Eeny Meeny Miny Moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, let him go. Eeny Meeny Miny Moe. My mother told me to pick the very best one, and you are it!
Do you remember saying this when you were a kid? Especially when you wanted to play tag or choose teams for a school team playing games.
Then, of course, if you didn't pick your best friend because the eeny meeny miny moe choice landed on someone else, you were in trouble with your best friend. But best friends usually would make up in a short period of time. Some didn't.
You probably remember this type of friend battle when you were young:
My friend Annie got a new dress and came to school and
bragged about it and made fun my old dress. She told me
my dress was old and it looked like it was a hand-me-down.
She also told me she didn't want to run around with me
because my clothes were old and ugly. At lunch she sat with
the girls she always said were snotty.
or, maybe this scenario:
My best friend Scotty got a car for his 16th birthday. He
didn't ask me to ride in the car and instead asked some boys
he plays basketball with. He said he didn't have room for me.
I even gave him a birthday present but he didn't seem to like it.
Neither of these are good situations, but these type of things happen in the world of kid friendships. I always said the Eeny Meeny Miny Moe thing because I was calling my ex-friend an Eeny Meany and I also considered my ex-friend a Miny Moe too, whatever that is.
By the way what the heck is a Miny Moe? hmm....I bet there is no definition. I'm assuming an Eeny Meeny is close to meaning a tiny Meeny but who knows. I sure don't. All those years of using this saying and I don't even know what the heck it means. But I sure used it a lot when a kid in picking tag teams or other school game teams as well as using it to call my nasty friends a name.
So if I meet you on the street and we were kiddies together, if I call you an Eeny Meeny, you might think back to the time you were mean to me. You probably deserved it at the time.
Death of a Resident
Greenview lost a favorite son on October 4. Dennis (Denny) Setzer lost his battle. For those of us who knew Denny, he was always laughing and was a friend to all. He is survived by his father Al, his brother Rick and his children and grandchildren. He will be long remembered. Greenview is proud to have known Denny as one of its resident children. Our deepest sympathies to the family.
Old Stuff (click on picture for enlarged view)
An aerial view of Tripp's Hardware where lumber other items
were stored. This was across from the south side of the park.
Note to the right, on the corner, I think this maybe was the old red colored house where Frank (Boob) Bless and his family lived.
Most of these buildings were torn down to build the Town Hall
and then the rest to build the Middletown Bank.
1917 Advertisement for Taylor Pitts Photography.
Taylor Pitts moved upstairs in the Wernsing Building in 1913.
He had his photography studio and his place or residence in
this location for years. Most persons used him for their family photographs and described the experience as dark,
smelly and scary.
This was an advertisement for another
photographer,W.N. Sweet, who advertised as having
galleries in Petersburg and Greenview. I haven't been able
yet to determine where his gallery was located.
This ad was typically printed on the back of
his photos.
Quote For The Day
If you want to understand today, you
have to search yesterday.
--Pearl Buck
If you were a crayola crayon, you would have to learn to like the crayon who resided next to you. The color of your own crayon you personally lived in, would have to not clash with the color of your neighbor crayon.
You might be a sharp crayon but you might be dull. You might be a cool color or maybe a dull one. You might not be used much, or your status might be a small nub because you were used a lot.
You could be used to draw a masterpiece or maybe just for a toddler to color. You may have been broken into tiny pieces, either on purpose or by accident. But you are still a crayon no matter if you are broken.
When you smell a box of crayons, it's one smell and we all think of our childhood. Hey crayon, get over it, you all smell the same even though your color may be different. Yellow doesn't smell any differently than magenta or blue.
Yellow might be used for the sun. Blue might be used for the sky. Green most likely would be the color of the grass. And white or red might be the color of farmer John's barn.
If you use a black for your entire picture, your world might be dull or even bleak. It probably will be lack luster and not as pretty as a colorful picture.

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