women on that bench to keep those old guys straight.  Otherwise women's rights might go down the tubes.  There are good things in that health care bill that people are trying to ignore because it's a political year.  It really doesn't matter who wrote the bill, it's now more of a political issue than anything.

If the Republicans were in office instead of the Democrats, then it would be the Democrats trying to say the whole dang bill is unconstitutional.  But is it?  Why are people so opposed?  And especially the Republicans.  If you have ever been in a situation where you didn't have health insurance and had an episode where you had big time medical bills because of no health insurance,  or, if you are one of the unfortunate persons who has exceeded your lifetime maximum under your health insurance plan, your attitude might be different.

Sure there are things in the bill that maybe aren't right for every American person.  Why not salvage what's good and change the others instead of zilching the whole thing.  But.... there are so many good things, like no applications of pre-existing conditions exclusions for those with medical conditions, continuing insurance for children to age 26, etc.  There were many children who were covered for private health insurance with chronic diseases but their lifetime maximum under the health insurance plan caused them to have no insurance, and the application of pre-existing conditions exclusions by insurance companies prevented the parents from getting a different job just to get health insurance.....under national health care these children and other ill persons are now covered.  Is that so bad???  Remember it could be you or one of your immediate family that this could also don't scoff before thinking it through.  Keeping in mind that all insurance in general is sharing in the cost and paying in advance.

The same type of anti-arguments occurred prior to the enactment of Medicare in 1965.  The Republicans didn't want Medicare then and have been accused of trying to dismantle Medicare for years.  At that time Ronald Reagan told people that if this terrifying monster of a program is enacted, one day "we will wake up to find we have socialism".  Does that sound familiar?  And then Reagan went on to say "you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was like in America when men were free".  Does that sound familiar?  Basically the same things the Republicans are saying now.  It is said that most Republicans in Congress feel that Medicare is vile and threatens America....and call it socialistic cancer.  But how many Republicans in general will enjoy being covered under this plan.  Sure, probably not the Congressional Republicans as they have their own spiffy plan, the cadillac of insurance plans.

When Medicare went into effect it didn't do what the Republicans feared...and now a lot of  general public Republicans are saying extend Mediare to cover all Americans..... put us under Medicare rather than the national health care.  But if some have their way (the house budget chair Paul Ryan) Medicare will be privatized.  This is not good for the people.....and will most likely bust Medicare and then where will the millions covered under Medicare be....without a sound insurance plan.

I have been a Republican all my life.  I don't agree with the Republicans in Congress and those who have listened to newscasters like Scott Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.  I have carefully read the law and all of the components.   I bet there are many many Republicans who don't have health insurance  who are agreeing that the health care plan is a good thing.  Those who oppose it most likely have employer furnished health care and are afraid they will lose it which is not necessarily the case as there is a choice involved.  Don't give me this "it's unconstititutional argument" as the only reason it shouldn't be in effect". There have been other "constitutional" matters that have come up in the years past....did you fight as hard or is it a political issue because of who the President is and health care is his baby.

Even if the health care bill is determined unconstitutional and the health care plan goes away, employer furnished health care may become a thing of the past for some because of the rising cost of medical insurance.  The Republicans might at that time think the approximate $40 per week for national health care might seem like a good deal at that time. 

 Under Medicare you pay in advance and share in the cost with millions of others....this is the whole premise of any insurance.  The unknown.....but when and if it happens, your bills will be covered.  Medicare basically is generally an earned entitlement....we have paid in to Medicare.....and national health care would work in the same vein....but the opponents don't seem to want to recognize this.  It just seems to be my way or the highway......get rid of national health care and get rid of Medicare as it now operates.  Wow....some congressional peeps sure believe in some weird things in my book.....and does the public believe in the same things?  Maybe I'm in the minority but somehow I don't think so.  Sometimes those with opinions against the party don't join in the fracas and cause more uproar.   I guess the election this fall will tell all.

Keep in mind that the evenif the health car law goes away, the Republicans have their own agenda for health care....they just want their version which is so similar it's don't get too fixed in your thought as eventually we will get to go through this again.....another party in office and a different health care plan, wrapped up in similar paper, just a different bow to disguise it.

Supremes will once again be called to the it or isn't it will once again be the question.  They will once again fight like fishmonger's wives.....for what???  A new Republican health care....copied from the current health care law.

There are a lot of egos that need stroked and they each definitely want to get that stroke...... I'm kind of burned out on the whole bunch of political arguments.  "I'm the best" say the Democrats.  "I'm the best" say the Republicans.  Who the heck knows who is the best.....they all seem to me to be a bunch of crooked politicians.   Maybe it's best for the Independents to have their say.....and I don't mean Tea Party either.

Today's highly controversial and highly political post wore me out.  I normally don't address these type of issues for fear of stepping on someone's toes.  But it's time someone said something other than what I've been hearing, so I did.  I also have my beliefs and with the rights given to me by the Constitution of the United States, I'm having my say.  Sorry if you didn't like it......If you feel that this is unconstitutional, send it to the Supreme Justices....they probably would welcome it instead of what they now have on their plates.  Enuf said for today.  I'm tired.  See you later.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stupidity....Is It A Crime?

Does Stupidity Qualify As a Crime?

