According to Debi and Steve O., it's Meal Time every Wednesday night at the Baptist Church.
The First Baptist Church hosts a Free dinner on Wednesday evenings from 5:45 - 6:30. Dinner With The Shepherd is for anyone who would like to come and get a good, hot, homemade meal and meet up with friends and neighbors doing the same. There is no charge for the meal, but donations are accepted.
Sweetwater Church Chilli Supper
The Sweetwater Church will be holding their annual Chilli Supper on the first Saturday in November. Good Chilli is their trademark!! Mark your calendars.
Caution Drivers: Police agencies are warning about a new scam. Here's the scam:
BEWARE OF PAPER ON THE BACK WINDOW OF YOUR VEHICLE-- NEW WAY TO DO CARJACKINGS . You walk across the parking lot, unlock your car and get inside. You start the engine and shift into Reverse. When you look into the rearview mirror to back out of your parking space, you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window. So, you shift into Park, unlock your doors, and jump out of your car to remove that paper (orwhatever it is) that is obstructing your view. When you reach the back of your car, that's when the carjackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off. They practically mow you down as they speed off in your car. And guess what, ladies? I bet your purse is still in the car. So now the carjacker has your car, your home address, your money, and your keys. Your home and your whole identity are now compromised! BEWARE OF THIS NEW SCHEME THAT IS NOW BEING USED. If you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window, just drive away. Remove the paper later.
History Info Needed
A question has been asked about the original owner of the house once known as the Meehan house, which is located across from the northwest corner of the pasture joining the Stone Mansion (Karl Downing house). Another person who lived there is Daphne B. We are trying to find if this was a Sears or Montgomery Ward house and who the original owners/builders were. Any info would be appreciated.
Did You Know??
Here are some businesses which graced the streets of Greenview in the 1930's. During this depression time, many businesses opened but some didn't last due to the depression: Allison Grain; Rodemers Dry Goods; Albert Pisoni Cafe (which had an ice cream mixer); Ward Ella Ennis Beauty Shop; Bill Schoeneweiss Insurance; Dr. Charles Hamil; Oscar Schoeneweiss Electric and Radio Shop; Gard's Grocery; Tripp Brothers Hardware; Petrie's Print Shop; Greenview State Bank; Gard's Bowling Alley; Gard Clover Farm Store; Barnett Grocery; Johnson & Denton Grocery Store; Earl Ramsey Barber; Zack Pittman Blacksmith and Wagon Repair; Mathews Exchange and Insurance; Eldridge Hatchery; West Food; Greenview Review; Skating Rink; West Shoe Repair; Dr. Willis Beard Veterinarian; Ennis Funeral Home.
I'm sure I missed a few businesses which might have been mentioned in a previous section of the Greenview History book. One tidbit stuck on my mind while I was reading the old books......the Corner Cafe which is now known as Richard's Tavern, was once known as the Lone Star Cafe.
Greenview is your town and I hope you enjoy knowing a bit of history which brought us to today in Greenview. Remember you are now part of the history of Greenview.
Would it be feasible to think that we could start a library for Greenview? I remember when the Athens library was in a very small building located near their Post Office....and look at the nice building they now have. If they could do it, could we?? Do we have a large enough resident base to have one?? Does anyone know anything about writing grants for projects? I'm sure we would need a huge grant, property, etc. There is currently a building for sale behind the Masonic Building (the old fertilizer/Streight building). Would that be a feasible building? Could we also have a museum of artifacts about Greenview? Would residents support it? Would estates leave money to the library fund. Anyone want to help me look into the feasibility of this HUGE project?? Just wondering and speaking out as a concerned resident looking forward to the future of Greenview. We need more here and no one seems to do anything about that need. :>(
Does Anyone Know What This Is?
You Might Be Surprised
I Sure Was

Thought for the day
Staying Together Is A Progress
And Working Together Is Success!
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