Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas From Heaven

Heaven Isn't Far......

Each of us must go through losing a family member at some point in our lives.  To live also means that at some point we will also pass on from life, but it is never easy when a loved one leaves this earth.  The past two years have been very difficult for me and my siblings as we lost two wonderful sisters, the oldest and the youngest. 

The life on earth,these wonderful sisters led, was full of love and joy and both loved the Christmas Season with a passion.  One sister even celebrated a birthday on Christmas Eve, so this time of year was her most favorite, as she always got multiple presents.  This both amused her and thrilled her to see that so many people loved her enough to buy her lots of presents.

As we near the very special Christmas day, I know that my sisters are both busy with their preperations for the celebration of the birth of Jesus.  This year they will hold hands and praise God in the highest and will also thank God for allowing them to sit beside him as he also celebrates his son's birthday.

There is a poem which has helped me to know that my youngest sister, who left this earth this year, will be by my side as I go about our family's Christmas activities this year.  I know she and my older sister will be together with our parents and our brothers and will watch our Christmas Day pleasures.  Some of you might have also lost loved ones, and you will see that this poem assures you that your loved one will be with you.  Enjoy the poem....and rest assured, they are near.

Merry Christmas From Heaven

by...John Mooney

I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
on cold wintery nights.

I still share your hopes
and all of your cares
I'll even remind you
to please say your prayers.

I just want to tell you
you still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders
above all the crowd.

Keep trying each moment
to stay in his grace
I came here before you
to help set your pace.

You don't have to be
perfect all the time
He forgives you the slip
if you continue to climb.

To my family and friends
please be thankful today
I'm still close beside you
in a new special way.

I love you all dearly
now don't shed a tear
cause I'm spending my Christmas
with Jesus this year.

Happy Birthday dear sister.  Merry Christmas to all my family in heaven.  And, Merry Christmas to all of your loved ones whom you have lost.  All of our loved ones are with us but in a special way.

I know no other words which can compete with those of John Mooney.  May our days be blessed and our hearts healed during this season of joy and peace.  Peace on earth and goodwill to all.

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