I personally get pretty tired of running into stupidity and stupid people.  Not that I would ever classify any reader of this blog as stupid.....that's for sure.  But there are a lot of stupid peeps and stupid situations in this world.  And, most likely caused because of the pure meanness of a person/ my book, this qualifies this person as a mean stupid person.

I recently had the occasion to know about a very mean person who made a complaint against another person.  This person lied about a number of things when making the complaint.  None of it was true.  And, anyone who knows the person who suffered the complaint  against them, knows better.  But it happened.  Plain meanness in my book.  In view of this, I think stupidity had a big part of this and in a case like this, stupidity should be considered a crime. Perhaps the first offense should be labeled as a misdemeanor.  Then the second (and thereafter) would definitely be a felony.   Punishable by law and confinement as the punishment.......a stint in the clinker would do a person labeled in this stupidity column, a world of good.  But, if clinker lock-up is too harsh of a punishment, then maybe this person should lose their job and be confined in a stupid chamber so that they can bash their head on the wall all day long. 

Through my life I have run into many people who would qualify for this label and the crime.  But I guess it makes the world a more interesting place.  At least more complicated.  But until the world is ready to eradicate stupidity and lock 'em up, I guess we will all be faced with these mean stupid peeps. Let's hope we can all avoid them.  Amen.

Greenview History

For quite some time I had been searching for a reference to the Myers family (the same Myers family as Myers Bros. in Springfield) as running a store in Greenview.  I finally found the information.  This is what I found.  It was not the Myers Bros which ran the department store in Springfield but it was their uncles:

" The first brick store (in Greenview) was erected by Robert McReynolds, from Bee Grove, a building which stood on the site of the present American Legion Home (the CIA building site now).  In this building Dr. James Calloway had his office and later the post office.

This building was first occupied by Myers Brothers, who were uncles of the Myers Brothers now the proprietors of Myers Bros. store in Springfield.  Mr. Myers said that his uncles came here from Athens.  Myers Brothers put in a stock of general merchandise, which they traded to A. P. Blane for farm land on Salt Creek when he bought the store building."


A good many marriages took place around town from 1857 to 1859.  Samuel Rule and Nancy Turner; Alexander Montgomery and Sarah Ludlaw; Elias Bogardus and Arabella Cleaveland; John Blain and Mary TRaylor; James Ginn and Nancy Bradley; James McDougal and Louisa Power; Samuel Rogers and Nancy Trumbo; Isaac Hornback and Martha Hyde; Joseph Sampson and Lethy Montgomery; Thomas Hughes and Elizabeth Knowles; Abel Hornback and Mary Denton; and Thomas Looby and Ellen Fahey.


Note:  Many of these family names are ones which have been associated with the town of Greenview since the beginning.  Many of these families are still here or have relatives with the relationship to the earliest settlers.

Thought For The Day
Come forth into the light of things,
let nature be your teacher.
--Williams Wordsworth

I always wondered how the Easter Bunny came to be connected with Easter.  Not long ago I read an article and was enlightened.  At least I think I was.

The Easter Bunny and Easter eggs both started many hundreds of years ago.  And, both related to fertility and ,were used to celebrate the coming of spring.

Rabbits tend to procreate in the spring (prolific procreators too).  Thus this made the furry little creatures a natural representation for fertility.  Through the years the bunny resulted in the Easter bunny.  And in some cultures the bunny laid egg laying Easter bunny!

The Easter bunny first arrived in America in the 1700's when the German immigrants settled in Pennsylvania.....and brought their egg laying Easter bunny along to America.  They called it "Osterhase".

Since eggs demonstrate new life, it was a natural that eggs would also represent fertility.  Eggs being connected to Easter came from "Pagan practices" or so they say.

Easter eggs turned chocolate in the 19th century and were made primarily in France and Germany.  Thank goodness the eggs turned to chocolate....and that chocolate wasn't really laid by the Easter bunny.  I just couldn't really relish and enjoy chocolate as much as I do if they were laid by a real Easter bunny....knowing where those would have come from.

So eat your chocolate eggs....and the rest of the candy when the much sought after Easter Bunny comes to your house to fill your basket.  I know I will.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Don't Believe Those Lies.....Pink Lies

Lies, Lies and More Lies

The biggest lie you will hear these days is about pink slime.  Does it or doesn't it!  I'm talking about that big pile of hamburger at your favorite grocery store. 

For years the consumers (us) have been fooled into thinking we were getting pure old beef when we picked up that package of burger.  But wow did we get most likely was full of a pretty awful waste called "Pink Slime" which is treated with ammonia.   How delightful.....even the whistle blower former employee said he wouldn't feed it to his family and he now personally grinds his own ground beef.

But the FDA says it's beef and won't pull it's approval.   And, it's ok for the cheating grocery butchers to use this ammonia treated waste product which the FDA says is "beef".  But.......the Federal Government says that the beef that's fed to school kids can't contain "Pink Slime".  Now does that make sense????  The general public can still reap the rewards (?) of the good ole Pink Slime!?!?!?!?  I wanna puke!

I don't use much ground beef and now I'm sure I will be using far less.  A trip to a grocery store chain which has sworn they won't be using "Pink Slime" will be on my agenda.    Kroger ... Supervalu ..... they will be the ones who get my business.  Supervalue includes our local area stores such as Shop 'n Sav, Cub Foods, County Market.  And, there are Kroger stores in Lincoln and Pekin which aren't too far.

