Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Marbold Home Made The List

Yes, it's official, the Marbold home made the list of the 10 most endangered sites by Illinois Landmarks.  Read about it in the State Journal Register article below.  The site has been purchased by the Historic Marbold Farmstead Association....but they need help to be able to achieve restoration.  Help if you can......give generously.....this is our community.....and the Marbold mansion has always been a part of our lives.


If a wicked witch would wave her wand over your head and spoke the words "you will only be able to speak the truth to your wife, your family, your boss and your friends, would you be worried??

Maybe not if you are a very honest person, but a lot of people, would not be able to live in this world being able to speak only the truth.  I really don't know how some people can go about life telling stories which are not the truth.  I know about 3 people who do this and I'm always catching them in these fabrications of the truth.  But this is their way of life......people know they lie like a rug and just ignore them.

Can you imagine not being able to call your boss and say "I'm sick today"??!!  About 3/4 of the work field has done this many times in their working life.  I have, I must admit.....not often but a few times when I really needed a day off.  And when my employees did this, I could tolerate this as long as it wasn't often and didn't consist of multiple days without the employee being able to produce a doctor's excuse.

When it comes to only being able to tell the truth to your spouse, some will really have a hard time.  Lots of persons don't want to tell the spouse that they stopped to have a beer, or the amount they spent on a new item, or if they flirted or even worse that they had an affair.  But if the wicked witch waved her wand and put the old truth curse on you, watch out......your spouse is going to hear the truth, and nothing but the truth......and it might get bad for some!!

So if you happen to see an ugly old witch, with a wart on her nose, and she is carrying a sign which says "Truth" and is carrying her wand, you better run for cover......if her wand waves over you, your mouth will only speak the truth and no lies forevermore.  Unless, that is,  you can find her and persuade her to "unwand" you.

From Then To Now......

What happened on this day in history??

1719.....Robinson Crusoe novel was published

1859.....Work began on Suez Canal in Egypt

1898.....United States declares war on Spain

1925.....General Paul von Hindenburg takes office as president of Germany

1938.....Seeing eye dog is used for the first time

1956.....Elvis Presley's Heartbreak Hotel goes number one on the charts

1962.....A U. S. Ranger spacecraft crash lands on the moon

1980.....President Jimmy Carter tells the American people about the hostage rescue disaster in Iran

2012.....You are reading this blog and making history....come back again and make history again!

Thanks for coming to my blog.