Thursday, July 14, 2011

Luverly Thursday Morning In The Midwest

The Morning Is Clear;  Beautiful Weather Forecasted
Any time I can wake to a day which will be at a high of 83 degrees, it's a nice day in this old town.  At least a person feels that a trip outside won't suffocate oneself.   It appears it might rain sometime today but I don't think it's in the forecast.  I hope not!   In fact I have the doctor buy staples, etc.  I love "Shop n Save Thursday" !Buy $50 worth of groceries and only pay for $40 and no coupon necessary.  Who can beat that!  $10.00 is a big savings.  Saving money is the name of the game!

When I was a kid, I used to try to save money so I could run to the store and buy candy.  Here's some candy you might remember from the 1950's and 60's...besides the usual Hershey Bars and other common candy bars:
Chick-o-sticks; Necco Wafers; Boston Baked Beans; Charleston Chews;  Zagnut; Zero; Sugar Daddy; Sugar Babies;  Bun Bars; Bubble Gum Cigars; Bit-o-Honey; Sno Caps; Candy Cigarettes; Skybar; Lik-m-Aid;  Abba Zabba; Mary Janes; PayDay; Root Beer Barrels; Slo Poke; Wax Lips; Clark Bar; Teaberry Gum; Clove Gum; Beaman's Gum; Black Jack Gum; Mallo Cups; Fizzies Drink Tablets; Chicklets, Sen Sen; Nik-l-nip; Chuckles.  And my most favorite was Val-o-milk because it had a disk inside with the names of state capitols....this is how I learned my state capitols. 

Some of this old tyme candy is still available.  I love to go to Cracker Barrel and see the the candy from my past. And there are sites on the internet where you can order old type candy.   Although it's quite a bit more expensive in today's world.  And of course the penny candy we used to buy at Whit Stone's Drug Store.  For two cents,  a big bag would be handed over.  Whit Stone had about everything you could want ..... I remember getting school supplies there.  But the best thing was the ring bologna at Punch's West Food Store....a big hunk for a dime or so.  I'd go in there just to see Esther's blue hair.  And wonder what Punch and Judy (as I called Punch and Esther) did when they rode around in his old Ford car.  I always wondered if they parked in lover's lane....shame on me.

It's always fun to reminisce from the days of old.

Just a Thought on a Subject Regarding Greeview BLS
I have a police scanner with the emergency channels for the BLS and fire in  Greenview.  Unfortunately, lately, I have been hearing unanswered BLS calls during the day. Almost every one of the calls during the day have no Greenview BLS response.   Apparently people who are on the BLS work outside of Greenview, so maybe there is no one to answer the call.  A few months ago I had the occasion to call 911 due to a nose bleed I couldn't get stopped.  No one from the BLS was about 7:30 am.  I had to wait 45 minutes for the ambulance attendants to get here to help me get the blood stopped.  I am certainly worried about this.  People could die if we don't have a BLS member who can immediately go to a victim of a heart attack or other life threatening event.  I wonder what it was we voted on during the last election???   I know some BLS members in the county were in a huff about the election item and didn't want it to pass....I sincerely hope that the BLS team is not disbanding or not going to calls because this passed at election time.  I would volunteer for the BLS since I used to be a safety marshall at work many years ago...but I'm not sure I'm up to it at this point.  Discussion anyone??

Some Are Having Problems Posting Messages and Reading the Text
Keep in mind that I am using a FREE posting site for my blog.  There will be errors and quirks.  I don't like the problems I have with this site, but I put up with them and ask that you bear with me.  I try to type the blog in larger type, but sometimes, the text size gets changed mid-way through or when I do the posting and it looks terrible, but it takes so much time to go back a re-do the blog.....sometimes I try to clean it up .... but most of the time, the content is the same, so I leave the botched text.  Also, I copy other internet items for the history stuff I post....the text turns out small because the other document is done in small text.....sometimes I can get the text to convert over to larger text, but most times I'm stuck.  But......when the article is large and long, the small text is better so I can get more in the blog.  I know it's hard on the eyesight...and I used to have a hard time reading the small text until I go tri-focal that's not a problem.  Maybe one of these days things will improve.  I suggest that you might have an outdated browser and need to update it if you are having problems posting messages....or your internet provider might be the cause.  Some aren't seeing the pictures I post.....they always come up on my computer screen so I'm not sure why you might not be seeing the pictures.....I'm taking them from my computer.  Sorry for the problems!!!  Not much I can do.

What's To Eat At Our House Tonight
Good old Spanish Rice.  I brown 1/2 pound of ground beef or ground turkey with a few chopped onions, then drain and rinse with hot water.  In the meantime, I make a box of Rice-a-Roni Spanish Rice as directed on the box.  After this is done, I add the ground meat, and 1 can of tomato sauce and 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder and 1/2 teaspoon of onion power, salt and pepper.  Put this is a casserole and cover with shredded cheddar cheese and bake at 350 until cheese is melted and getting slightly brown.  Serve with french bread and a salad.

My apple pie was wonderful last night.....enough left over for tonight too!

Greenview At Its Finest

This picture is from 1904 and is of the Pancake School.  This shows my Grandpa, Alva Montgomery, my Aunt Marie Montgomery (Dowson) and my Uncles Elmer and John Montgomery.  Many other popular family names are listed....perhaps you will see a relative.  The pancake school was located on the north road out of Greenview, past Westerfields and Dowells.  My Aunt Marie's house was where Roger Calloway now was past Aunt Marie's house... Pancake School sat on the road before getting to the old Bill Downey home where Cavannah-Grants live now.  My Great Grandmother Elizabeth Montgomery bought the Pancake School when the old county schools were sold.  Note:  My Grandpa was always a handsome man in the pictures I have during his courting days....and I can see he was a cutie when really young.... he is the last young man on the right in the second row.

Thought For The Day
It is never too late to be
what you might have become.
--George Eliot

Sometimes our plan is to become a writer or maybe a lawyer or maybe a doctor or a nurse.  Sometimes a person might be satisfied just becoming a solid helper of some sort.  It doesn't really matter what you become in life, but it does matter that you become the best that you can be.  Hard work, a dedication to the effort will always assure that your life's goal is attained and maintained.  If that doesn't happen for you, perhaps consider discovering why it hasn't and take measures to correct that.  Being the best you can be is not always easy but it is fulfilling.  Go for it with may be happier in life.  Later my friends.

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