Sunday, October 21, 2012

Numpty Peeps

Numpty Peeps Can Be Devils In Disguise

A numpty person is one of the worst type of persons you can run into.  They can screw you up and cause mighty big problems sometimes.  Just like the devil. 

Numpties are like going out on the highway and driving without your light switch turned to "on".  There's nothing there.  Yep.  That describes a Numpty all right.  Blank in the head.  But one who thinks they know everything or at this least the numpty tries to profess that they possess unusual skills and abilities on a certain subject.

I'm sure you probably have known quite a few numpties in your lifetime but didn't know what to call them.  Let me give you a good example of how a numpty operates out in public:

    If you take a trip to the grocery store and are standing in front of
    the Beef department and a person comes up and sees you
    looking at Beef Ribs and this person suddenly says "those make
    the best Pork BBQ", that person is a true undisguised Numpty. 
    This numpty talked like he knew what he was talking about
    but, all non-numpties know that Beef ribs don't equate to Pork  
    BBQ.....OMG how funny!  A Big Numpty!  Gobsmacked
    Numpty to the nnth degree!
Another example:

    A person who goes to the refrigerator and removes the item they 
    were seeking and then goes away and leaves the refrigerator door
    open.   Wide open in fact. And doesn't come back to close 
    it.  That's a  numbty for sure.   This person thinks they know all 
    there is to know about how to keep things cold.   And it ain't 
    by leaving the refrigerator door open.                                                                         

As you finish going through life, look for those numpties.  You will find quite a few.  Always thinking they are GOD's gift to the smart world and all they are DUMB!  Gobsmacked for sure.

More Abraham Lincoln Information
(you can click on the photos to get an enlarged view on most photos)

Illinois Republican Ticket 1860
Abe Lincoln's Stepmother Sarah Bush Johnson
Abe Lincoln 8-13-1860

Viewing pass for Abraham Lincoln's
funeral May 4, 1865
Abraham Lincoln's first tomb at
Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois
Quote For The Day
Good things, when short, are twice as good.
Now come thee to trick or treat.  The little goblins will show up at your door and swear they will trick if you don't treat them.  And some of them might just do that.
How do you keep the trick or treaters from doing the tricks.  Well it's not by keeping your lights off.  In fact they might be more likely to do the trickin on that night.  We normally don't have trick or treaters where we live but one night it was a neighbor kid's 16th birthday.  That girl was one of the most hated kids in this rural area because of the mean things she did.  No names announced here. 
Yep you guessed it.  The next morning the side of our red truck was painted a new color.  Jet black all the way from the front fender to the end of the bed of the truck.  Two swipes of the spray can.  We knew who it was but the parent didn't like us because of a couple of other times this kid did things like.....ran her bicycle through our front yard after we had paid to have it graded and seeded.  And another time, when she brought her huge dog to swim in our fish pond because her dog was hot.  We complained to her mother and the mother hated us thereafter.
But on that wonderful Halloween birthday night, the black paint spray cans were tossed in the woods across the road.  And low and behold, we saw them and took them to the police.  Fingerprints don't lie.  They don't live here around any longer.  So I guess we will have a dull Halloween this year.  YAY.
By the way, oven cleaner took the black paint off the truck....I didn't know you could use that for paint removal over auto paint....but you can.  Just be careful it doesn't remove the clear paint.

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