If you have a chance to visit good old Greenview, park at Casey's, which incidentally is the hot spot in town. While you're parked at Casey's, just look at the people going in the Casey's store. Chances are you might know 1 in every 5 or 6 people who enter that store. And when they leave the parking lot, they turn toward the downtown area, so they must live here or at least belong to someone here. But I sure don't know them.
It seemed I was writing a lot of emails and personal messages on Facebook about this or that going on in the old home town. So why not just start a blog about good old Greenview and use it as my "news to know" blog. I am in contact with many old and new friends on Facebook and other sites .... and people tell me things, so I thought I could pass them on. If you have anything you want to pass on, let me know. I'll be glad to pass the news on. Tell me if you want you full name mentioned. Just email me with any Greenview or personal news you might want to pass on: Greenviewyagottaknownews@yahoo.com
This blog is for you.....anyone who has ever lived here, visited here, made friends here, went to school here, wanted to live here or plan to live here.....this is the place to be. Right here.
Please feel free to comment with each post. I need your support to make sure my ego is fed as well as to let me know if you like it! Or dislike it.
This is the first post for the Greenview News Rag. My postings will come up under the identification of Doll Lady but my real name is Carla and I graduated in the late 60's. That might give you a clue of who I am.....so for privacy sake on this old worldwide web, I'm not going to mention my last name.
Please feel free to pass on this new blog address to anyone you feel might enjoy seeing some things going on in Greenview. And be sure to give me news I can pass on to people.
Tomorrow is the first actual news post....so be here!!
This news blog is dedicated to my friend, Betty Dennis White. 1949 - 2009. Friends forever.

Area news:
1. Ron Sanert Estate Sale. Location: Middletown. Sunday, September 13, noon.
2. Prairie Harvest Days, September 18-20. Mason City
3. Athens City Wide Garage Sales. Friday 18th, 5-8pm & Saturda, Sept 19th 8am to 1pm
4. Havana Oktoberfest, Sept. 11 & 12
5. Greenview All city Garage Sales, October 10. Goodwill truck @ park 1pm - 3pm for remains of your sale. Contact me at the news email for specifics about whom to contact for info.
6. Christmas in Greenview, November 21 9am to 2pm.
Hi everyone. I see you made it. Thanks for coming,and enjoy yourself.
We all have something in common ... that being Greenview, Illinois.
Be sure to leave your comments each time you visit this new blog.
Could someone report the results of the Labor Day Celebration on tomorrow's news blog? Thanks.
Hi, doll lady!
I just wanted to let you know that your post yesterday meant a great deal to my family. My husband is a nephew of Betty White, and he was very touched that you dedicated your post to her. The picture was excellent, as well.
I didn't get a chance to read all of your post today, but I did catch the reference to the soda fountain in Petersburg. Potter's Pharmacy has moved from its former location on the north side of the square to a new building at the southeast corner of the square, and Pat installed a soda fountain in the front of his new building! I haven't had a chance to go yet, but I saw in the paper that he is having a Grand Opening Celebration starting today, through Saturday.
Thanks for your efforts, and I look forward to future posts!
Leigh....thanks for commenting.
I graduated from high shcool with Betty and her memory will always be with me.
I also know your husband's mother and other aunts and grandmother.
Thanks for the info on the soda fountain....I thought perhaps it might be in the new Potter Drug. YAY
Come back and visit the blog again.
Carla/Doll Lady
Does the fire siren still sound at noon in Greenview?
Ken Dirks
Marietta, GA
Carla, Thanks for letting me know about this blog. I'll be sending you some info about Harvest Fest in Petersburg.
Betty (Ratliff)
Carla, Thanks for a great blog, and keep up the good work. It will be enjoyed and used by many. Your tribute to Betty was truly touching to Ken and me. Betty had a tremendous spirit and she would be very pleased. I have some great pictures of Greenview from a hot-air-balloon. If it's possible I will download them for you. Let me know. Lyn
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