Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mama Mama Why Didn't Ya Tell Me

Life's Lessons Not Always Explained By Mama
Life must be experienced in order to learn, or so I've been told.  But why didn't mama or papa tell us more so we wouldn't have  been so surprised?  It's not always fun learning a life's lesson.

My biggest complaint was that no one told me that eating chocolates would not only give me big zits on my face as a teenager, but the continuous eating of big old yummy chocolates would give me big hips and fat legs and a fat flopping tummy....and I suppose big boobs too.  I wish I would have only known that milk chocolate was the worst.....I would have eaten dark chocolate instead. 

My extra king sized boooty came about during the days of chocolate eating hiatus.  It didn't matter....chocolate mint, chocolate vanilla, cherry chocolate, chocolate mocha, mocha mocha, swiss miss, hershey's bars, snicker's, milky ways  .... and many more. It didn't matter what the chocolate was,  I simply became a chocoholic.  Eating chocolate became a passion and chocolate was considered my food for the gods.  Chocolate was my haute cuisine on a plate!!  I think of the old saying.....a moment of ecstasy on the lips is a lifetime of agony on the hips.  That was a true statement!  I didn't learn anything about this need to control chocolate eating from mama.....bah humbug.

Of course another thing I didn't learn from mama was that there are clothes that can be worn besides cut-off sweat pants and torn denim jeans.  A big part of this was that I didn't learn when to not wear my old crappy stuff.  So I went through life looking like a rag-a-muffin, and not some city slicker that I should have.  I should have realized a lot sooner that fat chocolate butts can be made to fit into dress pants and loose fitting dresses.  To think that all of those years, that's the reason my business associates stared and snickered a lot .... must have been my torn denim jeans and cut-off sweat pants stuffed with a chocolate butt the size of a walrus.

The last thing mama forgot to tell me about was the Bermuda Triangle.  I'm astounded that I don't know much about this Triangle.  The only thing I found in later life was that it seems that people don't come back after getting near the Bermuda Triangle.  There were a few years I could have really made use of some mama fed information concerning that disappearance act thingy.  If I would have known several years earlier, I could have purchased a trip ticket for a trip to the Bermuda Triangle for my ex-husband and hoped for the best.

I sure hope my kids liked what I taught them.  If not, they can always call me.....and not for money either.

Old Tyme Greenview
1942 - An Automobile Board was a[pointed to provide rules and regulations under which tires and tubes might be purchased.  Rationing of gasoline, sugar and meat was in effect.  The automobile inspectors were Harry Jones and J.E. VanLandingham.  Tuesday, Feb. 16 was registration day for all men between the ages of 20 and 44.  There were 117 registered in Greenview.  All men aged 45 to 65 were called upon to register.  There were 451 in this age group in and around Greenview.  Bus transportation was to be provided for youngsters attending Greenview schools from the country.  Thelma Eldreidge purchased Jack Barnett's poultry and egg and cream business.  Sam Tapscott leased Earl Ramsey's barber shop.  Public meetings were banned, school closed, no church, due to an epidemic of scarlet fever.  50 cases in and around Greenview.  

1943 - An association library was opened in the Ennis building with Mrs. Mary Bradley acting as the librarian.  This project was in operation for two years.  Homer and Nell Horn, operators if the dairy for many years, discontinued this venture and moved to town.  Dr. Jennis Sprouse, one of the early doctors died in Florida and remains were brought to Sugar Grove for interment.

1944 - Word was received by Mrs. Andrew Fitzgerald that her husband had been captured by the Germans at Anzio.  The American Legion sent 122 (Christmas) packages to men and women in the service overseas and at home.  A locker plant was installed int eh first floor of the Opera House.             The Greenview Coal Co. mine was sold at public auction for $1500.

1945 - Scarlet fever epidemic again hits Greenview.  Only ten cases this year.  Andrew Fitzgerald arrived home on May 19.  He had been a prisoner of war for 14 months.  Whitney Eldridge purchased the cream and poultry business from his mother.  C. W. Ott purchased the Howard Allison home electrical appliance shop.  Clark Altig opened an electric shop.  Fred Gaddie came to Greenview and added his skill to the building contractor. 

1946 - The water situation was very serious.  The well had so much iron in it that it was not fit to use.  Bud Barnett opened a grocery store in the Harmon Cramer building.  William Doggett purchased the recreation hall from Charles Ramsey.  Edgar Eldridge joined his father in the hatchery and feed business.  John Dirks was very busy in the business of custom baling, plowing and corn shelling.  O. B. Allen was granted a license to operate a tavern.

Sometimes we forget about very simple recipes for something that tastes good.  And if you have grandkids, sometimes those simple recipes are good to have on hand.  I love hot dogs, but buy the lower fat type but with this simple recipe, any kind of hot dogs will do. These are easy and quick and everyone seems to love them.  Great for a party. 

Crescent Wrapped Hot Dogs (Pig in a Blanket)

1 package hot dogs
1 package crescent rolls (I buy lower fat rolls)

Unroll the crescent rolls and separate at perforations.  Start at large end and wrap around the hot dog.  (Can make a slit in the hot dog and insert a strip of american cheese.)  Place on ungreased cookie sheet and bake at 375 degrees F. for 12 - 15 minutes or until brown.

Thought For The Day
I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming
-suddenly you find -
at the age of 50 say -
that a whole new life has opened before you.
--Agatha Christie

There were different types of people that my folks warned me about.  They said stay away from beggars, liars, cheats, bloodsuckers, chronic time abusers, lazy daisies, no gooders, and most of all people waiting for a hand out.  Of course there are also muckrakers, mud slingers, negative nellies and alley dwellers.

It seems to me that just by being around people, we can become just like them.  After a while we begin to act like them, sound like them, and sometimes look like them.  And if you hang around a certain wayward person, you can run the chance of becoming known as the same's a reflection of them on you.

There are many good people in the world whom I would be proud to hang around with.  Especially those whom I want to be like.  If they are smarter and more successful than I, I want to hang with them to try to find out how they did that.  If a person's creativity compliments my creativity, we will be friends for life.

Many times we become overwhelmed by a certain type of person and don't realize we are becoming just like that person.  That's when we must stop and realize "we are the people our parents warned us about".  When that happens, it's time to move on.....and find a worthwhile type of person.  We're never too old to outgrow our parents' advice, even if we are "greyhairs".

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