Friday, July 8, 2011

One Two Three....All In Unison....It's Friday

All of you out there .... it's Friday.
I know you all read my article about what do older folks do on Fridays and the weekends.....but this time I'd like to know what you younger folks do on Fridays and on into the weekend!!  Not being too young any longer, I just don't know what is "in" and what isn't.  I know "bar hopping" might be one answer.  Taking the kids to the park for a picnic might be another....or swimming in our pool.....or going out to eat.  These are similar to what we used to do when we were younger and then had kids.  Tell us what you do.  Maybe some of us older folks might think you have cool ideas and want to do the same thing.

Old Tyme Greenview
I hope you are enjoying this section on Old Tyme Greenview.  Our town is rich in history but most of us never took the time to learn a whole lot about our town.  That's might not have known where to go to find out this information; or you might not have had time to sit and learn; or you might not have been interested at the time.  But now that there is a source, why not pull up a chair and take a moment to read all about dear old Greenview each weekday.  I don't mind giving the fact it makes me think about the days of old.  Thanks for reading this section each day!  The following is a story about St. John's Evangelical Church (commonly called the German Church) which used to stand directly west of the old Greenview Grade School...and for those who were too young to know where that was.....stand at the elevator....go directly south until you are in the front yard of a huge old house (my old house, Englands lived there, Aaron Barbee lived there).  The old St. John's church was on the west side across from the huge old was where the minister's manse now stands.....Pastor Bob Hanson used to live there.  The story I will be posting about the church is from the Fifty Year is long so I will do it in a few posts.  Happy reading. 

St. John's Church
Evangelilcal and Reformed
A History of 50 Years

(Note...this is the church I remember and which was torn down to build a minister's manse) 

St. John's Evangelical Church

Greenview, Illinois

"A group of persons met together to organize a German Evangelical Church; their object being to promote Christian living and the advancement of the Kingdom of God." Such is the opening statement in the book of records that relates to us the doings of the group of persons who founded St. John's Evangelical Church of Greenview. This group had been meeting for preaching services prior to this time in the Jenison school house and then later in the Wernsing hall, hearing whatever ministers that happened to be available. The plans of this group were advanced to such an extent that early in the year of 1887 an constitution and by-laws was presented for consideration by a committee composed of Henry Wernsing, Harmon Meyer, Garrett Evers, Garrett Deverman, John Ackerman, and Harmon Warnsing. At the same time Harmon Deverman, J. H. Stitchman, Reinhard Onken, Garrett Deverman, Garrett Evers, and John Evers were selected to be responsible for the finding of signers to the constitution and for the raising of funds for the building of a house of worship. As nearly as can be determined 45 men signed as charter members of the new church.

The work of this latter committee progressed rapidly and we find that shortly after, in the presence of Rev. Haehnel, a Lutheran minister, Henry Wernsing, John Ackerman, Harmon Meyer, Harmon Warnsing, J. H. Stitchman, and Frederick Evers were selected to compose the building committee and with money in hand this committee purchased the plot of ground upon which our church now stands for the sum of $250.00. Architects Diedrich Fischer and Robert Carver submitted suitable plans for a church edifice and to the latter was let a contract for the erection of a church structure at a cost of $3,200.00.
On April 2, 1887 the congregation was formally organized and Garrett Evers, Harmon Warnsing and Diedrich Deverman were elected as trustees of the church, with Garrett Evers being elected as the first chairman and Harmon Warnsing as the first secretary. The congregation grew rapidly during that first year and by late summer of 1887 the question most under consideration was that of denominational affiliation. The choice of the majority was that application should be made for membership into the Missouri Lutheran Synod. However, the constitution and by-laws adopted by the new church group were not acceptable to the Lutheran body, unless the Greenview congregation would be willing to be considered as a mission station of the Synod. To this the Greenview congregation was unwilling to agree and the Church Board then invited the Evangelical Synod of North America to send ministers to Greenview to consider the local constitution. Rev. H. J. Schmidt of the Lincoln congregation came to Greenview and found the constitution agreeable to the Evangelical Synod, and in November, 1887, the Greenview Congregation became a member of the Evangelical Synod of North America. The pastors Schmidt of Lincoln, N. Severing of Bloomington, and P. Ott of Minier alternated in conducting services for a short time.

