Today marks the 8th anniversary of 9-11. Please take a moment of silence to honor the reported 2,973 who died. A nation challenged. A nation which survived. A nation which felt the loss of fellow Americans. Grief and sorrow remained with us for weeks. Today we remain a free nation dedicated to life, liberty and freedom. The memories linger. God Bless America.
Harvest Fest In Petersburg, Sept. 18th and 19th
A former local resident, Betty Ratliff, is quite involved with the plans for Petersburg's Harvest Day celebration on Sept. 18th and 19th.
These are just some of the great and fun things which will happen:
1. Tickets are now being sold for a 50" Panasonic Plasma-HD FLat Screen TV. The drawing for this huge TV being held on Saturday, between 5 and 5:30 pm under the main tent in the courthouse parking lot. Tickets are $5.00 each or 6 for $25.00. For your tickets, stop by Betty (Ratliff) Winchester's store, well known as Estep & Associates Mercantile, on the northwest corner of the square (located in the old Robbins store).
2. Parade starts at 10:00 am Saturday morning.
3. After the parade, the Firemen will auction a Pedal Car Firetruck....just right for that special grandchild's Christmas gift.
4. The VFW will have a beer tent on Friday night and Saturday for anyone who becomes thirsty for a brewski.
5. Friday night will feature Hollywood Square - tic tac toe - as the entertainment.
6. Entertainment, good food, and specialty/informational vendors will abound during the fest. Something for everyone.
Our friend and former resident Betty tells me the committee is still looking for a few more food vendors, and specifically a kettle corn vendor is desired. Call Betty Ratliff-Winchester at 217-632-4154 if you know a vendor who might want to participate. Or, call Betty to say hello and be sure to stop in her store. I always find something I have to buy when I visit her. Plus it's just good to see a friend from yesteryear.
Our friends Roger and Sue (Gaddie) Elliott returned to Greenview to live in a house on the old grade school lot. Their move prompted their son and his wife to move back from Ocala, Florida (I'm sure they are going to love the winter's blowing snow, ice and cold better than Florida weather - Just kidding). Ty and Ginny Elliott will be living in the little house on the farm out on the hi-way, right by the newly remodeled big farm home of Leonard and Michele (Elliott) Branson. And I must say, I am one of the lucky people who have toured the newly remodeled farm house and it is a dream come true. I have been told that almost every member of the Elliott family has live in the small house on the farm. Welcome back to all of the Elliotts. And Sue's sister also moved back several months ago so a welcome to her and her family too.
Countryside Estates to Celebrate 10 years
Countryside Estates is the independent living facility locatd on the grounds of Sunny Acres. It doen't seem possible but they are celevrating their 10 year anniversay. An open house will be held Sunday, September 13, 1 to 4 pm.
Bluegrass And Traditional Music Festival - New Salem
A jam session on Friday night kicks of this year's festival. With music on the stage starting at 6:30 pm Friday night. Then on Saturday the 12th and Sunday the 13th, get ready for some bootkicking bluegrass music. The fun starts at 10am through 5 pm each day. See you there - it's a favorite of mine!
Breaking News!!
Tami Tisdale Walters has a new baby in her house! Evelyn Jean just arrived and a new brother or sister will be joining Evelyn sometime around April 1. Congratulations to the new parents and we will be awaiting news of the other new little one in a few months.
Thank you for coming. You don't have to register to post. Your post will come up as Anonymous....but I would appreciate at least your first name at the bottom of your post (you don't have to give your last name). I just wanted to tell you that there is a comment section at the end of each day's post so that you don't have to keep going back to the original post....unless you want to go back there. I have been getting great responses. Keep visiting. You are welcome here. Carla
Happy Weekend....it's TGIF!
If you could, please repeat after me:
Dear God, I pray for a cure for cancer and heart disease. Amen
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