Saturday, October 31, 2009
BOO! 10-31-09 ~~~~Waving at the Ghosts and Goblins
Friday, October 30, 2009
Freaky Friday Is Here My Friends 10-30-09

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday's Lesson ~~ October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Get Over The Hump Day, Wednesday, 10-28-09
**Bosses like to have meetings late Wednesday afternoons to announce changes. They introduce new procedures with a start date on the following Monday. This way the employee has two days to bitch at work and two days to "stew" at home.
**Once Wednesday gets here, and after the day is complete, there will be only two more days until the start of the weekend.
**Ash Wednesday is on a Wednesday.
**Stores send out new advertising supplements on Wednesday.
**The State Journal-Register always has good recipes on Wednesday.
**Gil's restaurant in Minier has a 1/2 Chicken Special for $6.10 (I don't like the potato salad nor the iced tea there).
**It must be a good day, as you are reading my newsblog....:>)
So.....have a good Wednesday. Wednesdays will come again. It's a sure thing....just like taxes and will come!
Daily Bread Menu
Wednesday: Hotdog on a bun, baked beans, cucumber and onion salad, diced pears, milk.
Middletown Presbyterian Church Brunch
The annual Middletown Presbyterian Church brunch is this Sunday, November 1 from 10 am to 1 pm. The all you can eat menu includes: bacon, ham, sausage, Belgian waffles, breakfast pizza, scrambled aggs, sausage gravy and biscuits, fried potatoes, ham & beans and cornbread, desserts, coffeecakes, fresh fruit, and drinks.
Dinner With The Shephard Supper At Baptist Church.
Everyone is welcome to go to the Greenview Baptist Church free supper, tonight, starting at 5:45 to 6:30 in the church fellowship hall. And a prayer meeting to follow from 7-8 pm. Reservations for the supper would be appreciated but not necessary.... call 968-7083. Free Supper but donations will be accepted. The menu for tonight is: Chili, cornbread, salad, beverage and dessert.
Recipe From Old Menard County Resident
This recipe is from our family and is one I use all the time. It's pleasing to the taste!! And, makes huge amounts, so this is a good recipe to take to a function where lots of people will be there.
French Cookies
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup shortening (I use Light Parkey margarine)
1 cup very hot water
1 tsp baking soda....add to hot water
2 eggs
3 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 cup Raisins (boil raisins in a couple cups of water then drain and use some of the water for the 1 cup of hot water)
1/2 cup chopped nuts
Cream the both sugars with the shortening. Stir in the cinnamon and eggs then alternately add the flour, baking powder, and hot water. Add raisins and nuts last. Grease a jelly roll pan or fairly large cookie sheet with at least a 1 inch side. Bake 350 and check with a toothpick after about 10 doesn't take long to bake. Make a glaze with powdered sugar and milk and put on the cake while the cake is warm.
Smile and the whole world smiles with you!
Later, my friends......
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday....October 27, 2009...Weekend's Coming

Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday Morning ~~ October 26, 2009

Get Your Halloween Costumes and soon will be here. The Greenview Christian Church Halloween Maze will be open on Saturday October 31 from 6 - 8:30 pm. Games, treats, food and, dads, older siblings are also invited to watch. Pictures are available.
Greenview Daily Bread Menu.
The menu for Monday and Tuesday:
Monday: Baked ham, sweet potatoes, California blend vegetables, pineapple slices, wheat bread, cookie and milk.
Tuesday: Baked fish fillet, baked fries, succotash, applesauce, wheat bread, milk.
Athens Library.
The Athens library recycles inkjet cartridges. Storytime for toddlers every Thursday morning at 10 am. If you haven't visited the library, take time to visit. Greenview residents are subject to a yearly fee to check out books. In the month of November, the special collections room display case will feature a variety of items orginally belonging to deceased Greenview resident, Elvia Montgomery. Library Hours: Monday - Thursday 9am - 8pm. Friday Closed. Saturday 9am -12pm. Sunday 12pm - 4pm. Closed Veteran's Day, November 11.
Wash Your Hands For Health. Use plenty of soap and warm water. It doesn't have to be antibacterial soap. Wash between your fingers and while washing your hands, sing the Happy Birthday song all the way through, then thoroughly rinse with lots of warm water and use a clean towel or a throwaway paper towel. Good hand washing habits might prevent a horrible flu germ/virus from attaching itself to you or a member of your family.
Today is Hillary Clinton's Birthday (born 1947)
Today is Pat Sajak's Birthday (born 1947)
Today is Jaclyn Smith's Birthday (born 1947)
Today was Mahalia Jackson's Birthday (born 1911)
A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.
