Sorry I Haven't Been Around.'s been one of those chicken soup, kleenex and aspirin weeks around my house. The cure for the common cold can't come soon enough for me.....and when I get one of those nasty bugs, it seems to linger longer that most. Dang immune system needs to be traded for a new one....or maybe a younger body would be better....then things maybe wouldn't break down so often. I could see my ad in the paper. Here's what I would say:
"For Sale: One used body for sale. Ravaged with time but not worn out; a few battle scars; doesn't use much fuel; still goes like heck when needed, but runs pretty slow when the idle goes from fast to slow. A little overweight but still can pass the roadside scales on the Interstates, so you will never be overloaded. Will serve your needs if you don't mind a slower running time clock. Can cook really well and can operate both the dishwasher and the clothes washer. Doesn't do windows, but most don't. Can follow directions and can read a map. Graying hair, sometimes bloodshot eyes, dentures come with this model. Is clean and ready to go. Call if interested. "
Wonder if I would have any callers for this body model!! I just don't forsee anyone wanting to trade for this old body, so I will continue to take my aspirin, blow my nose, lay on the couch and watch the daytime tellyvision. Chicken soup is ok but I like gumbo better.....and I happen to have some in the refrigerator.
My advice to you is don't get the common cold when you're old. It likes to visit for long stays and just doesn't want to move on!! Stay well!
Previous Greenviewanites Say Hello.
Please go to the comments section on my Saturday, December 12 post to read the Christmas greetings from previous residents Fred and Debbie Schouten. Unfortunately I had moved to Springfield when Fred and Debbie were here, so I didn't get to meet them, but I feel I knew them as my husband has told me several things......Fred was his band instructor.
Fred and Debbie.....Greenview lives on and became a better place in history because of you residing here for a while. The old town wishes you the best of best Holiday Greetings.
It Won't Be Long Before Santa Visits.
The town is getting ready. The Fireman's distribution of needy children's gifts is this coming Saturday.
Don't forget tonight's (Tuesday) Cheerleader half time Christmas presentation during the Varsity game. Take a canned good for a $1.00 discount off the ballgame admission .... to help the Honor Society meet their goal of raising 1400 canned goods for the Greenview CIA.
Dinner with the Shephard is Wednesday night at the First Baptist Church.
You have 10 days until Christmas. If your shopping isn't done.....get a move on. Christmas is coming folks....faster than you think.
Christmas Poems.
As I grew older and wiser, I began to hunt for Christmas poems written by ordinary people. These seemed to tell stories of hard lives, sorrow, joy and every day living. I thought I might bring a couple of my favorites to you for your pleasure of reading on this cold Tuesday morning. These will warm your heart.
Merry Christmas Daddy ~~~ Debbie Tegtmeier
The Christmas lights twinkle and reflect in my tears,
as I suddenly realize it's been almost a year.
My daddy left us and his earthly home.
He's off in the heavens to eternally roam.
As luck would have it, he left his best in me;
From his sarcastic wit to his "evil eye" gene.
My sons' didn't know much of my dad.
Still they cherish what little time that they had.
But long before leaving his home here on earth,
we all gained from his values of pride and self-worth.
So my happy memories must dull the pain,
And soothe my soul 'til I'm with daddy again.
True Meaning Of Christmas ~~~ Brian Walters
In todays' day and time,
it's easy to lose sight,
of the true meaning of Christmas
and one special night.
When we go shopping,
We say "How much will it cost?"
Then the true meaning of Christmas,
Somehow becomes lost.
Amidst the tinsel, glitter
And ribbons of gold,
We forget about the child,
born on a night so cold.
The children look for Santa
In his big, red sleigh
Never thinking of the child
Whose bed was made of hay.
In reality,
When we look into the night sky,
We don't see a sleigh
But a star,
burning bright and high.
A faithful reminder,
Of that night so long ago,
And of the child we call Jesus,
Whose love, the world would know.

May The Spirit Of Christmas Be With You Today.
Christmas Around The World
Milad Majid
Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan
I remain your friend in words.
Please feel free to leave Holiday Greeting Messages to your friends in Greenview.... just go to the comments section.