Wake Up! Wake Up! It's Thursday. And December 17th.
For some reason this date has always stuck in the folds of my brain. I think because it was because I remember that Orville and Wilbur Wright did a first flight in Kitty Hawk on this date and I remember that from history lessons.....thank you teachers at Greenview Schools. I always loved history, but I actually liked world history better than American history. I hated that Jr. year American History when we had to memorize the presidents in order and take the constitution test. Jack Biggs did a good job though....fresh out of college and faced with our notorious class as one of his first for Junior class American History. I can't remember the complete order of the presidents, but I remember the first six presidents and then my memory fades until I recall that Abe Lincoln was our 16th president. I also remember that Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence. And I know that our current president is #44.
I don't think December 17 is known for much of anything else, except for this year being on a Thursday, and being 8 days from Christmas Day. That means 7 shopping days left and I really don't have my shopping done and the only thing I had to get was gift cards. HO HO HO Does that prove that I am a procrastinator or just not wanting to get out among the crowds to buy two more gift cards. I think it proves both.....I hate to get out when the stores are wall to wall people, but I can also be accused of being a procrastinator.
Actually I should get out today to "blow some of the stink off me" as my dear late mama used to say. I have cold germs all over me and maybe the outdoors air would get rid of some of the little buggers. But I sure don't want to give these germies to anyone.....they are awful critters.
I hope you all are now awake, sitting with a nice cuppa of java or tea or whatever is your choice. It's a good day to just sit and recall that we live in a nice town, in the middle of rural America, with the world all around us. At least we are all still in this world....for better or worse. Have a good day....and, if you have left Greenview behind, think of her often.....she still has some life left in her and even though she is getting old, the old town remembers you from the past.
News is Pretty Slim Pickins These Days.
For some reason, the news in the old town is sporadic .... that's putting it mildly....it's almost non-existence. I do have one piece of news concerning a current resident. A few years ago a former Tennesseeian moved to Greenview with his wife. I got to know him in the cyber-world but haven't had the privilege to meet him in person yet. He lives in Denny and Terry W.'s house over on VanBuren Street. He decided to start a blog......just some ramblins.....and he really is a good writer. You might want to go over and read his blog, so here's his link (just tell him you're a Greenviewanite if you comment):

This is me at about age 2 1/2
sitting on Santa's lap. I wonder if
I pulled his beard?? I still have this coat!
Merry Christmas From Other Lands
Mele Kalikimaka ame Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
Buone Feste Natalizie
Happy Holidays From Greenview!
Feel free to leave a holiday greeting to your former classmates or friends in the comment section.
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