I swear the world goes round too fast. Is it possible for a person to be tranquil and calm when the New York minute is running at high speed even in my small town.
It seems just yesterday I was waiting to be age 21. That age came and went, so then I was waiting to be age 30 because it was a neat age. Age 29 came and I was traumatized and certainly not tranquil when I reached this age. I guess I felt I was on the threshold of being old. 30 was a bit easier to take than 29 but, I suddenly realized that I was no longer a young chick....I was bound for the old chick's chicken pen. The coup de grace as far as I was concerned at that tender age of 30.
Next came the wait for the "Jack Benny" age --an old 39 year old fart. Reaching that age was horrible....even worse than age 40.
The next couple of years saw 40, 50 and then 60 pass me by.
That old chick's chicken pen was getting full of years...all sitting along the wall like wallflowers. No tranquility surrounded any of these milestone ages, but a lot of anxiety sure did! Now I lay me down to sleep every night as an old person.....tranquil as h*ll mainly because I learned my lesson....age doesn't mean you're dead..... reaching those "high" ages brought me to discover that it really doesn't pay to be anxious about getting old.....we're all gonna get there....at the same pace. Of course some of my good friends are gonna get to the next age a bit faster than me (cough cough you know who you are), but I guess I will catch up....tranquil and not anxious at all at raising the age.
Tranquility is an old man's milk. I think Thomas Jefferson might have said this.....but, he ain't around so I have borrowed it to become my motto (but I changed it to an old woman's milk). He loved humor and so do I. Tranquil humor that is!
Old Stuff
(you can click on most photos to get an
enlarged view)
Sears House "Honor Built Crescent"....1920's from a catalog.
Five rooms and a bath at a $2,436 cost.
Postcard showing Sears Roebuck in
early 1900's, Chicago, IL. Was on 50 acres.
A "self built" Sears house which could be
ordered from a catalog 1927 at a price
of $2,025 or $35 monthly. 6 rooms and a bath.
Called the Gladstone model.

Both sides of a postcard from Sears, advertising the book "Ben Hur" at a price of $.48.
Quote For The Day
Every sweet has its sour;
every evil its good.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Over my many years I've lost friends....some died... some moved away....some I determined were really not my friends in the first place.....some got rotten spots like an old apple .....and some just went away .... Thank God!
At times the way we have to keep friends is like sucking marijuana through a blow pipe....they don't want to come up the way you want it to. Some want us to kiss their butts. And, some want to beat our butts. Some would really like to make us go away for good and some don't really give a crap about us....but they pretend they do. Money flows easily through one's hands and so do friends....here today and gone tomorrow.
Gaining and keeping good friends is like insanity in an insane world. But I have a test for this insanity......I look at the 4 persons I consider my best friends to see if they look and act insane....if they look ok and act ok, then it must be me so I have to change....and sometimes it means changing friends.
Sometimes those friends can turn on you like a rabid dog....kind of like that pit bull that your neighbor down two blocks has in his backyard pen. Specifically, the one he's been training to fight other pit bulls ....... or maybe he's training those dang pit bulls to chew people or his friends .... sometimes friends can act like they want to go for your throat just like a pit bull.
If someone turns on you, what do you do?? You fight back.....that's what you do!! It's my motto that you should never let anyone jump on you without retaliating....you should do everything you can to make that person miserable, if they started it. You should send them a bouquet of dead flowers, talk about them to everyone who will listen and then send them a box of candy but, eat the candy first and replace the pieces of candy with little sheep poop pellets. Love that tasty morsel.
The moral of this story is friends are hard to find but even harder to keep. You should know that if you land up in jail....a friend who says she/he is your good friend will always bail you out....but your BEST friend will be in that same jail cell saying wow that was a good time...glad we were together! See you around friend...maybe in that jail cell!
Thanks for coming to my blog.
(all rights reserved on blog and post content)
Hope to see you again soon!
A very timely piece on friendship! I love your conclusions and might see you at that jail cell...
Peelermac.....yesirree!! LOL
I think there is at least 1 Sears house still standing in Petersurg
Ken Dirks
I think we have some Sears homes in Greenview. Dr. Beard's house, the Parrish's house look like Sears homes to me. You can see every home Sears offered if you Google it. The one on the 4 corners past Harvey Shield's house also looks like one. (Middletown blacktop). I do not actually know if these are or not, but they do look like they could be.
Rick Setzer
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