All of the above plus much more last week on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The long drive to the Mississippi coast was well worth it. We didn't drive one of our classic cars down there due to the high cost of gas.....those old hot cars are hard on gas!
We pulled in early in the week to the coast after a 15 hour drive, and didn't see many cars and hardly any action going on at all. We were disappointed that first day because we couldn't see all of the cars we expected and thought maybe this was a bust. We thought we might just have to spend our time enjoying bowl after bowl of gumbo and hundreds of shrimp and oyster po' boys instead of seeing cars......but what was to come in a couple days time was unbelievable. By Tuesday, the motors were beginning to rumble and there was a fuel smell in the air along the coast road....because the 5,000 registered classics and hot rod cars were starting to burn fuel at a rate incalculable on the scale of fuel used.
By Wednesday the coast highway was a beautiful sight with shiny old cars rolling down the coast.....30 miles of beauty!! Camaros, Olds 442s, Chevelles, 39 Fords and Chevies, Hot Rods, Street Rods, Old Trucks, 1960's Corvettes, 1950's Pontiacs, Chevies, Oldsmobiles and Buicks .... there wasn't a model that wasn't represented. Each one beautiful in its glory of being a part of the longest cruise around....showing the people who lined both the beach and the opposite side of the highway that even though the car was old, it hadn't lost its appeal and beauty.
Tire burn outs were starting. Flame shooting contests were going on and the flames coming out of those old Fords were about twenty feet long. Bands were playing and 50's and 60's music was blaring loudly over the speakers. People with their lawn chairs were beginning to line the beach or sitting on the tailgates of their cars. There are pull-off spaces along the beach on Highway 90 and those were beginning to be full of visitor cars' pulled off hoping for a full day of viewing the best of the best rods and classic car cruisers. And the cruisers didn't disappoint us!!
We moved from area to area along the 30 mile stretch of beach, but tried to stay in the vicinity of the mall in Biloxi so that restrooms and food were available to us during our daily long time viewing of the cars. Each time we pulled in to a viewing area, there were super nice people next to us.....all of us with a love for beautiful cars. On Thursday, we met two really nice guys, Henry and Stan.....we told them where we were going to eat that night and they went too. What an enjoyable time we had. And, Henry had an interest in Abraham Lincoln so we had something in common along with a car interest. Hopefully they might become readers of this blog.
What started out to be a car event with less than 400 cars in 1996 is now a 5,000 car event. Bumper to bumper shiny metal, with dozens of coats of wax, beautiful wheels, beautiful paint jobs, some with flames and some with graphics. Rumbling down the Gulf Coast Highway 90 was the object of each cruiser.....hoping to get everyone to look at his/her special car. Some broke down.....unfortunately this happens and is really hard on the car owner to have to work on his special car during the event.
Believe me, the long drive was worth it and we will do it again and again.....because the coast is the place to be during this special car gulf coast cruise. This week we will shake out the beach sand, put cream on the sunburns, mow our home leaves which have fallen during our trip, put away the summer clothes we took with us, and eat more healthy and less food to boot. And, we will plan for next year......the car cruise is better and better each year....with more and more hot classic cars. Maybe we'll take one of our classic cars next year.....who knows.

A whole lot of cool cars!
A Couple of Abe Lincoln Things
Lincoln's funeral postcard
Example of Lincoln's Penmanship
In case you are interested in other Abraham Lincoln related blog posts in my blog, here are a few I've done:
Many of you might have cook outs to go to this fall and might need a really creative dish to take. If you like horseradish, this is the appetizer to take!
Cocktail Sausages in Hot Horseradish Cream
2 – 16 oz packages Li’l Smokies or other cocktail sausages
1 cup sour cream
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup sour cream
1 cup mayonnaise
2 T. prepared horseradish
Cook the sausages per the package directions and place in a chafing dish or slow cooker to stay warm. Heat the sour cream and mayonnaise together over medium-low heat or on low power in the microwave until the mixture begins to bubble around the edges. Don’t let it boil or the sour cream may separate. Remove from the heat and stir in two tablespoons of horseradish. Pour over the sausages and serve with toothpicks for spearing.
Thought For The Day
Imagination is more important
than knowledge.
--Albert Einstein
We had the occasion to stop at many gas stations this past week. Some were really clean and some were just so-so. At one I saw the biggest cockroach I've ever come eyeball to eyeball with. It wasn't one of those Madagascar hissing cockroaches they had on the Fear Factor show ..... it was an American bred southern grown huge cockroach!
I happened to be using the potty and looked over at the corner of the room.....there it was......eyeballing me with enormous eyes. I'm sitting there doing my job so it's hard to do anything but stare at this huge bug and hope the heck it doesn't come and bite me. From my viewpoint, it had jaws the size of a shark's jaws.....and was as long as the Bismarck battle ship. Of course it just appeared that big, but by northern region measurements, it was about 20 times as large as a cockroach grown in the Greenview area.
I sat there mesmerized and tried to finish my tinkle tinkle but I was frozen in time. It was the staring that got me. That bug wasn't going to give up....he wanted me! I think he saw nothing but "juicy woman" and wanted to take a big bite out of me.
Suddenly he started making his move towards me......YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never moved so fast in my life.......trying to pull up my capris and my underpants at the same time. I look down and I have sandles on my feet.....wondering if I can kill that cockroach without getting bit on the toes by those powerful mandibles. I've got to's me against him.....and I don't plan to let him win.
It's about 4 to 5 foot to the other side of the wall where he is kicking up his many legs, getting ready for the charge. I take three running steps and smash down on him. I lifted my foot and he's still staring at me......after a heavy footfall, that huge bug is still ready for action. Down comes the foot again. This time he sticks to my shoe so I know he's injured with wet stuff sticking to my shoe. I tried to scrape him off.....but he is really stuck on there. Then I had to take a paper towel to swipe him off the bottom of my shoe. He's still kicking his feet....he's mad but injured too badly to get me! Whew.
I walk to the toilet and drop him in and flushed quickly. Around and around he went and finally went down the hatch. I know I'm not setting on that toilet again for fear he would rebound and bite my hiney.
The moral of my story is when you go to the south, you need to be aware of huge things ...... cockroaches included. Things grow huge down there and if you're not used to those big bugs, take a can of Raid with you when you visit a restroom!
Thanks to my was fun to be away for a while, but I'm glad I'm back, writing this blog for you, my readers. This blog and its posts are protected under copyright laws and my not be used or reproduced. The rating indicator is at the bottom of this post.
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