Monday, August 27, 2012

It Sucks Like Grandma's Old Hoover

What Is This Which Sucks Like An Old Hoover?

A possible hurricane on the gulf coast that's what.  I know that when those darn winds and high surges of the gulf water come in, there will be damage.

The Gulf Coast is a favorite place of mine.  A place where I can go and sit on the beach and no one makes fun of me because I sure don't look good in a bathing suit like I used to (because I know no one there).  A place where we have been going regularly for the last twenty years.

A place where I can eat shrimp and oysters until they come out my ears.  And, if I want to eat more, I can and probably will.

A place where I can eat tater nut donuts till I gain 50 pounds because these potato flour donuts are the world's best.

A place where a person can find BBQ that makes your tongue smile.  Or burn if you go to the wrong place.

A place where the sand is pretty white and doesn't make your toes dirty.

But, the coast around Biloxi and Gulfport isn't as pretty as it used to be because another hurricane took away the pretty beach houses and the beautiful old trees.  It now looks barren when those once stood because no one has had time nor the money and most of all the inclination to put it back the way it was.

These are some of the pictures after Katrina  I have several sites which show the total destruction because I was so interested:

Sure this hurricane isn't as strong.  It might not hit but they still will get winds and probable damage.  Darn.  There are still oil rigs along the gulf.  Who knows...maybe another oil leak.  Let's hope not.

As I said....this storm sucks like Grandma's old hoover!

Time Marches On
1925 Buffalo Springfield Machine used to flatten roads.
1946 Ford
1967 Pontiac GTO
Love those GTOs

The labor day weekend is coming.  The old town will be hoppin and a smiling because some of her youngins and kinfolk will return to town for the big weekend.

The old Marbold mansion will be having a grand old time at the ice cream social on Sunday.  Loads of people will see the house in the state of being restored.  The grounds are really looking better and I bet by Labor Day weekend the spit and elbow grease will show the improvements which are going on.

Plan on attending.  The car show on Labor Day is noted as one of the leading car shows in the Midwest and it is huge.  The flea market will have lots of fleas.  And, the school alumni dinner on September 1 is sure to bring old classmates and school friends together.  Greenview at its best.  Smilin and grinning!

I think I'd rather see wind turbines!

Thanks for coming to my blog.
Have a good week.
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Note:  I won't be writing anything next week....taking a break.

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