As consumers, we need to rebel.  Don't let the ammonia laden "Pink Slime" get you.  I've always thought some packages of ground beef have tasted funny (not spoiled just funny) ... I now wonder if some stores were using a high ratio of "Pink Slime" and a very low ratio of actual real beef.

Take your stand against "Pink Slime".  This is stuff which used to be used as dog food....and now it's being put into the human food chain.  Stand up and rebel!  Ask the butcher if the beef contains "Pink Slime" and if it does, don't buy groceries from that store.  And ask the same butcher every time you shop in case they get lax.

Yes.....McDonalds used Pink Slime....but February 12 they announced they would not longer use it.  I bet the price of burgers will now go up.  Burger King and Taco Bell have also eliminated Pink Slime but I think Hardees and Wendy's still enjoy laughing at consumers by using the crap.

Maybe this site will help you in finding a store which doesn't use the icky stuff:

Old Illinois Register Stories

   Mrs. Mary Krueger, who resides at Lawrence Avenue and Spring Street, met with an accident yesterday evening which may result seriously, owing to her advanced age of 70 years. Mrs. Krueger was leading a cow from a pasture in the vicinity of her home, and the rope with which she was leading it became entangled about her feet and she was thrown to the ground. The fall of Mrs. Krueger frightened the animal, and it ran for some distance, dragging her. Persons who saw the accident ran to her assistance, and she was removed to her home and physicians summoned. On examination it was found that her right leg had been broken at the knee and she was otherwise bruised and scratched. Mrs. Krueger was removed to the Springfield hospital, where the fracture was reduced.
Illinois State Register - December 1, 1899

   Mrs. Mary Krueger, who resides at Lawrence Avenue and Spring Street, met with an accident yesterday evening which may result seriously, owing to her advanced age of 70 years. Mrs. Krueger was leading a cow from a pasture in the vicinity of her home, and the rope with which she was leading it became entangled about her feet and she was thrown to the ground. The fall of Mrs. Krueger frightened the animal, and it ran for some distance, dragging her. Persons who saw the accident ran to her assistance, and she was removed to her home and physicians summoned. On examination it was found that her right leg had been broken at the knee and she was otherwise bruised and scratched. Mrs. Krueger was removed to the Springfield hospital, where the fracture was reduced.
Illinois State Register - December 1, 1899

Last evening at 6:30 o’clock, while intoxicated, a man giving his name as William Thompson drove a horse on the Chicago & Alton bridge at Third Street and Capitol Avenue. The animal fell between the ties and it was some time before he could be released by the large force of men who were soon at work. Thompson jumped from the buggy at once and ran, but was captured shortly afterwards by Officer Hesse, at Fourth and Washington Streets, and take police station, where he gave bond for his appearance.

Yesterday afternoon about 4 o’clock Thompson went to the livery barn conducted by Charles Gehlman, on North Seventh Street, and rented a horse and buggy. Here he gave his name as Woods, which no doubt is his right name. He was given a good horse, and in about two hours the message was received at the stable that the horse had been driven on the bridge and had fallen between the ties. One of the employees of the barn went at once to where the horse was fastened in the bridge, and, assisted by several police officers, succeeded in releasing the animal after two hours’ hard work.

Large boards were secured and as one of the horse’s legs was taken from between the ties it was placed beneath his feet. After all four feet had been released in this manner the animal was thrown and his feet tied and he was pulled to the other side. The horse is a valuable animal and received a number of severe cuts. The leaders of his legs were strained and it is probable that the horse is ruined.

Thompson, or Woods, as his name may be, after securing the horse, it is said, drove to several saloons about the city and drank heavily. It is thought that he was much under the influence of liquor and, not knowing the city, drove down the track.

The horse walked on the ties until he reached the center of the bridge, when he lost his footing and fell. As soon as the driver realized where he was and what he had done, he jumped from the buggy and ran away. One of the men employed in the barn and Officer Hesse began to search for Woods and he was finally located.

When taken to the station he could not tell how or why he had driven the horse over the bridge. The case against Woods will be vigorously prosecuted by Mr. Gehlman. A north-bound freight train on the road was delayed for some time until the animal could be freed. It is a fast coal train which usually goes through Springfield very fast, and had it not been stopped, the engine no doubt would have been derailed and thrown from the bridge into the street twelve feet below.Illinois State Register - December 25, 1899

Thought For The Day
 After climbing a great hill, one only finds
that there are many more hills to climb.
--Nelson Mandela

The grass is green, the flowers are blooming, the wasps are making nests everywhere.  The flies are getting in the house.  The evenings are getting longer.  The air has a smell of spring.  The allergies are acting up.  In the evening you can smell people grilling.  The wild animals are screaming in the woods ..... must be boyfriend/girlfriend time.  Traffic has picked up because people are out doing things.  Snowbirds are coming back from the deep south.  Kids are playing in the yards and on the playgrounds. 

Is it time to get a suntan?  Will the birds build a nest in my door wreath as they try to do each year.  Time to buy the blocks to build a small patio for my yard table.

It's a fun time.  Winter is put to bed for another time down the road.  Enjoy the weather of this new season.

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All content of blog posts is protected under copyright laws.

Hope to see you again.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring or Summer

The calendar says spring!

