On any day, you can be out shopping and waiting in the check-out lane and lo and behold you will see those brilliant headlines on the Tabloid newspapers.
Perhaps you see "Man Loses Head and Lives To Tell About It" .... or maybe it's "Kiss Your Asteroid Goodbye" ..... or even "Woman Gets Bizarre Phone Calls - From Her Dead Aunt".

Today I was sitting back thinking about what those tabloids could be used for. My thoughts centered on the best ways to use the tabloids and still do some good in the world or the USA.
First of all a person could find one of those newspaper rollers which roll papers into fireplace logs. Supposedly those newspaper logs burn for a long time. So if tabloid papers were used instead, I bet the fires from burning those would be absolutely dang hot from those dang hot stories! One hot story tabloid log would probably burn for at least two days, heating a three story home to about 80 degrees F.
My second thought was to run all tabloids through a paper shredder and use it for animal bedding or for putting shred on the floors of animal stalls. Then you would have sh*t upon sh*t once the cow got done doing her job on that tabloid fodder.
But my last thought concerns the money the government has had to spend lately on law cases for criminals. Surely there would be a way to use those tabloid stories to help reduce the costs. Yes there is.....purchase every federal judge a subscription to every weekly tabloid and require the judges to read every last word about any criminal case in the tabloid news. Cancel all trials to save the expenses related to the trials and attorneys' costs which government would otherwise have needed to pay. Then let the judges render all the decisions on every criminal case printed in the tabloid, based solely on the text contained in those tabloids. Presto....no more trial costs, just the costs of the tabloid subscriptions which has to be a whole lot less than trial costs.
Now I lay me down to sleep knowing that I have solved a lot of the world's problems and costs. Use those tabloids folks.....they are very valuable fodder!
Area Pictures/Postcards
Havana Postcard 1906
Havana Public Library 1912
The Lake Club, Springfield, IL .... supposedly
it's haunted. 1960 era
Springfield IL picket lines Garbage Strike 1962.
I'm currently researching this...I only recently purchased this so don't know everything connected.
Bauers Opera House, Springfield IL. A favorite hangout
of mine. Played a lot of backgammon here.
Today I will make it simple. If you like a really good Italian Beef and get tired of trying to get the spices just right when putting beef (pork is good too) on to cook in the crockpot...here's the solution. Buy Louie's Italian Beef au jus Spice Mix....you won't be sorry. I buy about a 3lb roast and use the package of spice.....it's heavenly. I usually add a few pepperoncini peppers and a tiny bit of the pepper juice too. YUM.. Set it and go away and come back to it. Can buy it at most stores. Walmart has it, County Market has it and is cheaper than Walmart and I think Shop n Save has it too. Happy Eating.
Thought For The Day
To steal ideas from one person
is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.
--unknown author
Christmas travel is coming up for a lot of persons. Some will go by automobile, and some by train and some will attempt to get there the fastest by flying the blue and sunny skies aboard a big flying bird...the airplane.
These days it could be dangerous to fly because of hijackers and terrorists and I'm sure the federal government will do everything in their power to enforce rules to check for contraband, hidden knives, hidden guns, bomb material, too big of a bottle of liquid (including your shampoo, your contact lens cleaner and solution, your mouthwash, personal body cleaner, and similar). And when they do find those extra large sized bottles, they make you throw it in the garbage. I bet those air terminal employees don't ever have to buy any type of personal cleaners, solutions, shampoo, conditioner, etc....just reach in the garbage and take their choice. And some of that stuff was probably Redkin, Matrix and other really expensive stuff.....thrown away all in the name of hijackers and terrorists.
No wait...I think I just saw new rules for safe Christmas air travel this year. The new rules say: "In order to be extra safe at air terminals, all passengers must be nude on the aircraft at all times, and the government will ban all carry-on luggage. Each passenger will be issued a small deringer for protection (a small gun will assure no big holes will go through the plane's metal skin), with at least 5 bullets to allow for multiple terrorists or hikjackers. Any unused ammunition as well as the guns will be collected at landing."
Have a safe trip!
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Come again!
See you soon.
But wasn't it the National Inquirer that broke the John (the scumbag) Edwards scandal a few years back?
Ken Dirks
Ken...probably so...there have actually been several news worthy things they had first but they sometimes have some really doozies!
I really don't hate them....just a subject to write a funny article!!! LOL Carla P.S. and you're right about scumbag Edwards!
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