Another work week has begun, on this last Monday in September, 2009. October is almost here and with it the falling leaves will gather in your yard. Having about 100 trees in my rural area yard, the fall season is a time for a lot of yard work and leaf gathering. Some will be mulched and some will be burned (forgive me if you have breathing problems) and some will land in the compost pile. We have so many leaves that burning some is absolutely necessary.
Welcome to the new teachers for this school year. Rob Newbold, secondary special education; Heather Friedrich, third grade; Meaghan Morris, sixth grade; and Bruce Miller, mathematics.
Many people in Greenview know John Tomlin. On Sunday, Ron Sanert conducted a closing out sale for John. I had the privilege of talking to John and to tell him goodbye, for he is moving. He tells me that he will live with his daughter Laura for a while, then will find a place in Texas closer to another daughter Joy. Unfortunately his wonderful wife Audrey passed on fairly recently, so to have the ability to be near family was a part of his decision. We will miss you John. As he said to me ...."you never know, I may be back."
Laurie "Rutherford" Wilson, who resides in Greenview, was in a head on automobile accident and suffered severe injuries to her leg. She has had multiple surgeries but still needs special equipment and general financial help. If you can help, a special account has been established at the National Bank of Petersburg. Laurie has been a Greenview EMT and a dispacher for the Menard County EMS.
The Springfield paper carried a death notice for Merle Kirby's brother. We extend our sympathies.
The mother of Don Case, whose name was Marion Case (not to be confused with his wife Marian), died September 22, 2009. We extend our sympathies.
The Menard County Trails and Greenways Tree Protection program recognizes the Scully farm plantings of hedgerows as an outstanding example of the historic hedgerows once seen so commonly throughout the great plains. Apparently the hedgerows were established there in the 1800's. Scully Lane used to be a popular place to travel down in the olden days...I'm sure many of us admired those hedgerows in our travels down Scully Lane, for purposes not disclosed, of course.
Have You Ever Written Your Life's Story
I have seen the Athens library trying to re-establish the history of families in Menard County. Luckily I had a partial story written by my grandmother which I could furnish to them for inclusion in a book about my family. After seeing the lack of history information that's available on any particular family/person, I decided to write my story. I started that a while ago and have now completed six single spaced pages and I'm nowhere near done. I work on it as I feel bored, with nothing appealing to do. It's fun to recall things and write the thoughts down. It's also nice if you can gather information on your family and give a copy to the Athens Library...they will love it.
Just for enjoyment, I went over to the Greenview, IL facebook site (address of site is available in an earlier newsblog post) and put on a new topic concerning writing about your Kindergarten experiences. I listed my recall of these experiences. They might not be totally accurate but they are close. Be sure to visit the Greenview facebook site and tell us about your experiences, or, if you don't use facebook, tell us right here in the comment section or email me at my newsblog email so I can include it in the newsblog and I can also move it to the facebook site if you want. In my story, I remember taking my Darling Debbie Doll to the school. Here's a picture of some similar Deluxe Reading Grocery Store dolls which were available in grocery stores in the 1950's. Some of you might have had one like these. And the second picture is of my old coat which I still have. I might have worn it to Kindergarten but I can't remember but see the picture of me sitting on Santa's lap. My daughters Jen and Stephanie wore this coat as did my younger sister Patty and my cousin Joyce Kay. I wonder if it will last until my grandkids have kids.

May your day be perfect and result in something which will benefit you or your family. May you always go through life with a positive attitude rather than harboring negative thoughts. And may you love life, and give blessings for each moment spent on earth.
Later my friends.
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