We have gotten so used to the hot days of summer in March, now that it dropped down to 48 degrees this morning in Greenviewland, and only forecasted for 61 degrees, how will we be able to tolerate this cold weather ..... ha ha ha.  Keeping in mind that even at 61 degrees it's warmer than it usually is at this time of any other year gone past.

But now that it's cooler temps, we might have to start the day with a jacket, layer our clothes and do a strip tease out among the ranks as the day warms.  First strip off the jacket, then the first layer of a sweatshirt maybe, then down to the shirt.  At 61 that's still cool so maybe a long sleeve shirt will be the day's attire.

Just keep in mind that in a couple of months, when the temps are at about 85 degrees with the humidity at about 95%, we'll be wishing we were back at a high of 61 for the day.  The heat is coming......the sweating is coming and you will probably wish you could do a complete strip tease ..... down to your birthday suit.  Get out you sun bonnet, your sunscreen and your shorts and bikini tops folks because when you mow your grass you will need them. 

So enjoy this cool-warm day.  And especially with the sun shining.  It's not supposed to do that enjoy your day!!

Did you know this about Illinois history?

1.   1673 -- French explorers Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet descend the Mississippi river to the Arkansas river and return to Wisconsin via the Illinois River - the first Europeans to reach the Illinois country.

2.   1675 -- Marquette founds a mission at the Great Village of the Illinois near Utica (by Starved Rock).  In 1680 the Iroquois Indians destroy the Great Village of the Illinois.

3.   1680 -- French traders, Rene Robert Cavelier and Sieur de La Salle and Henry de Tonty build Fort Crevecoeur on the Illinois River near Peoria and in 1682 Tonty and La Salle build Ft. St. Louis across from the Great Village of Illinois site.

4.   1717 -- Illinois becomes a part of the French colony of Louisiana.

5.   1763 --  French and Indian Wars (Seven Year) end; Illinois country is ceded to Britain by the Treaty of Paris.

6.   1783 -- The Treaty of Paris extends the boundaries of the United States to include Illinois country.

7.   1784 -- Virginia relinquishes its claim to Illinois.

8.   1787 -- Northwest Ordinance places Illinois in the Northwest Territory.

9.   1800 -- Congress creates the Indiana Territory, which includes Illinois.

10.  1803 -- Kaskaskia Indians cede nearly all of their Illinois lands to the United States.

11.  1809 -- Congress organizes the Illinois Territory, with Kaskaskia as the capital. with Ninian Edwards the governor.

12.  1811 -- The first coal mine in Illinois was opened in Jackson County.  New Madrid, Missouri earthquake, the largest in United States history, damages Southern Illinois and recurs in 1812.

13.  1814 -- Kickapoo Indians move wet of the Mississippi, relinquishing most claims to Illinois lands.

14.  1820 -- Vandalia becomes the State Capitol.

15.  1830 -- The first state prison is built in Alton.  Abraham Lincoln moves from Indiana to Illinois.

16.  1839 -- Springfield becomes the State Capitol.

17.  1850 -- The population of the state is 851,470.

18.   1853 -- The first state fair is held in Springfield.

19.  1860 --  Luxury Steamer, The Lady Elgin, sinks in Lake Michigan, killing nearly three hundred passengers.

20.  1871 -- Chicago Fire destroys eighteen thousand downtown buildings with loses estimated at near $200 million.

It's kind of fun to learn a few things about our great state.  We will once again visit the history of Illinois and fill in a few gaps in time.

Thought For The Day
The greatest lesson in life is to know
that even fools are right sometimes.
--Winston Churchill

Funny typos can really be hilarious.  I remember seeing one picture which said "English is our language, learn it, no excetions".  They misspelled the exceptions.  LOL

Then, I saw a sign one time which said "No Newpeppers today".

Sometimes I think the reason for the typos might be ignorance of English grammar, or really poor spelling abilities.  Of course, there is also just plain old typing the following story which  supposedly happened at one of my former places of insurance company:

     "An insured person had an unfortunate need to have his testicles removed.  The clerk in the medical claim department had talked to the insured person after the surgery and assured him the bills would be paid.  Then a letter went out which stated "please send in your balls and we will pay your claim".  The horrified claimant immediately wrote back that he didn't have his balls.....the hospital must have kept them."

This was definitely a case where proofreading might have caught the typing should have been send in your bills, not balls. 

Just want to let you know that if you find funny or funky typos in my stories, it's one of two things.....I did it purposely to see if you are awake or it's my fingers doing dancing exercises on the keyboard early in the morning.....could be never know.

Thank you for coming to my blog.
(all info in the blog posts are under copyright laws)

Hope to see you soon.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Time I Got Caught

Did you have a "I'm Caught" situation in your life?

I bet almost everyone of us has an "I'm caught" situation in their lifetime.  I don't mean caught and put in jail....I mean any situation where a teacher, parent, boss, etc caught you doing something you shouldn't have been doing!  I know I have some....and probably a lot if I just thought about it for a while.

Here's a couple that I can remember.  When I was teen someone bought a bunch of us girls a bottle (5th) of sloe gin (we gave the money for it).  We took that big old bottle to the country and started swigging on it....and continued until that was all gone.  Then I remember waking up in a ditch throwing up.  The next thing I remember (I wasn't driving thank goodness) is taking a really long time climbing the outside cement steps to get in the house.  I was probably trying to be really quiet when I opened the  front door....but I guess I wasn't because as I was trying to climb the staircase to my room (about 20 steps) I hear a voice behind was my dad.  I was not only in trouble but I was grounded for a long time and my car was grounded too ... for about 3 months.  YIKES....that was difficult.

