Monday, October 1, 2012


Rather be razzy than to be a stooge.

The days of fall are coming soon.  Some call that fun and wonderful while others call it work. I call it razydonkulous!  Now I'm sure you know what that means. It means epiculous.  Now I know you know what that means.  Epiculous means ridonkulous.

So do I have to explain it further.  Everyone knows what ridonkulous means.  It means the same as razydonkulous.  And, sometimes ridonkulous is spelled ridonculous or even redonculous so maybe now you recognize what I mean when I put the other spellings.

But anyhoos>>>>>>   Fall is time for weenie roasts and a bunch of clown parties.  When a bunch of clowns get together in a time of razydonkulous proportions, everyone has a heck of a good time.  There might be chilli (spelled the Springfield way of course) or some kind of soup and a bunch of hot doggers or maybe a few cheezeburgers with the works.  And every time someone bites into those massive fall sammiches, ketchup and mustard spurts across the way and lands on your neighbor sitting to the far right.  Everyone laughs, including you and the neighbor who got the "works".

Any way you look at it, fall can be a fun time.  But of course, when you look around the corner and see what's coming behind fall, you might get to feeling a bit of altered perception where one sees the world as dark and nasty and cold as heck.  Typically called depression.  But when the time following fall gets here, we might all get to feeling a bit that way.  It typically feels the same as when you get to the end of a good movie or when you complete a video game on the losing side.

So.....after you read this razzy dazzy thing today, think about how razydonkulous fall will be for you.  By the way, it also means "beyond ridiculous".  But, why not have a good time and impress your friends.  Use your new word "razydonkulous" three times this week just to have a ridonkulous time.  Using it might help ward off those feelings of old man "shhhhh" winter coming.  Bodacious!

Old Stuff

Petersburg - Buck and Cook Garage
From 1948 Observer ad.

Petersburg - 1955 - East Side of Square
Petersburg - 1950's - North
side of square
Greenview - First State Bank Building Postcard
The bank with time for everyone....unlike the later ones.
Then this building was the post office and later torn down as well as the building to the east.
Greenview Garage Sales
The fall townwide garage sales are October 6, 2012.
Quote For The Day
Go for it now.
The future is promised to no one.
--Wayne Dyer
I think of my blog as a one of a kind cartel.  It's a conglomerate group formed in the best interest of our home town to promote a mutual interest.   I guess it's a bunch of people who like Me and only me (just kidding) ROFLMBO. 
Really it's a bunch of people who like to read quasi-cartel type information and articles written by a dowdy old pantsuit woman.  So that must mean this is a "dowdy pantsuit cartel" written by a dowdy old woman bound forever to be dressed in a pantsuit of varied colors and patterns.  Everyone knows only old women wear pantsuits....well.... I wear pants and some of them are suits so I guess that fits me.  Boxy jackets like Hillary Clinton and wrinkles go together.  And, when you wear them while you are writing a blog article you become one of those dowdy old women.  So the result is a dowdy pantsuit cartel.  But that definitely is better than me writing a cheeky monkey blog.  It would be full of bananas and monkeys picking fleas. 
We all know that Greenview is the land of "cool".  Urban cool that is.  So this old dowdy pantsuit woman will keep on wearing her pantsuit and chistling her writings on the stone tablets of progress.  So now it's time to go for now....time to change my pantsuit.  Another day another pantsuit.
Thanks for coming to my blog.
All rights reserved.
Hope to see you soon.

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