Friday, July 15, 2011

Wonderful Weather....And Friday To Boot

Noisy Times...And Sometimes Quiet Times
When you go out by and on Route 29, it's a state of confusion.  Seldom is it quiet when the big rigs are doing their stuff.  Just a few days ago, these asphalt eating machines started gobbling up dinner.  But it's really kind of cool to watch.  Big sheets of the asphalt come up when these machines get the scrapers underneath....then it's gobbled up in little pieces and then spit out on a conveyor belt  which is directed to the back of a dump truck.  These dump trucks endlessly do their job.....get a load and take a load to be recycled....then back to get another load.

A lot of us kind of have  adopted Rte 29 as our own, because we remember when they laid the bed of this road in the late 1950's.  And many of us still call it the hardroad.  Well.....the bed of concrete is still there.....but it looked like me that there are still many layers of old asphalt under the layers they just removed.  So, I guess we still didn't get to see that old 1950 concrete.  Yes......back in the late 1950' about big old machines.  Those earthmovers were huge and made it look simple to scoop up a big belly full of dirt to make the bed for the road.  Back then, the road builders completely revamped the locality of most of the old Route 29.  And it was a mess to travel during that time.  But I sure had a grand old time watching them.  My dad farmed the old Marbold place during that time so I was always out there watching the men build the road as it was constructed in front of the old mansion.  I would take a lawn chair and take our lunch and a big old thermos of a cold drink and watch the road being built while my dad was busy doing chores.  During the road builders' breaks, they would come over to the shaded yard and sit a spell with my dad and me and my brother....and I guess shoot the bull as my dad would have called it.

I imagine that next week will see the beginning of a new coat of armour being put on the majestic Route 29.  It will then smile for us for a least until the big rig semi trucks again mar the surface and make it a bumpy mess like it was before the revamp began.  In just a while, the hardroad will be the queen around here.  Treat her with kindness.  She makes it possible for us to get where we need to go.  :)

A Family Matter
I have been doing a lot of family history research on the Clemens family.  I have found things that my husband and his siblings didn't know about.  And I've found relatives who no one knew were relatives.  I loved finding the locations and pictures of the ancestors graves.  Then I found war registrations and census information and even in some cases a description of the, weight, color of hair.  Totally amazing.  I only wish that person would have better documented their life so that persons in the chain of evolution....the future.....would have been able to know a bit more about their favorite aunt, or cousin, or uncle, or grandpa or grandma.  I remember sitting with my grandma and asking her question after question to learn a bit about her life as a young girl.  She even documented a few pages.  And now this information is dear to my heart.  I cherish this documentation.

One of these days, each of my readers should sit down at their computer and document just a few things about their childhood which they remember.  Or, document how you met your spouse.  Or, document a moment in your life.  When you're done, print it out and give it to your children.  And while you're at it,  take it to the Athens library special collections room or the Menard County Historical Society so this can become a part of the history of our town and your family.

I personally have documented my life up to high school graduation.  I completed it about a year ago and wow it felt good.  I asked a few of my friends to read this to make sure it didn't sound corny.  I got good reviews from all who read it.  I even included a pictures of my family and others through my whole life in a special cover I did for the story. 

It might take the average person about an hour to write a couple of paragraphs relative to the person's life.  If this person would take one hour each week to do this, at the end of the year, the person will have written about 104 paragraphs.  That's a lot of documentation.  And when that person reads his/her life story, there will be a pride in ownership. many of my readers can pledge to me to start writing about their life,  at least two paragraphs each week?  Start at the earliest point in your life that you can remember.  Let me know who does it....and any progress.  I can help you put it in the archives at the Athens the books about Greenview.   If you don't want others to know about it, email at:

This is a picture of my husband's grandmother's (Lily Bell Thornton Clemens) sister Emma Thornton Ferguson who lived in Petersburg.  I got this picture from a dear lady in Athens who is related on the Ferguson side to my husband's Great Aunt Emma.  Isn't it fun to look at old pictures.....why not document your life and be sure to include pictures so that some day, someone,  many years in the future, can look at things like we're doing in today's world.

Recipe Today Instead Of What's On The Menu
Do you want to make some killer Fajitas...just like the ones at some famous restaurants?  I've been using this recipe for a very long time.....have served it to people and have always got rave reviews and recipe requests.  It takes a while to prepare but it's worth it.

Carla's Chicken Fajitas
1/4 cup lime juice
2 Tbls. olive oil (or vegetable oil)
4 cloves garlic - sliced .... or I have used 3/4 tsp of garlic powder
2 tsp. soy sauce
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. liquid smoke
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1.5 lb. boned, skinned chicken breasts

 Mix the above ingredients in a bowl.  Put the chicken breast in the marinade for at least 12 hours but is better overnight.

For the vegetables in the fajitas, I use one each of a Green and a Red Pepper and a large onion, but you can use all green pepper instead of the colored peppers.  Use as many peppers and onions as you want, sliced in fact you can also use more chicken if you want....I usually do....and sometimes I double or triple the recipe for the marinade and chicken if I'm having guests.

After marinading the chicken, grill it (I use the George Foreman most of the time) and slice it in thin strips and keep it warm. 

Cook the peppers and onions in 1 tablespoon of olive oil until they are beginning to be a bit soft but not mushy.  Add the sliced chicken breast and then mix 3 tablespoons of water, 2 teaspoons of soy sauce and 1 teaspoon of lime juice in a small bowl and then pour over the chicken and vegetables.  Heat for 1 minute and remove from heat.  Serve with warm flour tortillas and shredded cheese, sour cream, chopped lettuce, salsa and  be sure to have a big appetite.

Note:  Fresh sliced garlic is best to use in the recipe.....rather than garlic powder.  Also be sure to marinade for the length of time or the fajitas won't be able to absorb the marinade and won't taste like they should.  Happy eating.

Quilt Idea

I know I have readers who are quilters.  Al long time ago a friend gave me a website for a rag quilt.  I have finally decided I'm going to make one of these later this year to get rid of fabric.  I'm posting the site in the event someone else might be interested.....this is a rather unique way to make a quilt.

Thought For The Day

Always do right
this will gratify some and astonish the rest
--Mark Twain

Sometimes when we leave something in the refrigerator too long, it becomes spoiled and if left long enough it becomes covered in slime and mold. Many people don't want to admit in public that this has happened in their refrigerator, but I will admit has happened because I just didn't take the time to throw it away when I should. The world moves fast and sometimes it seems there is just not enough time in the day to do everything one should. But it's important that we do take to time for ourselves .... clean out our mind .... clean out our negative thoughts .... and yes, even clean out our refrigerators. When we fill our lives with positive thoughts and adopt the power of positive thinking, things get better in your life. Money might come your way.....a new job opportunity might come your way.....or you might see an old friend you haven't seen in a long time. All positive things! So as you proceed into the weekend, take time for yourself. Sit for a while and let the cobwebs leave .... just relax for a few doesn't require a lot of time. And while you're doing that, think about your life in Greenview....either then or now. It's a good life here.....if you want/wanted it to be. From one Greenviewanite to another.....take care....later my friends.

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