Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Annie Keep Your Gun

Gun Control or Not.  Don't bother to read this if you want tight gun control or hate the NRA because my comments aren't pretty.

I try to not address controversial issues but I felt I had to address the issue of gun control because it's a rights issue.

I grew up around guns.  My dad and his brother and his father hunted all the time we were growing up.  I walked the fields too hunting with the big boys, holding my gun properly and safely.  We shot and ate wild game because we liked it. Shooting a gun wasn't because we were mad at someone and not because we wanted to kill someone or because we had a mental condition....it was because we wanted to hunt.

In rural America, owning a gun was and still is a way of life.  But there are many Americans who think our guns should be taken away.  These Americans hate the NRA and want it so that Americans' rights to own and possess a gun are prohibited.  That means the right to bear arms in the constitution would become null and void.

Sure the NRA isn't perfect but it doesn't cause a maniac to grab a gun and kill a bunch of people.  The organization promotes the rights of gun owners and attempts to assure that those rights are protected.  People who are on the left wing tend to hate the NRA and a lot of that is because they associate the NRA with the Republican party and connect the NRA with politics because of their hate for the Republican party.  And they hate the slogan used by the NRA "guns don't kill, people do"....these gun haters blame everything on the guns and the NRA.   These left wing gun haters don't like the fact that the NRA contributes to politician's campaigns and their stubbornness won't allow the good things the NRA does to shine through because they can't see around the political vise which grips their frontal brain lobe (the part which controls behavior and correct thinking).  I'm going to call these left wingers "gun haters" because they most likely have never owned a gun, nor have been around a gun and definitely don't live in rural America.

These gun haters think that if laws are enacted to completely control guns that there would be no more shootings in schools or  theaters or in the alleyways of America or at a all night convenience store.  Who is kidding who!!!!  If someone is wacko enough to kill someone, there is no law or gun control which will EVER control the situation.  They will get a gun if they want it.  The underground is strong and guns and ammunition will be sold illegally till the last day on earth.

There are a lot of wacko people and it would seem to me that we need to crack down on internet sales and sales at gun shows and make sure that the background of the purchaser is checked. And this should be universal across America.   And, the medical environment, needs to make sure they report those persons who have mental conditions and those who have had electric shock treatments and those persons who are convicted or those out on bail for any type of crime.....and the federal and state and local governments should make sure this information is entered in the background check systems. 

I personally remember the days when the NRA offered hunters and gun owners safe hunting tips and safe handling.  I personally learned from a course I took which was offered by the NRA.

Sure, now I don't do a lot of hunting, but I still target practice and occasionally shoot skeet.  And if I want to go shoot a rabbit or a deer to eat, I want to be able to do that.  I want the right to own my gun.

I say to the gun haters of America, why connect the NRA with your political affiliations?   When you do that, it becomes an impractical aberration and makes you look like a dunce to most rural Americans. A gun hater, just because you hate the political party which rudimentally supports gun ownership, just doesn't seem right and it is never good to agree with others just because they don't like something.  Most rural folks typically don't force our views and beliefs on the world, but gun haters seem to do that.  Any person can and should be able to separate gun control and political party affiliation.

I want my gun ownership.  I don't like assault guns and those big ones which don't have a lot of use in rural America and I feel those can be tightly controlled but just don't take my handgun, my rifle and my shotgun away.  And don't belittle my support of gun ownership because you and your friends are such gun haters and can't see any good in the NRA. 

Quote For The Day

The probability that we may fail in the struggle
ought not to deter us from the support of a cause
we believe to be just.
--Abraham Lincoln

Thank you for coming to my blog today.
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Hope to see you again.


Anonymous said...

I do not hate the NRA, but like most lobbying groups, I do believe that they have too much influence, as does AARP, the oil industry, the farm lobby, etc. etc. I have no problems whatsoever with individuals owning rifles and shotguns, and while I am not a hunter, I do enjoy the fruits of their labor. I do have a problem with AK 47's and other types of assault weapons. What possible purpose do such weapons serve, except to kill people. In my opinion, such weapons designed for warfare have no reason to exist in a civilized society.

Ken Dirks
Marietta, GA

doll lady said...

Ken....I certainly respect your opinion and agree with you. The NRA and many other lobybist groups like the oil industry, the insurance industry, the labor unions, etc wield way too much power. Apparently politicians prefer it that way. But let us do with away with the assault type guns....there is no sense to anyone in American personally having this type of weapon.
