Thursday, October 13, 2011

You Know You're From Greenview When.....

There are things peculiar to the town.
If I asked a  Greenviewanite (including those who moved away) what was the single most identifier of the town of Greenview, what do you suppose they would say?

I personally think it would be that they know a lot about the town's history.  We have been exposed to the Marbold family and it's landholdings all of our life.  There is the mansion out south of town and the old bank building and just everyday history about the family.  The association committee does a good job of keeping that in the limelight....let's hope no one person tries to usurp the history credits and gain power over the committee.   Another part of the town's history would be the Wernsing family....there's a lot of history relative to that family.  I would like to mention the Montgomery family too because the land where the town stands was once originally owned by this family.

In the olden days, Greenview was known for several school related things.....wonderful basketball teams.....wonderful band concerts .... band/chorus contest first place ribbons......wonderful chili dinners.....wonderful maid rites......good teachers.  So when persons said they were from Greenview, a response was "oh that place with the great school  _______".  I don't think that happens now days.

Greenview is now known for the Labor Day Car Shows....which is billed as one of the biggest and best downstate.....and with well over 200 cars, it is a big one.

Greenview used to be noted for Cuzin's on the square...but it burned and wasn't rebuilt.  Greenview used to be noted for having a skating rink....but it burned and wasn't rebuilt. Greenview used to be known for Hinrichs Chevrolet....but the dealership was lost and that closed.  Greenview used to be known for the Corner Cafe and the good food....but it's now a tavern.  Greenview used to be known for the good carnivals during the labor day celebration....but the planning committee doesn't want that anymore......but we're now known for the wonderful car show during the celebration so that's a credit.

I should have been able to fill this page and many more pages with things Greenview is or was known for....but I'm having a hard time.  Is it because the old town has become stale?  Or because so much of the town has been lost to fires with no rebuilding and lack of growth?

When I drive into town from the country, the roads in town seem to the streets have old joints and need a good greasing.  It seems it needs a rejuvenation.....maybe a  shot of "get up and go juice" would do the trick.  Crickety creaky goes the wheels of the town who used to be known for a lot of things.

The town  centre seems tired.  And, I personally think it doesn't appear to be as well kept as it used to be.  Unless you like beer and ice cream there's nothing to attract shoppers.  And.... I don't know what can be done.  But I think we need to be known for something like we used to be.  Perhaps at some time we can....let's hope.  These thoughts and opinions are just my own....some might agree and others might not.  But it's my town and I'm a part of the will survive as it has for a century and a half but with maybe just a little less pizazz.

A Little More About Abe Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln lived in this county just about 8 or 9 miles away from our town, but how much do you really know about him.  Perhaps the following will give you a few more facts about him.

June 12, 1806 - Lincoln's parents, Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks marry in Washington County Kentucky.

Abe's mother Nancy Hanks and father Thomas.

February 10, 1807 - Lincoln's sister Sarah is born in Elizabethtown, Kentucky.

February 12, 1809 - Abraham is born in  Hardin County (now LaRue County) Kentucky.

Date Unknown, 1812 - Abraham's brother Thomas dies in Kentucky in infancy.

October 5, 1818 - Abraham's mother Nancy dies at age 35 in Spencer County, Indiana.

December 18, 1818 - Abe's future wife Mary Todd was born to Robert and Eliza Todd in Lexington Kentucky.

December 1, 1819 - Lincoln's father marries Sarah Bush Johnston in Elizabethtown, Kentucky.

Abe's stepmother Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln

August 2, 1826 - Lincoln's sister Sarah marries Aaron Grigsby in Indiana.

January 20. 1828  - Lincoln's sister Sarah dies in childbirth at age 20.

March, 1830 - The Lincoln family moves to Illinois.

After moving to Illinois, John Johnston, Abe's step cousin through Sarah Bush Lincoln,  lived in the cabin at Thomas Lincoln's Goosenest Farm in Coles county.

I hope you enjoyed the visit through the family of Abe Lincoln.  It was fun and we will do more on the family in the near future.


Earthquake Cake

1 cup coconut
1 cup chopped pecans
1 German Chocolate Cake Mix
1 pound Powdered Sugar
1 stick margarine
8 oz. cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla

Grease 11 x 15 x  2 pan.  Put coconut and nuts on the bottom of the greased pan.  Make the cake according to the directions on the box and pour over the pecans and coconut.  Beat the powdered sugar, margarine, cream cheese and vanilla together.  Drop by dabs over the unbaked cake.  Bake at 350 degrees F. for 50 minutes.

Thought For The Day
If it were not for hopes,
the heart would break.
--Thomas Fuller

Life in itself is a journey of trying to get to know oneself.  It's my opinion that you must self-discover in order to get through life.  I think if you can't understand yourself, then how the heck can you understand and extend your love to others?

Most people have a false understanding of oneself.  Other people see us in a totally different way than we see our self.  And.... we are possessive in our self-evaluation.....because we like to think of ourselves as perfect and not very willing to listen to another person describe their evaluation of us.

Our mind tells us that we are the perfect creation and we believe our mind.  And, if the mind creates a false evaluation of our self, then that image is projected for all others to see.  False identity is a good description of that. 

It's hard to change one's own image of oneself.  But if we go through life with a false image of our ownself, then everyone you meet gets the false image of us.    I think it's time we all self-discovered the real us.  You must wade through the false needs and desires to be the person who you have always thought you were to discover the real you.  You must clear out your mind and listen to the real you from deep within you.  I guarantee you that you will feel differently about yourself if you can get past the false identity of yourself and discover the real you.  I've always thought of myself as just about perfect but I know that's not one beleived me, so it's time for me to self-discover just who I am.  You do it too!

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Anonymous said...

I am curious about your comment, "Let's hope no one person tries to usurp the history credits and gain power over the committee." Could you explain what you mean? Is there something I don't know that you know, and since I am on the board, should I know? Please call me!! This comment upsets me.

I so appreciate all your blogs. Love the history!!

About G'view town: Yes, it is lacking in so much. I hope our "town fathers"/leadership is doing something to keep us from falling further down. We need a sewer system! I hope the town board is working towards this!! It will be an asset to the community.
Just my thoughts. Keep writing, Carla.

doll lady said...

Hi Charlotte....I will send you an email and talk to you later. Accurate history about the town and area is always interesting .... I do it because I want to and not for personal gain. A sewer system would be wonderful....but a grocery store, a drugstore, a dollar general, etc would sure be great....and maybe some band concerts and a few more chili and maid rite dinners this winter is on the wish list! Thanks for reading my sure to check out my new blog. Carla

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