Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Is it Dessert or Desert?


One of these is exercising your elbow frequently by lifting your spoon to your mouth and putting a bite of some frilly, high calorie and fattening food in your mouth (and gaining weight of course).

The other is somewhere out in the sand, where it's unbearably hot (kind of like Illinois has been lately), where the cactus grow higher than a house and have prickly thorns the size of a pencil and also a place where rattlers roam like deer on the plains.  And these dang rattlers are so big, they could swallow a person whole...that is if rattlers really ate people instead of just biting them with their horrible venomous fangs.

Ok...now that I have described the above two words (ie:  Dessert/Desert), I'm still at a loss as to which is which.  Does anyone else have this problem?  I think these two words are the only two which really give me problems. 

Due to this I have to come up with a way to remember which is which.  Kind of like several of my grade school teachers came up with ideas on how to remember things and how to remember how to spell words (ie A R(rat) I (in) T (the) H (house) M (might) E (eat) T (the) I (ice) C (cream).....arithmetic.  Or maybe how to remember the nine (at the time) planets.....My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles.  How did we know that Pluto would disappear into the non-planet world.  I still would teach a person this way to remember the planets and just teach that the pickles/Pluto failed to come out of the jar so drop it when you remember the Nine minus One planets.

So back to Dessert and Desert.  I think I finally have discovered a way I can remember which is which.  I think this will work... it's maybe not too good of a way and not traditional, but what the heck .... if it works, it works.  I'm going to remember that Dessert has an extra "S".  And this is how I'm going to remember that:

Desserts have lots of sugar and sugar makes me have diarrhea which is actually sh*t.  Sh*t begins with "S" and diarrhea is extra "sh*t" just like having an extra "s" in the word Dessert.....it's something you don't really need but sometimes have to have.  So there....now I know how to remember the difference between the hot place in the sand and the sugary sweet that I love to eat and shouldn't.  It's the "s"h*t that makes the difference.

Things I Remember About Greenview 1950-1960's

Ice Cream cones at Emma's Corner Cafe and some had a slip of paper int he bottom of the cone.

The old post office had the really neat dark wood and the marble on the floor and the cool post ornate post office boxes which required a Philadelphia lawyer to get them open with the combination.

Remember it being hot in the tunnel from the old grade school to the grade school gymnasium....and scary too.

The old pool hall smelled smokey and dirty and was there a staircase by the left side of the pool hall that went to an upstairs place?

Roedemer's Department store had a lot of merchandise and you could find just about anything you needed.  Maybe not what you wanted but stuff that was necessary.

The old locker plant front entrance had an icky smell that was kind of like old spoiled meat.

I remember the old white fire department water tanker truck.

The Presbyterian Church had a sandbox for us little kids in the back room to the east of the seats (by church office).

The Presbyterian Church once had a Halloween party where the organizers made us go into these little curtained off spaces and feel the veins (spaghetti) and eye balls (peeled grapes) but I thought they were real at the time.

At Halloween, when you went to a person's house they tried to guess who you were.  And most of the time, they knew us....everyone knew everyone in town back then.

I remember the dirt floor in Les McKee's store.  But the bologna was good there.

I remember Gerald McKee blowing spit bubbles as he sat in the park each day.  I don't think he ever worked.

I remember when Johnson & Denton had hand dipped ice cream in their store.  And those cute little iron and wood tables and chairs to sit at.

I remember my mama getting a "poodle" permanent at Blanche's uptown beauty shop.

I remember my mom having a boucle material coat and my dad having a suede long jacket  (and a hat) which they wore when they went out.

Quote For The Day
I have always been regretting that
I was not as wise as the day I was born.
--Henry David Thoreau

Did you ever feel that pulling yourself out of bed in the morning is kind of like being in quicksand?

It seems to me that each day of being one day older makes it harder and harder to rise out of bed with a quickstep.

My quickstep is worn out I think, so from now on, I think I will just stay in bed. 

So if you don't see me around, don't call, don't yell, don't send me a message....I will be lying down in my bed....with a worn out quickstep.

Thanks for coming to my blog.
(all rights reserved on blog and all content)

Hope to see you again...soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memory of the sandbox at the Presbyterian Church..I had forgotten about it

Ken Dirks