Another time was when I drank green beer on St. Patrick's Day and tried to say I didn't.  There was green food coloring on my tongue and even on the front of my shirt.  Dang that green beer will get you every time!

I'm sure there were others which I better not even discuss......I'm claiming the 5th (and sure not a 5th of sloe gin either....can't drink the stuff to this day)!!

My History Mind Is Tired Today....It's taking
A Rest....Later....

 Let's Just Say Happy St. Patrick's Day.....Have A Great Irish Day....I'm part Irish on My Grammies Side.  She was a McDaniels and a fine Irish Lass. 

May you day be filled with Green Beer and Corned Beef or Fish if you want.  I know what I'm going to have......all of the above.

Take care
We are on vacation next week

So see you in a few short days!!

Time for an Irish rest!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Prairie Woman Here

Is It Prairie Living or Prairie Existing?

Think about all of the "stuff" our prairie living ancestors had to go through.  Those women were strong.....with all the work they did, they probably had a bit of body odor too.....remember they had no deodorant and good smelling body wash back then like we do these days.  Maybe a bit of juniper berry splash-on after their weekly (shudder) bath.  Of course these women took their baths last and in the same bath water, after the kids and the hubby.  How horrible is that!?!?

But wow could those Prairie women cook and clean and even work in the fields.  And it was expected.  I think most men of those days were pretty adamant that the wives help on the homestead, including out in the fields.  Hmmmmm...I know that would not work at my house in the current day.  I wasn't put on this earth to go out and get my dainty lady fingers all dirty and banged up with farm work.  I wasn't even put on this earth to be a good I guess I just wouldn't have fit in the life of a prairie woman back in the days of old. 

When I think of all of the heavy work my ancestor Prairie women did, I commend them.  They were a bunch of women who protected not only their household but also their family.  But was all of the hard work and tedious tasks really living or was it existing?  I think it was existing.......existing is different than living.  But what do I know....I live in the lap of luxury compared to my women ancestors.  Thank Goodness.

Ya Gotta Remember These Things

1957 Chevy

1967 Pontiac GTO    

Wringer Wash Machine

A Coke and a Hot Day and the Ads they brought.

And you can go here to get a whole lot more memories:

Thought For The Day

A good reputation is more valuable than money.
--Publilius Syrus

What is cold cream you might ask?  I still use it but I wonder how many other women do???  Anything to help clean and soften this old shoe leather skin that old people get.  Good old Ponds Cold Cream is still cheap and is still a good product.

I like it because you can use it to clean your face.  Then you can put it on to soften your face and you can even use it on your callused feet and hands and rough elbows.  And if you want to remove scaly skin you can mix it with oatmeal and then wash it off.....the scale comes off and softer skin remains.  And I've never had it remove any part of my skin or body that I didn't want it to remove.  LOL

I don't know if cold cream has other uses like Hemorrhoid Cream does, but I bet it does.  After all who would have ever thought you could use Hemorrhoid Cream for bags under the eyes (use carefully though so it doesn't get in your eyes) or that  Hemorrhoid Cream could be used to shrink a cold sore and pimples.  And..... some people use Hemorrhoid Cream to shrink their wrinkles.  So if this cream can be used for other things, I imagine the delicate ingredients of Cold Cream could likewise be used for something.  Guess I need to experiment.  Who would have ever guessed that Vick's vapor rub works better on Hemorrhoids than Preparation H!!!

Got to go experiment.....hope I don't disappear.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Knock Knock Mr. Boogeyman

I Remembering Seeing Old Man Boogeyman.

Once upon a time, I saw the Boogeyman.  I really did...but I know you don't believe me because you think he is a myth.  He isn't...believe me.  This monster lurked in the furnace vent in my room when I was growing up.  And I saw him though the grate on the furnace vent.

Old Boogey himself was a strange fellow.  He spent hours trying to get the face of the furnace vent off, but I made sure those screws were tight every night when I went to bed.  I had my own personal black handled screwdriver which exactly fit the heads of those screws holding that monster in the vent. 

Late at night I would hear him pacing up and down the vents in the house, but I fooled him because about twice a week I went to every vent in the house and made sure the screws were absolutely tight as they could be.  He just couldn't get out...but I still could hear him wondering around.  And, wow, when the furnace blower kicked on he really got wild trying to get out of those vents.  I could hear his feet pounding those vents....wanting out.  But I had him contained. HA HA HA Mr. Boogeyman.

When I grew up I knew I had to tell my kids that they had to make sure the screws were always tight in the furnace vents or the Boogeyman would get them.  I think they did that because every morning the kids were still in their beds.....even though there were some mornings, and after a whole lot of bad kid hours, I kind of wished the Boogeyman would have gotten the screws loose and had taken them to Boogeyland before early morning's light. 

I wonder if my kids ever told their kids to make sure the furnace vent screws were tight?   Maybe they did as their kids are still around and didn't land up in Boogeyland.  Unless the Boogeyman found out the kids were so bad, he brought them back in a short time.

I guess the moral of this story is.  Ya better believe in the Boogeyman because he really is.  And you know as people get older they sometimes start acting like your Boogeyman is probably still hanging around in the furnace vents.  Better keep those screws tight!  I mean it. 

