If you think you get a bit depressed when summer is over and fall begins, how do you think the poor animals feel. We have an educated brain to know what is happening but, do the animals? Perhaps but I think probably not all animals. For instance a cow, do they know the seasons are changing? I doubt that they know that when the calendar reaches a certain day of the month in September, that the fall equinox is upon us.
But, some animals have instincts to tell them to start gathering nuts because "hard times" are coming. Those squirrels around our house are running like scared rats. Scurrying around with their little hands around nuts which fell from the walnut and shag bark hickory trees. Good...they are getting rid of those messy black walnuts which stain your skin and feet. And there are dozens and dozens of those critters. The squirrels must have had a meeting over about 10 miles and told each other where the nuts are this year. The drought really short-changed the nuts but some were produced but, in a much reduced amount compared to years where plenty of rain is received.
***Sigh**** I miss my fall palette of colors in our yard.
But for a lot of reasons, I'm not looking forward to the following season. Cold weather and I don't get along. I actually hate winter and if I could, I would move to somewhere south where it's hot in the summer and warm in the winter. But obligations to a husband who doesn't want to move keeps me here in the cold.
More Abraham Lincoln Info
Did you know this:
***Many gifts poured into the White House. The most favorite gifts were two goats named Nanny and Nanko. Abe's sons would hitch the goats up to little carts and sometimes to the chairs and drive the goats in the White House. One time Tad hitched Nanko to a chair and drove the goat through to the East Room where an important White House reception was being held. The ladies held up their hoops as Tad entered and drove through the room.

A week after Eddie's death, Mary Todd Lincoln wrote the following poem, entitled "Little Eddie"
"Those midnight stars are sadly dimmed
That late so brilliantly shone,
And the crimson tinge from cheek and lip,
With the heart's warm life has flown -
The angel of Death was hovering nigh,
And the lovely boy was called to die.
The silken waves of his glossy hair
Lie still over his marble brow,
And the pallid lip and pearly cheek
The presence of Death avow.
Pure little bud in kindness given,
In mercy taken to bloom in heaven.
Happier far is the angel child
With the harp and the crown of gold,
Who warbles now at the Savior's feet
The glories to us untold.
Eddie, meet blossom of heaven;y love,
Dwells in the spirit-world above.
Angel Boy= fare thee well, farewell
Sweet Eddie, We bid thee adieu!
Affections' wail cannot reach thee now
Deep though it be, and true.
Bright is the home to him now given
For "of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.""
Photo of Abe Lincoln in 1854 in Chicago
as he was campaigning for the Senate.
Lincoln with wild hair.
Reporters in 1857 once called his hair
wild Republican Hair.
Quote For The Day
Man is harder than rock and more fragile than an egg.
--Yugoslav Proverb
If you are currently dieting you might have a couple of sayings posted on the refrigerator. Something like "You Look Like an Elephant and If You Keep Eating You Will Smell Like One Too". Or maybe "By The Time I'm Thin, Fat Will Be In".
One time I read a quotation and it said that "a diet is the penalty we pay for exceeding the feed limit".
Now that sure as heck is true.
When I'm on a diet I always fear that I will lose my brains instead of the fat I need to lose. I fear that those brains will just melt away in lost calories. And believe me, my brain is pretty small
but I fear it weighs a lot, so that the brain might go first during the weight loss period. Lost brains just aren't a good thing.
Oh well. Diets are for those who just don't want to eat the good stuff any longer. Personally I still want to eat the good stuff, so I guess I'm not on a diet.
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