Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday again....

Just Askin....
Just in case you didn't come to the blog yesterday, I wanted to call attention to the first chapter of the new continuing story in yesterday's blog post.  If you didn't read it, could you go and give it a quick read.  If you have problems or concerns with this kind of posts in my blog, please tell me.  It will help me to develop ideas for future posts/articles, etc.  In fact any comments will be appreciated.

This is your blog, tell me your thoughts because I can't read your mind........ I lost my mind reading abilities a few years ago when they took my brain out....and forgot to reinsert it!  At least some days I feel like that's what happened.

Did You Know
I'm not superstitious but according to Chinese Feng Shui, this year's month of July has something special because it only happens once every 823years.  According to Chinese Feng Shui, that's called money bags and you should notify everyone about it.....and if you do money will come to you.  So I'm putting this in my blog in hopes that my mailbox will soon be so full of money that I'll never have to worry again.   Anyhow....here's the lucky information about July.

This month of July has 5 Fridays.  This month has 5 Saturdays.  This month has 5 Sundays.  Happens once in every 823 years

Old Tyme Greenview
I was hunting through some old books and found a paragraph about a person with the last name Gaddie.   This book was written in real time many many years ago. One of my readers was a Gaddie, so I decided to use that paragraph so you can become familiar with a long ago resident of the Greenview/Sweetwater area.  As I find other articles which I feel might be an ancestor of one of my readers, I will include these in my posts.

Andrew Gaddie:  Farmer and stock raiser.  P. O. Sweetwater.  Was born in the Orkney Islands, May 31, 1837; when about age 13 he went to sea; he followed the sea until about age 19 years of age when he came to the United States.  He was in the late war, served a little over two years and was discharged on account of sickness;  he was in the Co. K, 106th I.V.I.  In 1867, Mr. Gaddie bought 200 acres of land in Sugar Grove Precinct upon which he has since resided.  He was united in marriage with Sarah Keen, November 20 1866; she was born in England October 8, 1848.  Mrs. Gaddie's parents came to this country when she was about 2 years of age.  From this union, there are six children - John T.,   Cora N., Katie G., Charles H., Mary E., and Jessie A.  Mr Gaddie came to Illinois a poor boy and is emphatically a self-made man.  He has held the responsible position of County Commissioner three years and well and faithfully has served the county; he is a democrat.

What's To Eat Tonight At Our House
Tonight we're having Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo.  I have to watch fat grams and sodium content so I buy the Alfredo sauce in a jar.  I have tried making homemade Alfredo sauce with lower fat milk and it tastes flat and terrible to the taste buds.   Ragu brand has a Light Parmesan which has 5 fat grams and lower sodium and really tastes good.

I actually like linguine noodles better than I do Fettuccine .... I simply boil about 3/4 box for 2 people and for the Ragu jar contents.  Drain and place on a plate.  Heat the Ragu Alfredo sauce and cover the noodles on your plate.  Top with cooked shrimp.  Sometimes I cover large uncooked shrimp in blackened fish spice and then grill .... cut in pieces and place on top of the Alfredo.

Greenview Today
This weekend I took a ride through Greenview, pondering how much it has changed from many years ago.  Buildings don't make the town, but when they are gone, the old town seems strange.  The park is still maintained very well.  The grass is well cut and the pavilion stands strong.  I still remember the old pavilion made of wood and very small and where a large screen was hung from the side and movies shown in the park for the kids.

On my way through town, at Rolf's machinery, I saw a Kubota runabout type vehicle which will be given away at the Menard County fair.  Tickets are $25. 

On the main street (Adams) which runs on the south side of the park, I saw furled flags on every light post from the highway to the cemetery.  This display of flags In Greenview brought a proud feeling to my heart that the village of Greenview still holds dear our Freedom and  remembers the soldiers who gave their lives so that we could remain independent.  

Most houses in Greenview appear to be well kept unlike some small towns in this area.  There are a lot of houses which have been foreclosed upon during the horribly devastating recession so sometimes the yards of these houses look a little rough.  I would estimate there are between 5 to 10 empty foreclosed homes.

All in all, the town still looks good.  If you haven't visited in a while, you should do so.  Be sure to take a look at the pristinely kept Elmwood Cemetery.

Daisy's Angels Golf Outing
For those of you who remember a lovely Greenview resident, Daisy Duncan.....as a memorial, a golf outing is held to raise money to purchase school items for underprivileged kids.  To date this memorial has raised about $65,000.  It's a good thing!!  The outing is being held Friday, July 8, 9:30 at Country Hills Golf Course. 

A Funny Thing Happened To Us.....
We had to go to Peoria on Saturday.  We travelled Route 29 and were on our way back home.  Driving through Creve Couer and then Marquette Heights nothing unusual.  All at once we look up and there is a huge speed boat sitting in the middle of the right hand lane in which we were driving.  We could see the white skid marks on the highway where the boat had skidded on the pavement.  No truck or trailer was around at the nearby gas station or in any open lot next to the road.  The boat was all alone.  No police were there. People were simply going to the other lane and gawking at a strange sight.  This boat was HUGE!  How could someone not know they lost their boat!!!  We felt the owner may have left to go get another trailer....if the boat fell off, something must have been wrong with the trailer tie downs.....we chuckled a lot about this on our way home.

Thought For The Day

Ever tried.  Ever Failed.  No Matter. 
Try Again.  Fail Again.  Fail Better.

--Samuel Beckett

Today is another day.  I must strive to be a more avid fan of housework. I tend to let the dust bunnies climb aboard for a long visit.  Perhaps today will be the day those dang bunnies see the end of my long handled duster.  Never fear, that day will come....but is today the day....who knows.  This Greenview house may not be the cleanest, but it's home!  Later my friends....

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