Friday, July 1, 2011

Independence Is The Name Of The Game

Why Do We Want Independence
I certainly have never questioned the right of Independence which The United States enjoys.  Back in  1776 the Declaration of Independence gave us the right of Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.  In case you didn't know it, the USA is a federal constitutional "Republic", which consists of 50 states and a federal district (District of Columbia).  A lot of US citizens don't know we are a Republic.  The US also has several "territories" in the Pacific and the Carribean.   In the beginning, there were 13 original British colonies.  A group of rebellious states fought for our independence and defeated the British Empire during the American Revolution ...... our first step in a truly single republic with a federal government.  The current constitution was adopted in 1787 and ratified the next year.  The Bill of Rights which gave us fundamental civil rights and freedom, was ratified in 1791.  Our nation was born!

Through the years, we have gone through wars and conflicts and battles, yet we have maintained our Independence.  We've become a super power as compared to other countries.  Sometimes I think that is a good thing, but sometimes it scares the heck out of me.  As a naturally born citizen, I think I take my freedom and independence for granted sometimes.  And, I don't know things about our country that I should know.  Not long ago I saw some of the questions which are contained on the test for US citizenship.  I'm ashamed......I didn't know some of the answers.  Yet those who were not naturally born, know all of this "stuff" about the USA.  To see if you know these, I'm including the website link so you can look at the questions.

I remember when I was a kid in the 1960's, people thought Russia was going to bomb us.  All over America, bomb shelters cropped up.  Subway systems and underground tunnels acted as shelters from crisis.  Remember when 9-11 occurred, our president was whisked away to an underground shelter in Nebraska. There is supposedly a bunker under the Old US Naval Observatory where Dick Cheney stayed after 9-11.   Not long ago one of the major television networks broadcasted from a huge US underground shelter under the Greenbriar resort in West Virginia which was actually self-sufficient.  This bunker was 112,544 square feet, could accommodate 1100 persons and was completed in 1962 and maintained during the Cold War.  Of course the food and supplies are seriously outdated, but it was interesting to see this shelter which I never knew anything about. This was originally designed to shelter the House of Representatives and Senators in the event of a crisis.

Apparently there are 100's of US secret bunkers all across the USA.  At least there is a fighting chance that our Independence could be maintained in the event of a nuclear crisis.  You and I might be gone, but Independence might be saved.

This type of information about bunkers and shelters shows how determined the US is to maintain our Independence.  You and I probably don't think about all of this on the day we celebrate our Independence.  Our thoughts are on taking a mini vacation, or going to a picnic, or seeing the spectacular fireworks at day's end.  Independence is wonderful and let's hope that we maintain this for all of our lifetimes.  Have a wonderful Independence Day Weekend.  Be safe, be smart and most of all be Independent!!

What's To Eat At Our House Tonight
Cooks night off.  YAY!  Hopefully it will be the cook's days off during the entire weekend.  But if you need a wonderful cake to take to a picnic, I'm including my Oatmeal Cake recipe.  I know you will be the center of attention, when they bite into their piece of cake!!!

Carla's Oatmeal Cake

1 cup quick oats
1 stick margarine (cut up)
1 cup white sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/3 cups flour
Stir boiling water over oats and margarine until margarine is melted. Let sit 20 minutes. After 20 minutes add sugars and then add eggs and cinnamon and soda. Add flour a little at a time and stir. Lightly grease/spray 9 x 13 pan (Use Metal As You Must Broil the Icing). Bake 35 minutes at 350 oven.

Use following topping:
6 Tablespoons margarine
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1 cup coconut
1/4 cup milk
Bring to a boil. Spread on hot cake then broil until slightly brown.

Country Hills Golf Course - Over 50/Under 50 tournament July2/ July 4 Anniversary cake and punch....$1 beer and soda

Tax Payments due by July 7.

Menard Jaycees holding a Diaper Drive  (formula, wipes, diapers, etc or money to purchase these) to distribute to the county food pantries.  Little babies can sometimes go through 12 diapers a day.  Greenview food pantry seldom gets diapers, formula, and other baby supplies.  Please think about a contribution for this worthy cause.  Money cans at county Casey's Convenience Stores and other places.....or call the CIA building weekday mornings and tell them you want to make a contribution. 

Next Week
Starting next week I will be posting a continuing story each day.  The subject of the story is death and contains many small stories as well as thoughts about my personal feelings concerning death so you might or might not be interested, but I hope it will keep readers coming back for more.  And of course you will be welcome to post your own feelings on this subject too.
Thought For The Day
Success is going from failure to failure
without losing your enthusiasm.
--Abraham Lincoln
Today is the first of many hot summer days in the Midwest.  The humidity will most likely be intolerable to many and many of our fellow citizens will suffer.   A lot of our fellow Americans are suffering from heat, drought, fires and floods.  At this time, here in Greenview-land it's not so bad when compared to what others are going through.  Thank you dear Lord for that.  As you go through the long weekend, give thanks to God for what you have.  He listens and provides.  Be safe!

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