Vintage Photos

Postcard Photo of The Pabst Blue Ribbon Casino which was at the
Chicago's 1933 World Fair....Century Of Progress Fair

A 1943 Pabst Blue Ribbon Sign in Chicago,
over the rail yards where the Millennium Park is now.
Even though Pabst claims to be a Wisconsin Company, it got a big boost from Chicago. Pabst had it's presence in Chicago since 1854.   At one time the Pabst brewery in Chicago was the third largest brewery in Chicago and 10% of Pabst business was in Chicago.  There was a hostile take-over and it's currently a holding company for about a dozen brands of beer.  In May 2011, it was announced that Pabst headquarters would be moved from the Chicago area to Los Angeles.

Chicago's 1933 World Fair/Century of Progress International Exposition.  This is the Travel and Transport Building.  For 1933 this was a very modern building.

1865 Restoring the dome at the Federal Capitol Building in
Wasington, DC

1948 Wall Drug...Wall, South Dakota

Thought For The Day
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
--Unknown Author

I was thinking (I know that's amazing for me to be thinking).  But.....Canada has some good things surrounding it.  It has beautiful scenery and nature abounds.  It has national health (but with taxes of course).  It has clean air.  It has lots of wide open space.  Most are English speaking.  They have lots of maple syrup.  These are all good things.

Considering that Canada has lots of positives even though it's cold as heck in the winter, we need more American citizens to spread the federal debt.  In view of this I think we should all push to annex Canada as our 51st state.  If we would annex Canada, we could then have their health care even though when I looked at it closely, it has some big drawbacks....but at least it's something free for  taxes.....we only get federal debt with our taxes or more taxes.  We would also get a nice number of warm bodies over which could spread our huge federal debt....that's called sharing!!!    And, think of the scenery we could all go see.....with no passport involved.  Annexation could be called the American Canadian Resident Snatch.....and it would then be our 51st state.....growing and spreading our wealth (????) around.  Write your legislator....push for Canada annexation.  Better now than a hostile takeover of the USA later on.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Time Will Tell

New Time Change Has Messed With Me.

I don't know about the rest of you, but this recent time change has me flustered and I really feel out of sorts.  I've gone through a lifetime of time changes from springing forward to falling backward and none really bothered me until I got to this  recent one.

I'm sleepy at the wrong time.  I'm not hungry when dinner time comes.  I wake up at the wrong time since what was my old time to wake up, is now an hour off..  I can't see my feet going down the dark staircase in the morning since it's darker when I get up.  I feel like I have jet lag and I've not gone anywhere.  My mood has even changed.....geeze.  And to top it off.....I didn't know the official clock changer of the family didn't change the clock in my car so yep I was late getting that even messed me up further.

I guess my internal clock is a strong one.....and it always has been really good at getting me up and at 'em at the right time....but not these days.  The old chronobiological system has been messed with and needs to somehow come around to adjusting to something different.  I don't know how to adjust so I'm hoping that my body will eventually get used to it and adjust on it's own. 

But I must say that I do like the additional "light" during  the evening time hours....and the unusual warm air too.  It's a real treat.  So now I'm telling my old body to get used to it chick, because it ain't going to change until November 4, 2012.  So take a chill pill and cool your chronobiological systems and like it! Ok ok.

Old Time Things From My Memory

I remember the centennial .... 100 year Greenview celebration .... in 1957.  A late day storm came up and my sister rushed us into the old Legion building.  We were standing in the front window looking out when a huge bolt of lightening struck the tree by where the ponies were. Unfortunately a young man  by the name of Neil Dorgan was standing there and the lightening hit him also.   I also remember during the centennial that my dad didn't grow a beard for the occasion and onthe first day of the celebration was confined in the corn crib jail....he started a beard that day.

I remember one day I was in the pasture with my dad helping him feed the cattle.  One old steer, who was a contentious old thing, decided he didn't like me and started after me......then the whole herd started following him and I was running for my life.  Just as I could feel the breath of that mean old steer on my backside, I was climbing up the wooden gate.  Whew....made it.

I remember my pet pig whom I'd had for a long time.  My dad decided it was time to take her to market.  I cried the whole trip to St. Louis, looking out the back window of the truck at my lovely pet pig.  I got to go watch our pen of pigs sell.  Then we went to the office and I got my own check for $50.00.  I immediately got happy but I still missed my pet pig.

After the Linda theater shut down, the businessmen in town paid for movies to be shown in the park on a big screen of some sort hanging from the old pavilion.  Everyone brought their blankets and drinks and popcorn and had a good old time.

When I was young, we used to go to Middletown at the Junior High to watch their fireworks show on July 4th.  Their fireworks were spectacular.  In the 1980's Greenview had some of the best fireworks shows in the nation.  Our firemen were so good they were traveling places to put on shows.  They practiced during the year out in the country so we were able to see those practice shows too.  There was a guy who worked for a fireworks operation who I think lived west of town and I think he had something to do with our firemen putting on shows elsewhere.

I remember when there was 4 grocery stores, a Catholic church, a drug store, a laundromat, three different cafes, a pool hall, buying cream from the Waggoners, making butter at Grammies,  cranking the phone to get the operator,  buying penny candy, eating a big ice cream cone and looking for a free cone paper in the bottom, getting a cold icy root beer, getting an A & W root beer in a icy mug, sliding down the grade school spiral fire escape, playing in the rain, leaving our doors unlocked, getting milk from the milkman, having our dry cleaning picked up at our house, having a Fuller Brush vendor man, having a Watkins man.

