Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Good Day On The Horizon.... But Hot

An Icon In The County Is Sold
Quite a while ago I posted that I heard that Kent's IGA in Petersburg was being bought by County Market (Niemann Foods).  Then I heard the store was too small so the deal fell through.  This morning's paper confirms that the sale will be made and take over by mid-August.  The Kent family has owned the Petersburg IGA since 1976.  I'm sure I'll miss the fine meats they sold, and hope that this take-over by a larger chain will offer county residents more opportunity to purchase products which have not been available at Kent's IGA and perhaps at lower prices.  Progress in the county is always a good thing.

Top Baby Names In 2010
For those of you who might be waiting for a new addition, the Social Security Administration publishes a list of the ten most popular child's name for different years.  The list for 2010 shows Jacob for the most popular boy's name and Isabella for the most popular girl's name.  Some other names on the list are:  Ethan, Michael, Jayden, William, Alexander, Daniel, Sophia, Emma, Abigail, Madison, Chloe.  It appears that some still like the old fashioned names while others like the more modern names.  A new baby won't care at birth what his/her name is, but in later years that name might be a noose around the neck.  I remember a little book I once said if your last name was Pitt, don't name your child Olive. 

Continuing Story
On July 4, I first started posting a continuing story about a young girl who was afraid of death.  This story was written from journals and diaries and relates to how death affected this young girl.  This young girl was me.  Up to now, the story basically was completed from the standpoint of a young girl.  It now proceeds to this young girl as a bride and will continue to present day. I wrote the young bride section many years ago but never finished it to current day.   I expanded upon and finished my story not long ago as I was faced with more difficult situations.  I am opening up and letting you see the inner me.   Enjoy! 

"Some cousins died in the next years but I really didn’t know them all that well. Two of my uncles also passed but not having them live in close proximity, death questions weren’t so overpowering  With the passing of years, I’m a young bride with a child on the way. Grandpa fell and broke his hip and is not getting better in the nursing home. I would go see him and more than once Gramps put his hand on my belly and said “I know you are having the girl I never had”. This statement floored me and numerous times I asked him how he knew this. He said “I see it.” Gramps couldn’t explain it, he just saw it. I asked him if he saw it from heaven and he said yes. Finally, someone who knew something about the future. But Gramps couldn’t elaborate. He was getting worse and on the day my brother got married, Gramps passed to the heavenly place where he saw my baby girl. That baby girl was born two months later in 1972. I know that Grandpa knew he was dying from the things he said, but he didn’t know how to tell me about how he felt. He always said “I just know”. 

 During the next years, there was a reprieve from losing friends and immediate family members, except for a few aunts and uncles. Even though I loved these aunts and uncles, they weren’t people I saw everyday, so their deaths didn’t bother me a lot. 

Then, my dad got lung cancer. Over the next 6 or so years, he had several surgeries. It was tough on me having gone through a divorce and raising two kids on my own. The thought of losing my dad was taking a toll and especially when his wife was a witch and didn’t want me or my siblings to see our dad. She was even jealous of my dead mother and had always put up a battle if my dad wanted to go to the cemetery to put flowers on his dead wife’s grave. One time when my dad had surgery and was in ICU, my stepmother even stooped so low as to omit my older sister on the hospital ICU visitor list because my sister wasn’t my dad’s daughter. And then she told me I better never come back to visit my dad at the hospital because I called her on not wanting my half sister to visit my dad.. Cripes lady. My dad was the only dad my sister ever knew and she called him “dad“. But, my step-mother’s own sons were on the visitor list. She hated me and my sisters, including my baby sister Patty who was a downs child. She didn't want my sister in her house and she didn't even want my kids in her house and asked my husband to leave one time when he came to the house with his shirt off. People in our town may have known her but I bet they didn't know the real woman she was.  

As my dad got worse, he knew he was dying and he was scared. He was put in hospice but wanted to go home for a last time. His wife didn’t want him at home. Dad called me several times everyday and begged me to take him home. I would go and see him after work and hold his hand and talk to him. He was seeing death and didn’t want to go. The hospice people told him he was dying. I didn’t want to see my dad die so I was afraid to go in his room during his last hours. He had the death rattles and the medical staff told us it was just a few more hours. He wasn’t conscious nor aware of his surroundings. I kept away and slept a while on a couch then awoke and something told me to go into his room. After many hours of not seeing him due to my fright of seeing him die, I noticed he was breathing very shallow. I took his hand and told him I was there. He sighed and took his last breath. He was waiting for me. Death was easy for him and I was relieved. 

He had always been afraid of death but he went peacefully. I knew at that point, that if someone told me I was dying I would be scared too. In fact when I had open heart surgery in 1998, I was told I had no more than 10 years to live. I lost faith at that time and it took me a long time to come back to the fold and really understand about death. I did a whole lot of bible reading to convince myself that death was inevitable and the crux of life. To maintain the balance of evolution, death must occur and everyone on earth will die at some point. Prior to coming to this conclusion, I feared death with a passion. Then after realizing this, a feeling of peace came over me. Death wasn’t something I wanted to do at this moment, but when it came, I was ready.
Watch for a new post next week.  The end of the story is nearing.  In fact there will most likely only be one  or two more posts.  I finished my story not long ago, and now it is time for me to finish my series of continuing story posts in the near future. 
What's To Eat At Our House Tonight
Tonight it's Chicken In The Oven.  I try to cook with little fat and low sodium.  A long time ago I saw a recipe which used mashed potato flakes and flour as the coating for oven chicken.  Since then I have been mixing 1 cup of mashed potato flakes and 3 tablespoons for flour with low salt, pepper and paprika (helps it brown plus flavor).  I roll the chicken in this mixture and put it on a cookie sheet which has been heavily sprayed with canola oil spray....the kind that is fat free.  The after all chicken is coated, I heavily spray the chicken until it looks like all flour/flakes are covered.  Put it in the oven at 375 for about 20 minutes and turn the chicken.  Cook another 20 minutes or until it looks brown on both sides.  People who come to my house and eat chicken this way think I fried it.  You can always scrape the crumbs into a pan and add some oil if you want to make milk gravy.  We will be having boiled small red potatoes tonight with tomatoes fresh from garden and cucumbers and onions in a vinegar and sugar mix.  I love garden time in the Midwest!

Funny Thing
Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time,
which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him ..... (Oh, man, this is so bad, it's good).....Asuper calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis

Ha Ha Ha

Thought For The Day

None of us is
as smart as all of us
--Phil Condit

Sorry this post looks terrible.  Blogger is having big problems today and will not change my font size when I want it changed and when I copy stuff from my other documents, it won't change over.  I hate when this happens....I've been trying to work with them on this.  Sorry.  But anyhoos...have a great day and stay cool as the heat is once again oppressive here in Greenviewland.  Later.....

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