Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sayin It Like It Is

Oldtimers use to talk out the side of their mouth!

Did the oldtimers you knew many years ago, kind of talk out of the side of their mouth??  Some did because they had a pipe between their teeth....some might have had a worn out toothpick hanging out of their lips.  And, some just talked that way....maybe a speech impediment or no teeth or some other ailment.

But the words these oldtimers said is what's so interesting.  They didn't mince their words and came straight to the point believe me.  I used to work in a cafe where the old time farmers used to come in for coffee and sit for hours and chaw the fat with the other oldtimers.  I learned a lot from those old guys.  Most were smokers, thus the cafe reeked of smoke and pig poop from the boots worn in the stockyard that particular morning and many mornings before that.  They forgot this young girl was around when they spoke.....but I guess I didn't mind as I got the perfect Redneck (or is this Hillbilly) education.....loud, aggressive and ornery.

Here's just a few "oldtimer sayings" that I remember from the past....and by the way, some I haven't heard since either:

***  He holds a nickel so tight that the Indian rides the buffalo.

***  He'll squeeze a nickel till the buffalo craps.

***  If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

***  She is so ugly her face would stop a freight train.

***  Whoa Nellie.

***  Eyes like a cross eyed mule.

***  He better git off my property if he knows what's good fer him.

***  Nervous as frog legs fryin.

***  So bucked teethed he could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence.

***  Crazy as a loon.

***  So dry, the catfish are carrying canteens.

***  Looks like he was chawin tobacco and spit into the wind.

***  Smiles like a possum eating sh*t.

***  Colder than a welldigger's a$$.

*** Scallywag!

***  Half past a monkey's a$$.

***  Useless as t*ts on a bore.

***  Faster than greased lightening.

***  He'd bitch if they hung him with a new rope.

***  She is so ugly we tied a pork chop around her neck to get the dogs to play with her.

***  That would gag a maggot.

***  Till h*ll freezes over.

***  Crazy as a chicken with its head cut off.

Surely these oldtimers weren't speaking "Redneck" were they?  The old timer farmers in the farmlands of rural America wouldn't speak Redneck would they?  Maybe so.........

Old Tyme Petersburg

Petersburg flood approximately 1942

A & P store....Paul Armstrong, owner, on right.

Petersburg Branson House of Brahm's Hill
built by Nathaniel Branson.

Petersburg Branson House, top of Brahms' Hill,
in 1950's.  This is currently a Bed and Breakfast.

Quote For The Day

I would never die for my beliefs,
because I might be wrong.
--Bertrand Russell

If one of you were Rhett Butler and I was Scarlett O'Hara, we would be surrounded by the scandals of Tara in the Southern Hemisphere.  There would be marriages among cousins and pre-war and post-war survival. 

Scarlett had a few slaves so housework was not something she was used to.  First Scarlett loved Ashley but he ran off to get married to his cousin.  Scarlett then met Rhett but he wanted to play it cool.  

Before these two could finally get together, Rhett was chasing women by the dozens and Scarlett was always ticked off....and even turned to someone she didn't love, and got married to get even.  But her husband died of the measles.   Pregnant and wearing black due to her husband's death, she was still eyeballing Rhett.

He goes to war and she works to help the soldiers.  Atlanta was under siege and Scarlett and her slaves left Tara.  Later she returns and needs money to pay the taxes so she marries a Frank person just to get money for taxes, loving Rhett all the time.  Later Frank is out with the Klu Klux Klan and is shot and killed, so fun loving Scarlett is a widow AGAIN. 

Rhett comes back to woo Scarlett....she just falls into his arms.  They marry but, their marriage is tumultuous.  They accuse each other of having affairs....Rhett thinks she loves Ashley, she thinks he loves all women and he does.

Scarlett has a daughter named Bonnie whom Rhett doted on.  Later Bonnie falls from a horse and dies.  Rhett is heartbroken and leaves Tara for good.  Scarlett is left alone and her last words are
"tomorrow is another day".

Yes tomorrow is another day.....hopefully for all of us.  I'm sure most of us didn't have to suffer through the tumultuous encounters in Gone With The Wind, but when you think about it......things in our life happen and then are gone with the wind.....hopefully "your tomorrow is another day" results in a wonderful renewal of the day.  For now.....I will be gone with the wind!


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Hope to see you again.

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