The days of old are fun to remember.  We will never be able to go back in time, but memories will be with us until the day we die.  Never let us forget that the town supported us when we were growing up.  There is always a helping hand or a huge concern during a loss of life and during other life problems.  Small towns may not have everything that residents have, but it can be satisfying to be part of small town America.

Thought For The Day
It has been my experience that folks,
who have no vices have very few virtues.
--Abraham Lincoln

A favorite poem written by Linda Ann Nickerson:

On the road, I watch my gauge;
Lately, this incites my rage.
Petrol pricing makes me balk.
Maybe I would rather walk!
Still, my dial points to "E,"
As some sheik delights in glee.
Where's the nation's G-N-P?
We're exhausted! Can't you see?

Makes my hemoglobin jump.
As the numbers whirl on by,
My misgivings multiply.
Loading up the four-wheel drive
Sends my funds on a sky dive.
Filling up the minivan
Could feed half Afghanistan.
Still, my dial points to "E,"
As some sheik delights in glee.
Where's the nation's G-N-P?
We're exhausted! Can't you see?
Just to drop the kids at school
Costs an arm and leg in fuel.
Running errands, right in town,
Financing a royal's crown.
Every holiday, the same,
Pricing jumps, just like a game.
Will it ever drop again?
Where's the dollar and the yen?
Still, my dial points to "E,"
As some sheik delights in glee.
Where's the nation's G-N-P?
We're exhausted! Can't you see?
Nations go to war for less;
Pardon me, for I digress.
Conflicts aren't about the oil;
To the victor goes the spoil.
Still, my dial points to "E,"
As some sheik delights in glee.
Where's the nation's G-N-P?
We're exhausted! Can't you see?
Oil barons, heed the call!
Can't you hear us caterwaul?
Will you ratchet up the price?
C'mon, bigwigs! Just play nice!

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Chicken or the Egg .... Is there a first?

Chicken or the egg... which was 1st...tell me!!

The question of which came first the chicken or the egg has haunted people for a long time.  Some say the egg had to be first since the chicken comes from an egg.  But then others argue, then how the heck did an egg get here if there was no chicken to lay the darn egg.  I personally think there must have been an egg and a chicken put on this earth in the first days of life on this planet. 

Of course then it gets me to wondering .....  if that's the case, did us humans hatch from that darn egg which was here first....and that's the reason humans are here on we really have chickens in our ancestory?  Sometimes I feel like strutting my stuff although I've really never felt like I wanted to crow in the morning when the sun comes up.  I've never gone out in the morning and let out a loud  "cock a doodle doo" at the first sight of the morning light, but of course I'm not a rooster either (I don't think I am).....and I'm not a member of the male sex so I couldn't be a rooster. 

While on this subject, it gets me wondering what the heck does "cock a doodle doo" mean?  I know that doodle means to waste time.  Now comes the "doo" part.  What is a doo?  I looked it up in Websters and it says it's an endearment.  Let me tell you I've never said "doo" as an endearment to anyone as I know that if you add another to doo you get doo doo and that's poop by all meanings in the baby talk world.  After my careful research we now know that part of "cock a doodle doo" means a time wasting endearment. 

Now comes the "cock a" part.  We know that a cock is a male chicken.  And we all know that "a" is the first letter of the alphabet and is a preposition.  So, this leads me to think that the old rooster has his grammar mixed up and the old rooster crow should really be
"a cock doodle doo".  This would then mean that "cock a doodle doo" means a chicken wasting time on endearments in my world of interpretations.  And, yes, when you hear that stupid rooster so early in the morning when you're wanting to sleep, that chicken is really wasting time doing his thing.

I'm glad we got all of that settled.  The egg came first, and us humans crawled out.....we now are related to the chicken and wow I'm glad I have evolved to a human without feathers as I'm allergic to them.  And...... I'm also glad I don't have to get up early with the sun to crow about the morning's a time waster!

Continuing History Greenview Christian Church
This is from the Greenview's 125th Yr. Book.  Please refer to the previous post on the beginning of this history.

"this marks the turning point in the story of Greenview Christian.  The congregation had its own place of worship.  Charles Smoot was called as the first minister of the reorganized congregation.

As the congregation approached it's fiftieth anniversary in 1919, the building was in need of repairs; and so in 1922, the building was raised and a basement constructed beneath.

In May 1950, a building committee was directed to formulate plans for a new entrance to the church building.

July 1952, the church Board voted to purchase new pews for installation in the remodeled auditorium.  May 3, 1953, a service was held to dedicate the newly remodeled house of worship.

Missionaary meetings and family nights were inaugurated in 1938, meeting the second Wednesday evening of each month.  In 1956, the congregation undertook the support of a living-link missionary.  The church has continued their mission emphasis to the present day, with a monthly budget of approximately $1,000.00.

Easter Sunday, April 14, 1963, the ground breaking services were held and construction began shortly thereafter on a much needed addition to the church.  This was the Educational Building that was dedicated on Rally Day October 6, 1963.  An all-time attendance record was set that Sunday when 256 were in Bible School.

