Do you spend 15 hours in front of your computer screen on any one day. NO NO NO....don't do that. It's bad on your eyes, gives you a fat hind end and can be dangerous if you don't get up several times a day to get the blood flowing in your legs. There is actually a disorder called Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD). It's the overuse of the internet or pathological computer use which causes interference with everyday life.
Some of these addicted persons even take their computer to bed with them, waking up every 20 minutes or so to check on something or to check their emails. Now that it is addiction. But you know you can't fall in love with a computer, or get a hug from a computer so why on earth would you want to take an inanimate computer to bed. It can't even keep your feet warm unless you put it down to the foot of the bed and hope you don't kick it off the bed during one of the moments you are asleep.
I guess these addicted persons might get a buzz or a high from their computer use. And I imagine their usage becomes the most important thing in their lives. If they work I would think that job security would eventually become an issue. Can you imagine getting a pink slip with "termination due to excessive computer usage"? It might become difficult to get another job if a prospective employer gets wind of that.
In growing older I understand how important it really is to get a bit of exercise each day....even if it's simply getting off your chair and doing arm exercises or twisting at the waist of a couple of deep knee it for your health and get off that computer for a few minutes.....the computer will still be there when you come back. It doesn't have legs so it won't walk away, but you should!
A Little History of The Presbyterian Church In Our Town.
On December 11, 1883 the First Presbyterian Church was organized under the leadership of Rev. Braden of the Irish Grove Presbyterian Church. Rev. Braden had been leading worship for the Presbyterians using the Methodist Church facility.
A frame church was built on the southeast corner of the city park. The parsonage was built south of the church facing west. First communion was celebrated January 20, 1884.

(This picture is from 1912)
On May 1963 discussion began between members of the First Presbyterian Church and the St. John; United Church of Christ. The two congregations decided to share the same Pastor and engage in joint endeavors with hope of later uniting.
After two years of working together, the two congregations voted on May 16, 1965 to dissolve the two churches and form a new united church. On October 3, 1965 at a special congregational meeting , both churches dissolved their members and assets and transferred them to the new united church. The name of the new congregation was Greenview United Church: United Presbyterians.
The former First Presbyterian Church building was used as the new church and the former United church of Christ building was used and referred to as the St. John's chapel.
On November 24, 1968 the congregation voted to raze the St. John's Chapel and build a new manse on the site. The new manse was constructed in 1972 and both former manses were sold.
Note from me and not from the history books. There were some hard feelings over this consolidation and therefore, the new congregation lost some faithful members. There were also some happenings relative to deleting members from the rolls due to the church feeling tithing was not what they expected from members. This did not set well with members who were deleted from the rolls. It is my opinion, according to the freedom of speech laws, there were good things which came from the consolidation but there were also things which were not in the best interests of all members.
Ultimate Shortbread Cookies
1 cup unsalted butter, room temp. (I use margarine)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon coconut extract
non-pariels, chopped nuts or course sugar...your choice
Beat the butter, sugar and extracts with a mixer until the mixture is light and fluffy....2 to 3 minutes on high.
Add the flour, half cup at a time, beating well with each addition.
Roll the dough into a log and wrap tightly with plastic wrap, then chill until very firm ..... 5 or 6 hours or overnight
After the logs are firm, roll them in sprinkles or nuts or non-pariels and slice into 1/4 inch slices. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet at 350 F oven for 18 to 20 minutes.
Thought For The Day
The rich and famous all seem to think they lack
two things..... enough privacy and enough money.
--unknown author
Have you ever thought "What if Santa went on strike?"
What do you mean Santa might go on strike? I would wake up and Santa wouldn't have left me, the big baby of the world, any presents. NO don't let it happen!
But poor Santa has to go home and suffer for days from gout and gastric intestinal disorder from all of the milk and cookies which he had to force down to his stomach. No wonder the poor man has an enlarged and very stretched and extended tummy and overhang. But does he get a wage for doing all of this ..... NO he doesn't!
I also think it could be possible that eventually Santa might have to get rid of the elves and reindeer due to the high wage demands. He probably will just have to take to using his credit cards to purchase all of the necessary gifts instead of using elves to make them. Can you image the credit card bills.....every credit card company in the world would seek his application for credit.....that is if he can manage to pay his credit card bills with no wages being paid to him.
I say pay the man! Give him a decent wage and stop leaving cookies and milk. Instead leave him a gift card to the closest and most friendly grocery store that has healthy and wholesome fruits and vegetables and whole grain food. That way he can eat healthy all year long and won't suffer so much on post Christmas Eve days. He will get skinny and have to get a new suit but oh well, healthy outweighs the risk of continuing in the same old heavy weight suit for the remaining days of Santa.
I believe your days of getting Santa presents might be numbered if you don't follow my advice. Pick up two gift cards while out shopping and leave one for him on Christmas Eve and mail me the other...I need to get healthy too!
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