A Day In My Greenview Life
Get Up Early to Send Hubby To Work
Go Back To Bed
Get Back Up
Write Blog
Still Writing Blog
Still Writing Blog
Finish Blog
Post Blog
Make Corrections To Blog
(Most Of Morning Is Gone)
Drink Coffee
Eat Breakfast About 10am
Watch Price Is Right
Get on Internet To Check Emails
Check Snail Mail
Go To Greenview Casey's Just For Fun
Go Home and Watch TV
Still Watching TV
Take Nap
Get Up From Nap
Start Dinner
Go To Sleep Watching TV
The End.
And you thought being in
old Greenviewland was fun and lively!
Old Pictures
The Chicago Navy Pier 1965
1958 Sears Christmas Catalog, Page 438
Hall School, Athens, 1925
Another Picture of Hall School, 1925
Menard County Atlas Page
Saturday, October 1 - Lawn Mower Fun Run, Greenview, sponsored by New Salem Shrine Club. Collecting canned food and monetary donations for the Greenview Food Pantry. Sign up at 11am Chilli Bear's on Rte 29 and will leave at noon.
Saturday and Sunday, October 1 & 2 - Rochester Fall Festival. Music, craft vendors, raffle, food. On South John Street...parking at Rochester Junior High, Rte. 29 and Rocket Drive...free shuttle from school.
Saturday and Sunday, October 1 & 2 and October 8 & 9 - Spoon River, Fulton County. 18 sanctioned places along 100 miles with fall beauty too!
Saturday, October 8 - Greenview Fall Town Wide Garage Sales
This is a King Ranch Casserole, which is a kind of spicy Mexican type food.
King Ranch Casserole/Mexican Casserole
3 Chicken breasts .. cooked, boned , cut into bite sized pieces.
1 can Cream of Chicken Soup
1 can Cream of Chicken Soup
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 can (10oz) Rotel or Red Gold (diced tomatoes & green chilies)
1 pkg corn tortillas (cut in quarters) a dozen is more than enough.
1 medium onion diced (chopped)
1/2 lb or (a bit) more grated cheddar cheese
1 can (10oz) Rotel or Red Gold (diced tomatoes & green chilies)
1 pkg corn tortillas (cut in quarters) a dozen is more than enough.
1 medium onion diced (chopped)
1/2 lb or (a bit) more grated cheddar cheese
Mix soups and Rotel Tomatoes in a bowl.
In a greased 9x13 casserole dish layer chicken at bottom, soups , cheese, onions, tortillas. Layer again... until all ingredients are used. End with cheese on top with onions. Pre-heat oven to 350 F. Place in oven for 1 hour. Enjoy! (Note: I put salt and pepper and/or creole or cajun spices on the chicken and bake it for a while so the chicken is more flavorful, then cut it up. I use chicken breast for this).
In a greased 9x13 casserole dish layer chicken at bottom, soups , cheese, onions, tortillas. Layer again... until all ingredients are used. End with cheese on top with onions. Pre-heat oven to 350 F. Place in oven for 1 hour. Enjoy! (Note: I put salt and pepper and/or creole or cajun spices on the chicken and bake it for a while so the chicken is more flavorful, then cut it up. I use chicken breast for this).
Thought For The Day
A clever person solves a problem.
A wise person avoids it.
--Albert Einstein
Yesterday was an interesting day. It featured birds and indians. Each of those held a long piece of wood in their claws/hands and tried to hit a round thing flying through the air. Every once in a while "smack" went the stick and the round thing flew through the air, landing sometimes in a leather clutch of another bird or indian.
Sometimes the round thing landed on the ground and sometimes in far away places. The birds were able to run around a bunch of places more than the indians, but those injuns gave it their all. They were swinging and a runnin but the pretty little fillies, who live down by the pond, stomped their feet upon the injuns to beat them down.
Those fillies made those injuns go longer than was usually necessary so everyone was tired and it sure showed. Long into the night, with both the indians and the fillies fighting it out. The birds had an easier time so they were sitting on their branch watching and cooing on the fillies.
Now it comes to being wild. It's well known that being wild gets you nowhere. Since the birds don't have to mess with the injuns any longer, they better settle down on their skinny bird legs and start streaking and a beaking their way through or they will fly to the wild bird yawnder.
If you like birdies....clap once. If you don't, stay quiet. Birdies do better with lots of noise....so let's raise the branch and clap a lot. And hope those birdies don't fly far from the perch.
(in case you're not a baseball fan....this relates to the Cardinals run for the right to play for the pennant)

Rating indicator at the bottom of the post. This blog and the posts are protected under copyright laws. Nothing can be used or reproduced. I'm bringing our town's history to Greenviewanites and others shouldn't be able to copy my research.
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