~~~~Elbert Hubbard
Until we meet again, be healthly, get wealthly and be wise!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sabbath Sunday ~~~ October 25, 2009
Say a prayer for all of the nation's troops, fighting for the liberty and peace of the world and our right to remain free. Sometimes our soldiers are only protected by the power of prayer, thus it is important to say a short prayer of protection each day. Our soldiers are important people and we must not forget them.
It doesn't matter if we are young, old, man, woman, white, black, republican or democrat, We Are The People Of The USA. God Bless America.

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Top of the Morning To You. Sat. 10-24-09
Local Student Wins Medal At State Golf Finals
Middletown United Methodist Church Soup Supper.
Athens Classic Car Show Today.
Friday, October 23, 2009
It's Here~~TGIF~~~October 23, 2009
Time and clock watchers....never fear, as Saturday is almost here.

Have a good day!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thinking Thursday - 10-22-09
For some of you it might make you think of that first rifle you owned...the Ruger 10/22. An easy to handle and cheap to shoot rifle.
For some of you it might be recalling the words of Luke 10:22.
"All things were delivered to me of my Father..".
For some of you it might be your birthday.
For some of you, it might mean nothing except this day is the day before Friday.
This day, October 22, is the 295th day in 2009. There are 70 days left in 2009. Live this day as it might be your last. One never knows about tomorrow. Tomorrow is always a mystery.
The H1N1 Flu is dangerous. Especially for children and those with chronic health conditions. Be sure to get your H1N1 free shot as soon as it's available. I will post those dates as soon as I know.
Quote For The Day
Gray Hair is God's Graffiti
~~Bill Cosby
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
October 21, 2009 .... Wacky Wednesday
Did You Know??

Thought for the day
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday..Day 2 of the Week...10-20-09
Tuesdays are always good days. It gives meaning to the "I can't wait 'til the weekend". Only 3 more days after this day ends.
Hope your day goes well. Make lots of money, gets lot done or just have fun lazing around as I plan to do today.
Monday, October 19, 2009
WAKE up WAKE up = Monday's here! 10-19-09
Every 7 days begins another Monday. It will come around, you can count on that. These are some good things about a Monday.
a. Laundry usually was done on the weekend so your drawers are full of clean clothes.
b. You had 48 hours of R & R (rest and recuperation) just prior to Monday.
c. It's a good day to start a new project. If the new project fails then there is always a new Monday coming in a few days so you can start yet another new project. I think it's proven by someone (don't ask me who) that Monday is the best day to start things.....kind of like a "trigger day".
d. Like I spoke about in a post the other day, some Mondays are what I call fake holidays since the government moved most Federal holidays to Mondays to allow for 3 day weekends.
e. I always liked Mondays at work because I was renewed in spirit, had more energy and could face that awful deskful of icky stuff.
f. Many stores start sales on Mondays.
g. Monday night football for some (and for some wives, it's Monday night widow night as they don't see their husbands till the season is over).
Let the Monday's of the world come each week. Greenviewanites will be waiting and wondering what is around the corner for our little town.
American History was ok, but there was so much memorizing, just so we could pass the Constitution test during that class. We didn't have a Government class back then in Greenview, so everything was thrown into the American History required course. Jack Biggs was my instuctor and I liked him as he was new to teaching and was easy going. He sure made memorizing the presidents (in order mind you) easier as he told stories about each.
We all are a part of history in general. Most us are not famous people and our names won't be in highlights in the history book, but we are famous in our own legend.
The Athens Library has a Special Collections Room which houses wonderful information about Menard County families. Volunteers take care of all of this information, including the gathering, catagorizing and maintenance. My brother is the volunteer for Greenviewanites. It's surprising how little information can be resurrected for each family, so history buffs like my brother and me, constantly advocate documenting your family history and giving the Athens Library a copy to store. My brother is trying to get copies of each Greenview resident's funeral pamphlet to store in the annals of history. He takes extra copies you might have, or he will make copies of the pamphlet and return the original to you. Please email me if you have any funeral pamphlets or other documented information for any of your family. We would be glad to copy those and include the information in the Athens Library collection.
How Do You Say It?
I never know the proper way to say where a person's going. So I guess I'll just keep on saying what I say, whatever that is. This reminds me of an old 1940's song "Get Along Down Town". The words will just put a smile on your face.... I think of this song when I say "Going To Town". Here's the words.