Over the years, the number of young people increased.  Seeing the need, the Church Board hired a Youth Minister in January 1969.  1969 was the centennial year for Greenview Christian.  Special services were held to observe the event.  Richard Robinson was minister and a printed history was made. 

Greenview Christian has close ties with the Christian Nursing Home.  Leo Claypool served on its Board for 10 years from the time of its inception until 1974.  John Sachtleben is now the member from Greenview Christian on the Board.

Four young men of the church had been ordained as ministers of the gospel....Charles Galloway, Charles Edward Johnson, John Naun and Robert Streight.

Construction of the new parsonage was started in the fall of 1976 and was dedicated in the spring of 1977.  The membership now stands at approximately 345.  Over $17,000.00 has been Faith-Promised to world missions for 1982. 

Through the years Greenview Christian Church has sought to continue  "steadfastly in the apostles doctrine", in fellowship, in the breaking of the bread.  Acts 2:42"

This concludes the history contained in the referenced book.  There are other Greenview books which might contain additional information.  At some point in time, perhaps we can again visit the history of this fine Church.

Thought For The Day
Even if we can't be happy,
we must always be cheerful.
--Irving Kristol

I swear every time I go somewhere I about get hit by a girl driving a car, with a cell phone plastered to her ear, and driving about 15 miles an hour over the speed limit.....and of course not paying attention.  And I bet she probably doesn't have insurance and has probably talked to that same person 15 times that day.

I personally don't talk while driving and it's my opinion that no one should unless it's a true emergency and maybe you're on a 911 call. 

I don't want to sound like an old fuddy duddy but these people who have just about hit me turning corners on a red light (person started through when it was yellow and turned red before they left the white line) have been young persons who in the insurance world are known to be horrible the insurance world, it's not "if they have a wreck", it's "when they have a wreck".

In one case where a person about hit me, I followed them and they still were talking through a school zone and then a construction zone.  What will it take....for them to kill someone????  Parents take the cell phones away!!  Now!  Just being an old fuddy duddy again!

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Who is better....Superman or Batman

The super heroes .... which is best?

If you had to pick one super hero over another which would be your choice?  When it comes to Superman or Batman I don't think it really is hard to choose.  My choice would definitely be Superman.  He is not only more handsome, but his super abilities seem to be more prevalent.

Batman's powers are rather fake in my estimation....with his bat rings and his ever changing bat costume and his Batcar....his Batcar might have super powers but I have yet to see Batman flying through the sky to rescue some poor innocent victim.  Of course Batman's real person Bruce Wayne's intentions are good....he wants to fight criminals.  And if I remember right this started when as a child he witnessed his parents being murdered and he vowed right then to fight all criminals.  And he and Robin did fight crime but it looked so fake.   It was the characters which turned me off....the Joker....that villain was so unbelievable and fake I had to turn off the station when Batman came on.  How could I forget Catwoman,  Catman, Bane, Scarecrow, Riddler, Red Hood, The Penguin, Mr. Freeze, and on and on.  All of them totally weird and in my opinion rather super stupid super villains. 

Now addressing Superman, he was a real man who just happened to be from Krypton who was as a baby, sent in a rocket ship to Earth right before his mother planet Krypton was destroyed.  In my eyes he had superpowers!  He could do spectacular things like fly through the air to race to help the victims of crime.  He could lift cars, hold up walls of buildings, and fought criminals with his bare hands (with super powers of course). 

But what I liked best was that Superman could go back to being Clark Kent and spent time with humans and experienced the real world.  He even married Lois Lane in later years so that was a sign of a real superhero.  Superman was honest, brave, kind hearted, smart, willing to hold a job, and he loved his adopted Earth planet and wanted to make sure all was well in the world.  My hero.

Your choice among the two might be different.  Some people like bats which can't fly, over a flying super each his own.  I'll take the flying Superman any old day.

Old Springfield
(you can click on pictures to get an enlarged view)

1955 photo of WT Grant dime store, 225 S. 5th
closed in 1965.

Strong and Warner Millinery co., 208 S. 6th.  From 1841 to 1843 Abe Lincoln and
 Stephen Logan had a law office on the 3rd floor. 


Strand Theater downtown Springfield 100 South 6th Street
1921-  closed 1967
Demolished .... where Chase Bank is now (Marine Bank/Bank One site)

Postcard photo of Moonlight Gardens
Wabash and Chatham Road where Shop n Save is now.


Train ad from late 1800's

Thought For The Day
Dare to be yourself!
--Andre Gide

If a celebrity was driving down the road in our area and was speeding, do you suppose a speeding ticket would be issued if a policeman caught the person in the act?

Let's say the person was truly recognizable as a celebrity or a politician.  Let's use the federal senator Dick D. as the person speeding down the road.  Ticket or no Ticket in the county??

I say yes there would be a ticket if the policeman was one of about three cops.  In listening to a police scanner you begin to know who you want to avoid and who might let you slide by.  There are a couple of local yokels who would write a ticket for any infraction even if it was the cop's mother.  Then there are others who will let you slide.

It's kind of funny to listen....sometimes it's like a SWAT team being activated.  The field of cops go into action like they were in a comic book....makes me think of the old TV show Police Squad.....police spoof personified!

Oh well, if old Dick D. was speeding he deserves a ticket.....if it's me, I sure don't want a ticket so I guess I will set my cruise as I go down the highway in this area.  The judge might throw the book at me....especially if they happen to read this article.

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