If you are reading this, you made it to another day in Greenview, the land of farms, cattle, pigs, chickens, goats, corn, beans, wheat, clover,hay, straw, tractors, harvest equipment and 4-wheel drive pick-ups. Have you ever noticed how many people drive pick-ups in Central Illinois? When we were at the Jacksonville cruise Saturday night, I noticed that about 3 in every 5 vehicles were pick-ups. I think people like the status a pick-up brings. Of course I also drive a pick-up....a nice blue one with comfortable seats, rich in luxury and not a gas hog like the old pick-ups of yesteryear.
I say let's all drive pick-ups at least one day a week, just to show our Midwest farm heritage.
Here are a couple of pictures from the recent 1964 class reunion. Thank you Charlotte for letting me use the pictures in the news blog. I vote that all these 1964 grads look pretty good.....we aren't getting older, we are getting better looking and the world is getting older!!

Back Row: Bob Streight, Bud Tice, Lawrence Wohler. Middle Row: Karon Lockhart, Sharon Lockhart, Larry Barnett, Roger Elliott, Bob Biggs, Steve Bradley, Bill DeHart. Front Row: Ginnie Pisoni, Doris Allen, Gayle Ann Eaton, George Merrihew, Ken Davison, Doug Hawkins, Charlotte Willis. Note: I didn't put the married names....these are the maiden names of the women.

Some of you might remember Mr. Bill Bauer, a mathematics teacher from the 1960's era. He and his wife Carole are pictured.
This is a recipe of my grandmother, Elva Montgomery. This identical recipe appeared in an old Menard Extension Cookbook. I remember grandma always had a big silver aluminum dutch oven filled with these cookies. She would freeze the cookies in the aluminum pan and get it out when us kids arrived. She would take out a couple of handsful and return the pan to the freezer. The good ole days are but a memory.
Sugar Cookies
2 cups sugar
1 cup oleo (margarine)
1 cup shortening (crisco, lard, etc.)
4 beaten eggs 1/2 tsp salt
2 Tablespoons water 1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla 5 cups flour (about)
Make a soft dough. Take about 1 cup of flour to roll cookies.
(Note from me: I know she sprinkled with a tiny bit of sugar prior to baking. I bake these in a moderate oven... 350. These cookies don't get brown except for maybe a bit on the edges)
If you have an old family recipe you would like for me to put in the news blog, please send it and a short family history to:
In today's world, one must try to live for today as well as tomorrow. I have this posted beside my computer so that I can look at it everyday. A good way to stay focussed:
***Yesterday's gone. Tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why we call it the "Present".****** author unknown
Until we meet again in the cyber world, ariva derche!
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