A new brick school house was built in Greenview in 1870-71 at a cost of $10,000. High school courses were laid out so the high school began. Note: the current brick high school was built around 1949 with the elementary part being added many years later. A bond issue of $300,000 was voted on favorably in the 1948 election to buy land and build the new high school. On April 13, 1973, a referendum passed for an addition to the high school to be used for the elementary grades.
Some other school tidbits: Mr Wayne Dimmick resigned as Superintendent August 1, 1970 and Mr. C. R. Thayer accepted the position as Superintendent of Greenview Schools.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A Sabbath Day, October 18, 2009
Do you think that your time, your money, your attributes or your talents go unnoticed by God, or that they don't mean much? They mean many great things to God. Don't doubt that! Sundays are good days and I have many things I'm thankful for. Here's some things that I did as a kid or things I think about when I think about Sundays or about the church I grew up attending.
1. I had perfect attendance at Sunday School for 7 years in a row and I still have the Presbyterian Church attendance pin with all of the bars hanging from it. I was sick with the mumps and couldn't go to church so that broke my perfect attendance. I was fighting mad!
2. Mrs. Virgie Tripp was one of my Sunday School teachers. I gave her a Christmas present one year and not long ago my brother had the occasion to visit Virgie and the present still hangs in her house.
3. I wrote a poem once about a bird and my Sunday School teacher sent it to the Presbyterian Nationwide Magazine and my poem was published.
4. I had to sing a solo one Easter morning for the sunrise service at the St. John's Church. This was when the churches were just merging. I got up late and had to hurry. I forgot to do the family laundry on Saturday so I had to go to church without my underwear underneath my pantyhose (I said to myself...guess that's why we have pantyhose). My hair stood on end and I didn't brush my teeth either and here I was in front of a crowd of church members. This is the first time I admitted this in public.
5. One time I sang a solo at the Presbyterian church and Mrs. Emma Peters told me she didn't know any person could sing notes that high. She made my day. Sometimes just a word of encouragement to a person, can make lasting memories to that did me.
6. I remember the church Halloween parties where the attendee had to go in the little curtained areas in the basement and feel the eyeballs (peeled grapes) and the veins (cooked spaghetti). But I thought it was real.
7. I remember going to my mom's and dad's funerals and feeling the love and sorrow within the church.
8. I remember attending many weddings at the church, including my own.
9. I remember the small chapel in the church, which was so beautiful.
10. I remember the warmth of knowing God was close to me in the church.
Just a few memories of my own. I can imagine we all have many similar memories. Sometimes it's good to let our mind take us there. Perhaps you will look back at those does a soul good.
Feel free to tell us your memories in the comments section below this post.
History of the old St. John's Evangelical Church which merged with the Presbyterian church into the present day Greenview United Church.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Saturday..Rest For The Weary...10-17-09
Greenview Student of the Month
Jeslyn, the daughter of Greg and Shelley Roat has been chosen as the September, 2009 student of the month at GHS. Congratulations to Jeslyn.
Halloween Maze At Christian Church
The annual Halloween maze will once again spook the spooks. The maze will be open on Saturday, October 31, from 6pm to 8:30 pm. Lots of games and fun awaits the little trick or treaters as they find their way through the maze.....and moms and dads and big siblings can come too to watch and also eat hot dogs and other refreshments. Make your calendars.
Ron Sanert Auctions:
1. Today, Saturday, October 17, 11am. Real Estate only. 812 N. Williams St., Athens. Arthur Tomlen Seller.
2. Saturday, October 24, 9am. Multi Family Sale. At Sanert Auction Center, Greenview.
3. Sunday, October 25, 11am. Antique Shop Closeout.
Peddler Antique shop closeout. West side of the square, Petersburg.
PICTURES OF GREENVIEW REQUEST. Someone has asked for me to publish pictures of Greenview. If you have any, please attach them to your email and send them to me at the news email
I will be glad to put them in the blog. Pictures of parades, school, fires, etc.
New Cafe in Athens. The Blue Duck cafe has opened in the old Laundromat building, south of the post office.
ATTENTION GEENVIEW RURAL AREA PEOPLE WITH CITY WATER FROM ATHENS WATER SOURCE. Something is causing leaks in water pipes in houses which have Athens water. If you have water from the Athens water system and find an unusual leak in your pipes, call Athens City Hall 636-8429.
The Athens High School Leadership Committee is sponsoring a classic car show on Saturday, October 24 from 10am to 4pm. It will be held at the Athens High School. Pre-registration is $5.00 or 5 cans -- canned food items per vehicle by calling 636-8314. Registration the day of the show will be $7.00. All proceeds will benefit the Athens Food Pantry. Rain date is November 7, 2009.