Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday, Sept. 27.... A Day to Give Thanks

Today I give thanks for all good things I have now and will have in the future. It's always good to show appreciation for even the smallest thing.

Rain in the forecast and a sky which looked mighty threatening, caused many festival plans to change. Mine did. I was headed for the Pork and Apple Festival and decided to stay close to home on Saturday because of rain. So I went to Athens, then drove over to the Illinois River to eat fish at my favorite place to eat fish....the Barefoot Inn in Hardin. The rain stopped....then we went to Jacksonville to sit and watch the hundreds of cars thundering down Morton street during the 25th annual Jacksonville Cruise. I can just imagine what visitors to that city thought when they saw a gleaming piece of metal with 400 horses under the hood, bearing down on their car. The Jacksonville police were cool about everything and even watched some burn-outs right on the corner where I sat! Watch out next year....I plan to take my fast car too! LOL

Today is forecast for a high of 80 degrees and clear. So off to resume yesterday's plans.

The Athen's Fall Festival might not have been as long as Greenview's Labor Day parade, but there was plenty of candy tossed from windows and the backs of trucks.

I was impressed with the show of the mighty firefighting teams assembled for the parade. Athens, Petersburg, Fancy Prairie, Middletown and Greenview all participated to show their true "Red" firefighting colors. The many elaborate trucks gave me a feeling of "safeness" as I know that these firefighting teams will always help each other if the need arises during a fire. Take time to thank a Greenview firefighter. Without them, any loss might be much greater. THANK YOU!!

And for you former Greenviewanites, our newest fire truck is really a great piece of equipment!!

A Funny thing I saw...
On Friday I had to be in another city in Illinois. While there, I saw the funniest saying. On the side of a garbage truck, I saw these words painted along the length of the truck:

shhhhhhhhhh...don't tell Sharon Davis about this.
I am so proud that a small article about my blog appeared in the Menard County Tourism Section of the Petersburg Observer. Thank You for the article. This blog didn't make the Menard County Review, which is our town's newspaper, but maybe at a later date it will be mentioned. Fingers Crossed!!
Light a candle for World Peace. Give thanks for today. And extend your love of mankind to a friend, neighbor or enemy.


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