Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Chinese Fire Drill

What is a Chinese fire drill?

As I thought about a Chinese fire drill, a big old smile came to my face.  I hadn't thought about this term for about 40 years. Maybe you know what it is, but maybe you don't.  This could have been a thing in the Midwest, I just don't know. 

When I was young a group of kids would hang together and ride around for hours. Of course, most of us had our parents' huge old cars to drive and they were so roomy and big, so about 6 to 8 kids could pile in with ease.  And, at that time, gasoline was about $.25 per gallon....yes, I said a quarter a gallon.  We would all pitch in a quarter to get gas to cruise so we always had plenty of gas.

The thing to do was go to the capitol city to cruise the two popular drive-in restaurants.  And, cruise we did, but we had to drive from one place to another which was from the south part of town to the north part of town.  In between we had to do something, so we would do Chinese Fire Drills.  Sometimes over and over again.

So what the heck is it you say?   Well....I'll tell you to ease your curiosity!

A Chinese Fire Drill is............Stop at a red light and all people on the driver's side would run around and get in on the passenger side and all people on the passenger side would run around to the driver's side and get in.

We did this time and time again.....except the driver would normally stay in place since it was the driver's car.   We thought it was fun and it kept us out of trouble.  Keep in mind we didn't have drugs back then....maybe a spot of alcohol but drugs were just not a thing we did.  So, we did good clean fun things .... some might have been stupid and no rhyme or reason as so why we thought they were fun.....but the Chinese Fire Drill just was fun.  And afterwards we giggled until we thought we would pee our panties.  And, we definitely giggled until the next time someone called out "Chinese Fire Drill". 

It might be fun to see if us old codgers could still do this......the young ones in the different cars at the stop light might think we have dementia but we would have the last laugh.  Try it sometime!

Hot Tyme In The Old Town

Bressmer's Downtown Department Store May 2, 1948

Bressmer's after the fire (huge damage on the right side)

Inside after the fire.

Bressmer's before the 1948 fire.

Quote For The Day

If you don't know where you're going,
you will probably end up somewhere else.
--Laurence J. Peter

Have you ever seen monkeys picking at another monkey?  One monkey will spread apart the hair and look and look.  Whatcha think they're looking for?  Fleas and lice and dry skin! That's what....grooming at its best.  And I've read they do this a lot after they've had a fight....to make up. 

I love watching these monkeys clean up another's flea and lice population.  At least it's cute until they get down to the private parts area...then it becomes pretty gross to see the way they do that.

They don't talk to each other during the process, so it seems the pickee is loving the feel of the picker's
monkey digits going through the pickee's hair.

hmmm.....wonder if I could get the other person in my house to do a bit of monkey clean up business.....don't think I have any fleas or lice but maybe dry skin which needs to come off.  Try it....you might like it!

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Hope to see you again.

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