The day of Sunday, December 18, 1887 was a notable day for the Greenview church, and the dreams of the entire congregation were realized, when the new church edifice was dedicated to the services of the Triune God. The morning worship service was conducted by the Pastors Schmidt and Severing in the German language. The afternoon message was delivered in the English language by August Hammer, a student at Eden Seminary, and the service was lead by Rev. Ott. Music was furnished by the choir of St. John's Church of Lincoln. After the services arrangements were made with Mr. Hammer that he come to preach at Greenview for the remainder of his school hear at the Seminary.

On July 8, 1888, at a meeting of the congregation, Rev. Hammer, now an ordained minister, was called as Pastor of the congregation at a salary of $250.00 a year. Rev. Hammer also served St. Paul's Church at Petersburg, living at Petersburg, and dividing his time between the two churches. Within one month after beginning his active work here, Re. Hammer organized a Sunday School, which has been faithfully maintained ever since and which has grown with the congregation. During the summer months he also conducted "German School" in which the German Language and catechism were taught.

Rev. Hammer resigned after ten years of faithful service to accept a new charge, and the Rev. P. Weil began his pastorate on March 1, 1899. Alternating his time between the Greenview and Petersburg charges, Rev. Weil conducted services and the German school until the time of his leaving in January, 1906. In 1901 the church was somewhat damaged by fire, but not seriously enough to make it necessary to suspend services.

The story of the History of St. John's Church, Greenview, IL will be continued in next Monday's post.  Be here to read it!!

What's to Eat At Our House Tonight
Once before, I told you about Hotel Steaks which we buy at Alwan & Sons Meat in Peoria.  These steaks are wonderfully tender, and have a the best flavor.    There are huge and thick and cost $6.49 per pound.  A single steak of medium size in length can be cut in two pieces and will satisfy even a person with a large sized appetite when served with a baked potato and a salad.  We will be enjoying these steaks tonight, cooked to perfection on the grill.

If you haven't made the trip to Alwan & Sons Meats in Peoria, you need to make this a "thing to do" on your list.  The big meat shop is on War Memorial Drive, in Peoria Heights.  It's worth the trip....take your cooler....they have ice there.  But, take a big will be tempted to fill it up when you see everything they have!!  If you go this weekend, you might see me.....our freezer supply of steaks is almost deminished.  Happy eating!

Menard County Fair  - Runs 6 days, July 19 through July 24.  A pie baking contest will be held on July 21.  Fair office is open now for entries in all classes.

Classic Car Cruise in Cantrall Park, Sunday, July 10, 2pm to 5 pm.

Vacation Bible School, Greeview Baptist Church.  One day VBS on July 30 10am....Prince and Princess with a Purpose.  Filled with fun, food and fellowship.

Paul Kollmann named to Dean's LIst at Olivet Nazarene University for spring semester.  Son of Kendell and Karen Kollman.  2008 Graduate of GHS.

Zadok Graff placed second in swine amd sixth overal in the livestock judging , senior questions division.  He is a member of the Greenview Boosters 4-H club.

Isabella Graff won Reserve Champion Percentage Heifer Bred & Owned with Elvira at te American Junior Simental ASsoc. NOrth Central Regional held in Wausau, WI.  Theo Graff won his class and placed 7th in the junior stock judging.

Farmer's Market in Petersburg - This sunday at the courthouse parking lot 10am to 2pm.

Thought Of the Day

If God created us in his own image,
we have more than reciprocated.

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This afternoon starts the weekend which looks like it will be free of rain.....just hot and humid.  This morning had a huge veil of moisture hanging around my trees.  I call that stationery just hangs there and doesn't fall to the ground.  Enjoy your weekend, but be sure to come back next week to read about your old town of Greenview.  Later my friends.....