I thought with this new type paint you could paint anytime .... including when it's damp out or raining. But no.....that wasn't the case with me yesterday.
Just tell me the truth.....when you see a sign that says "WET PAINT" do you get the feeling that you absolutely have to touch the paint just to make sure it's wet??? I know I do. It's the temptation that just burns all the way through me. I just have to do it. I guess my thoughts are ..... did the painters forget to take the signs down.....is it still wet......is it almost dry.......if it's wet, how long before the painters come to take down the signs????
Why the heck would I care about when the paint will be dry or even if it is dry? I just know I have to touch it. It's kind of like if someone tells me to "don't do this or that" I want to immediately do it!!! Is it the thrill of maybe getting caught touching the wet paint?? I personally think it may be the uncontrollable curiosity that we humans are born with. That uncontrollable curiosity sometimes makes us do stupid things. Like touching the wet paint to see if it's dry.
Today's paint is usually fast drying so I think most paint jobs would be dry or almost dry about 10 minutes after it's painted. But was it yesterday????? NO IT WASN'T!!! The paint was wet and it was oil paint....so I couldn't wash it off....it stuck to the napkin I found in my purse.....and then when I went to the restroom to try to wash it off, the soap and water just rolled off the sticky mess on my hand....and then my hand stuck to the paper towel.
I grabbed another paper towel and wrapped it around my hand. Maybe I could pretend that I cut my hand thus the reason for the paper towel bandage on my uncut but paint laden hand. This store didn't have anything I could buy to get it off. Since I had other errands to do, my next stop had to be a store where I could buy some type of paint remover. Goo Gone....yep that was something that wouldn't leave a bad stink, but would probably take it off. I head on down the street aiming for the store so I could find Goo Gone or something like that. I found it....I used it right in the store so I could maybe stay in the store and shop for other items on my errand list. All I could smell was Goo Gone as I walk around the store.
Then I get the bright idea to dig my hand lotion out of my purse and use it on my hands to cover the Goo Gone smell. There must have been something in the Goo Gone which turned the smell of my hand lotion to a rancid like state because my hands started smelling like a combination of rotten fish and burned rubber. All I could think of was to quickly find the restroom and wash those rotten smelling hands before someone goes by me and thinks I'm a fishmonger who's been out back burning tires.
I literally run to the restroom, leaving my cart right where it stood. At least I had the smarts to grab my purse......of course I had to wash the purse straps too to get the awful smell off the straps. After about ten times of washing my hands, at least I could stand the smell of me, myself and I. I couldn't wait until I got home though so I could pour half a bottle of vinegar over my hands.....my grammy's ultimate cure for curing stinky hands.
This little escapade of mine concerning touching the wet paint may have been the cure for my uncontrollable curiosity with the Wet Paint sign. I think that next time I will believe the sign....I probably could put my hand on the bible and swear that I won't do it again.....not forever and ever. Or will I???
Abraham Lincoln Timeline Continuation
On November 6, 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States. Since Abraham Lincoln was once a resident of this county and perhaps roamed the lands where Greenview exists, I feel it's important for all of us to celebrate the Presidential election of this man and to know as much about Abe as we can.
This is a continuation of the other Abe Lincoln timeline posts in my blog. If you missed the other posts about Abraham Lincoln, on the right side of this blog post is a section with the title "Labels". The posts relating to Abraham Lincoln can be called up and reviewed. After calling these up you might come to the end of the posts, but be sure to press "older posts" at the bottom of the blog to assure all of the posts have been reviewed. In the last timeline post, Abraham had just broken his engagement to Mary Todd.
1842 - Abraham doesn't seek re-election to the state legislature. In the summer he resumes his courtship of Mary Todd. In September he accepts a challenge to a dual to Democratic State Auditor James Shields over published letters making fun of Mr. Shields. The dual of swords is averted by an explanation of letters. On November 4, Abraham Lincoln marries Mary Todd.

1843 - Abe Lincoln is unsuccessful in his try for the Whig nomination for the U.S. Congress. On August 1, his first son Robert Todd Lincoln is born.
Robert's Death Certificate July 26, 1926
1844 - In May the Lincoln family moves into a house in Springfield bought for $1500. Abe campaigns for Henry Clay in the presidential election. In December he dissolves his law partnership and set up his own practice.

First known photograph 1846 ..........
1848 - On January 33 he gives a speech on the House floor against President Polk's war policy regarding Mexico. In June he attends the national Whig convention supporting General Zachary Taylor as the nominee for president.
1849 - On March 7 & 8th he makes an appeal in front of the U.S. Supreme Court regarding the Illinois statute of limitations but was unsuccessful. On March 31st he returned to Springfield and left politics to practice law. On May 22 he was granted U. S. patent number 6, 469 regarding buoying vessels over shoals (the only president to ever be granted a patent).
In the future we will once again visit the timeline of Abraham Lincoln. Thank you your interest in learning more about this former resident of our area.
With the holidays coming up, you might need lots of icing/frosting recipes. I used to love my grammy's white fluffy icing when I was a kid, so long ago I got the recipe from her and have been using it for years. It is wonderful on an angel food cake!!
Grammy's White Fluffy Icing
1 egg white
1 teaspoon vanilla
Pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon of salt
3/4 cup sugar
Mix ingredients with a mixer. Add 1/4 cup boiling water (to help cook the egg white) and mix until peaks form (while beating set the pan down in a pan of hot water to also help cook the egg white).
Thought For The Day
We turn not older with years,
but newer every day.
--Emily Dickinson
When I used to go to the post office in the city, I would often see the FBI most wanted posters hanging up on the wall. I don't see these a lot these days, but every once in a while I will see one of these FBI most wanted posters. I think it's more common to see these posters in rural post offices rather than the larger ones these days.
I remember seeing Osama Bin Ladin's poster a few years ago and thought what disgust I had for a person who didn't even live here but one who could order murders in our country...... he was the one who laid claim to our worse homeland disaster of our history, 9-11.
When it was common to see the posters I always wondered why these posters were on the walls.....did they want us to go out and find these criminals for the FBI??? Was I supposed to start packing a gun and go criminal hunting? Or, was I supposed to just look and perhaps one day find that the joker on the wall was the guy who just sold me my coffee at Starbucks?
Maybe it would have been better if the government/FBI would have issued stamps with the wanted person's picture on the stamp.....then the postal delivery persons could have delivered the mail and looked for the criminals at the same time. Time and money saver in my estimation.
I asked at a post office not long ago (not ours) why the FBI posters weren't on the walls .... I was told "we don't get them any more" .... "we only have so much wall space and we need to try to sell our mailing envelopes and boxes and stamps". Ah ha.....now I know why I haven't seen many most wanted FBI posters these days.
Of course it appears that not only will there not be FBI posters, before long there might not be walls to post them on any way because there might not be post offices in lots of places. The internet, online banking, facebook and twitter are doing away with the postal system.....I personally like to get mail.....even junk mail.....some of it is funny to read....while others junk mail doesn't even make it to the "To Be Opened File".
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