These pre-first grade kids are so smart these days and I'm astounded! They can read and write and tie their shoes and count and say the alphabet and a bunch of other things...... But I think I was just as smart back then, when we went to the so called kindergarten......which was simply the home economics class girls taking care of us for a few hours. They got credit for the class, we got a snack and a nap and got to play in the sandbox. That's my story and I'm sticking to it because it's true. But in my case, I hadn't been exposed to learning how to read and write and other things young kids know early in life in these days of progress.
Wait...I guess I wasn't so smart as I thought.....I think it was first grade, when I was in Miss Flo's class, before I could read. And I couldn't tie my shoes until about 3rd grade....I had the hardest time with that.....and I still, to this day, tie my shoe laces opposite of everyone else.
I remember one time in my early school days the school was having some kind of a meeting. I took the paper home and my mom said she wasn't going to that....she said she would say she had a big bad headache. Of course, the next day when the teacher asked if my mother was coming to the meeting, I told her that my mom said she was going to have a biggg baddd headache! I got in trouble when I told my mom and dad at the dinner table what I told the teacher....well that's what my mom said!
You would have thought that little butt swat that I got would have taught me to keep my mouth shut, but no it didn't. Because not so much later in my life there was going to be another mom had said she was going to take a PTA bath so I related that too...she was coming because she was taking a PTA bath....but she wasn't going to any PTA was a type of bath that women take (you know....those private areas that need an occasional washing). I really got in trouble that time. Geeze!
Just a bit past kindergarten age I did another loud mouth thing that I never mom used to smoke but she never wanted her old Aunt Rindy to find out. So one night at the after dinner table while my folks were enjoying a smoke, the doorbell rang. I ran to the door....and there was Aunt I hollered from the open front door in front of God and aunt Rindy......I hollered to mom "MOM, put out your cigarette, Aunt Rindy is here." It is a wonder I lived to see my 10th birthday as much trouble my mouth was always in.
I still think Kindergarten might have been my best subject in worries, no trouble, no anything but play. It was a good time in my life.
Greenview School History
This is copied from one of the orginal Greenview Scrapbooks. This article will be the first of two or three articles on the schools in our town. This particular article was written many years ago but not published until I think approximately 1975.
District #14, the first organized district at Greenview, was perfected in 1864. At that time there were in operation three small schoolhouses in different places in "Blane's pasture". These continued to operated under the new district plan until 1871.

On March 8, 1915, the condition of the old buildings stimulated a resolution to condemn them, a favorable vote to issue $15,000 in bonds and the letting of contracts to build a new building. The firm of Snyder and Montgomery were given the contract for erecting the present grade* brick building for $15,323, and Tripp Brothers were given the contract for heating facilities at $2,609. In 1926 and 1927 the gymnasium and home economics buildings were erected. The total cost to the taxpayers for the three buildings and equipment stands at $49,135.21.
Greenview, realising the acute necessity for increasing its district to obtain a more sound tax base for the education of their high school pupils, voted upon the proposition to establish a community high school district in 1936. This proposition failed, due to the fact that not many citizens, as yet, had not realized the need and did not comprehend the increasing enrollments and costs of education. On June 8, 1940, by a vote of 693 FOR, 129 AGAINST, the Greenview Community High School district was formed. On May 1, 1948, by a vote of the people, Community District No. 200 was formed.
* this relates to the grade school, which was the one which we all knew in our childhood. It was sold on December 13, 1974 to Roger Horn for $26,000.00.
Note the above picture is the first school building which was torn down in 1915.
Watch for a continued school related post tomorrow.
Carrot, Pineapple, Jello Salad
2 small packages of orange jello (can use sugar free if desired)
Grated carrots (until it looks like enough - maybe around 1 cup)
20oz can crushed pineapple
Mix the jello as on the for a while until it looks like it's beginning to gel. Add grated carrots and very well drained pineapple (I squeeze mine to get out the juice).
Quote For The Day
The road to success is always under construction.
--unknown author
When you visit your doctor do you ever think he is not listening? That happens to me a lot. But I guess old doctor man is always busy and thinking about what ailment I'm gonna come up with next.
Your appointment is just one of many every 15 minutes appointments for a doctor. With each, he has to change mind courses, from maybe a broken leg with one patient then on to another patient with a brain tumor. So I guess the poor (ha ha ha) man has to have special considerations when he visits your little exam room.....give him a break.
The last time I was in my doctor's office I expected him at any moment to turn to me and say "no hablo inglis". And, when he told me what I had, I think he was speaking in Russian because I didn't understand any of the diagnosis.
So this Christmas season, I'm going to be nice and not go to the doctor......I'll give him a break and me too. But I have every intention of eating whatever I want because the last time I was in the doctor's office I crossed my fingers behind my back when I answered him after he said no more cookies and candies".
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So Carla, if you tie your shoe strings "just opposite of everyone else", you should be a pretty good "bow-tier" I remember when I was taught how to tie a bow tie, I was told that it's just like tying your shoes, only backwards.
Ken Dirks
hmmm....I've never tied a bow tie....they're not quite my style of attire.
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