Say a prayer for all of the nation's troops, fighting for the liberty and peace of the world and our right to remain free. Sometimes our soldiers are only protected by the power of prayer, thus it is important to say a short prayer of protection each day. Our soldiers are important people and we must not forget them.
It doesn't matter if we are young, old, man, woman, white, black, republican or democrat, We Are The People Of The USA. God Bless America.
I pledge allegience to the Flag of the United States of America
And to the republic, for which it stands
One nation, under God, indivisable,
With liberty and justice for all.

I pray for peace and the love of mankind.
Until Tomorrow I Remain
Your Greenview Friend
Carla, great blog site. Larry and I plan to preview each day. Keep up the good work.
Hi Larry and Lynette. Glad you could visit the newsblog. I try to post everyday, but sometimes real life things get in the there's not always things going on in G'view. HA HA.
Hope your trip was fun. Join us often.
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