Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Plinkity Plunkity Snipity Flipity

Now that was a mouthful!

Somewhere in my mind there is a phrase going around and around.....it keeps saying "plinkity plunkity snipity flipity".  Don't you just hate it when a song or some other phrase gets stuck in low gear in your mind?!  There's usually no easy way out of it and sometimes just keep listening to that dang phrase going over and over in my mind. 

About the only way I can get it out is to take a nap.  Now, most of the time, I'm willing to do that, but sometimes that nap just isn't possible.  Take for instance if I have company......if I drop off to sleep in front of my guests, they will think I've flipped.  But when I keep hearing that phrase, I begin to think I have flipped.  

One of the other ways I've found I can get rid of horrible stuck thoughts in my mind is to sing.....especially "I'm A Little Teapot".  I even act it out and  show where my handle is and even pour out the spout.  By the time I get to the end of the first verse, my mind is clear.  Except now, instead of having "plinkity, plunkity snipity, flipity, in my mind, I have I'm A Little Teapot.    But.....the teapot song makes a whole lot more sense than the plinkity plunkity phrase which doesn't make a whole lot of sense any way you look at it.

Another thing which usually will help me clear the mind of gosh awful phrases is to start saying the Lord's Prayer.  And at the end, say, Amen...but add "Please Lord, help me get this dang awful  phrase out of my mind".  Keep reciting that prayer....and if you say it enough times, it will not only cleanse your mind of the dang awful phrases like plinkity, plunkity, snipity, flipity,  but it will allow you enough prayer and Lord's House time that you won't have to go to church for at least two weeks.  And if you repeat it enough, you might be free on Sunday mornings for a month.....no church time at all.

You all know that by reading this article and with my constant repeating of the phrase,  I have just transferred my dang awful phrase..... "plinkity, plunkity, snipity, flipity" to your mind.  Your minds now will start saying this over and over.  I can just see a bunch of readers now, standing up and starting the I'm A Little Teapot routine.  Be sure to place your hand on your hip for the handle and bend your elbow and wrist for the spout on the other side. 

Or, maybe you would rather get out of going to church for a few Sundays, so instead, you're reciting the Lord's Prayer over and over again....and with the plea at the end for the Lord to help you rid your mind of the dang awful phrase, "plinkity, plunkity, snipity, flipity".

Thank you readers, my mind is now free of that dang awful phrase....I wrote enough times for my own mind to be sick of it, and my old mind just threw it out.....YAY....clear mind.  At least until the next time a phrase catches up with me.

Old Time Area Pictures...Lincoln

Streetcar at Lincoln's Old Chautauqua

Lincoln State School and Colony Administration Building.
Opened in 1878 as the Asylum For The Feeble Minded.
Eventually was called the Lincoln Developmental Center
and this center closed in 2002.

Lincoln Tiz-Rite Grill and Cities Service Service Station
Southeast of Four Corners....across from fairgrounds

Lincoln's Tiz-Rite Grill Advertisement
This was at the corner of 5th Street and Highway 66 By-Pass.
There was also a gas station beside the grill after it moved to Corner of Route 10 and what is now Business I55...southeast corner of what is called the Four Corners across from the fairgrounds.

Another Tiz-Rite  Grill Menu, Lincoln

Tropics in Lincoln 1950's

Blue Inn 1953. Later became the Heritage Inn.
For years this building sat empty along the Business I55 frontage
road across the highway from McDonald's/Bonanza.  Was demolished in 2002.

Heritage Inn, Lincoln.  Originally was the Blue Inn.

Quote For The Day

Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past
the time when the quo has lost its status.
--Laurence J. Peter

Have you an ultimate dream?  Most people do.  Some realize their ultimate dream, while others don't. 

It has always been said that if you tell your wish, it won't come true, but I don't know if you tell what your ultimate dream is, then that  ultimate dream won't come true.

Some persons ultimate dreams are so far fetched, the dreams most likely will never come to fruition.  While others might have an ultimate dream which could be accomplished in a whizz.

Sometimes I have a multitude of ultimate dreams, some of them I would consider easy fixes/accomplishments while others will most likely never come to life since many others are involved.  I'm going to trust that by telling you some of my ultimate dreams, they will still able to come true event though I told someone....so here goes.

Ultimate Dreams with some which might not come true (just a small amount of my ultimate dreams):
*  To see the human race at peace....all over the world.
*  To live life to the fullest and be able to remain positive all of my life.
*  To realize my pursuit of blissful happiness.
*  To become a photographer.
*  To become a celebrated author.
*  To own a successful place of business.
*  To become filthy rich.
*  To become beautiful...well at least with fewer face sags and a skinny body.

My Most ultimate dream is to have an easy life, with no hardships and ability to live life to the fullest with a painless death which is easy and quick with a peaceful atmosphere surrounding me.

Just follow your heart....it's the way to have your ultimate dream come true.  I sincerely hope you can someday accomplish some of your ultimate dreams.  I plan to.  

Thank you for coming to my blog.
(all rights reserved under this blog and all post content)

Hope to see you again soon.

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