Friday, July 22, 2011

The Old Cow Chews Its Cud on Friday

The Old Cow Chews Everyday
Just as humans must have organs in our body to digest our food, the old cow must chew its cud day in and day out and not just on Friday.  The cow's digestion system is complicated and food keeps coming back up to the mouth to be rechewed.  Then it goes to another section of the stomach to be squeezed before being sent to be mixed with digestion juices and processed in the final stomach section.

Even though you may have lived in the country around Greenview, or even were a farmer's kid, did you know why the old cow chewed its cud?  Living in or being a former Greenviewanite gives you an opportunity to be continually learning about human and animal ways.  A long time ago I asked my dad about the cud chewing but hadn't thought about it in a long time.  Many times during the last years, I have watched the Holliday's cattle in the pasture behind my house, chewing away.   Then, yesterday I went by a farmer's pasture and saw a cow chewing cud.....and a light bulb hit me.  I had to tell you about the old cow chewing cud.  If you now live in a city or if you work in the city and would ask neighbors, friends, or co-workers about subjects related to the "country", I'm almost positive they wouldn't know the answer. have something up on them!  This week you learned about fox screams and cow's cud.  What a mix of knowledge!  (chuckling as I leave this section).

All About Greenview
Let's look at some facts about Greenview in today's world.  Many of you will remember that for years and years the population sign out on Route 29 read 850.  I always wondered why it didn't change from year to year.  I guess no one moved in, no one died or maybe no one cared and didn't change the sign....what's a few people compared to the cost of a new sign!?

Today I decided to look up a bunch of facts for you.  In 2000 the population was 862.  That's an increase from the days of old.  Then I got to the 2009 data furnished by (which incidentally is a favorite site of mine), which shows a decline in residents to 788 in 2009 (not sure where they came up with this without a census).  I personally feel that may be due to some older folks in the surrounding rural area who have had kids who have moved away, thus a decline in residents.   I don't know for sure if both town and country are included in the posted population.  In 2009, more woman lived here than men (men 383/women 405).  In 2000, 252 families resided in the village, but I couldn't find any information from the last census.

All information shows Greenview is 20 miles north of Springfield and 104 north of St. Louis, MO and we're considered a part of the Springfield metropolitan area.   The village of Greenview has a total of 0.9 square miles of land.  

Of course we all take pride that we are the Greenview Bulldogs.  We were then and are now, but will we be in the future?  Not so long ago a study was done to determine if it were time to think about consolidation.....apparently the state doesn't like a bunch of little schools and required this study to be completed.  In case you didn't ever get to see this, the link is will need to click on each see it you can click on "open" when your computer asks.

Since I was raised here, educated here and now live here, I guess I would show the following as my resume on an application for a "Good Living Contest".

Of An Older Greenviewanite

Born a long time ago and became a resident of Greenview upon returning from the Springfield hospital.

Played with animals, some wild and some tame.

Was able to walk to the downtown area without fear when I was a kid because there was no drugs or crime.

Played hard and made up our own games.

Slid down the spiral fire escape at the old grade school.

Played a lot of baseball at the old grade school yard.

Learned to play pool at Bimmy's pool hall.

Ate a lot of ice cream cones to get the paper in the bottom of the cone....some had free cones written on it.

Went to Roedemer's to buy stuff that wore like iron. Cynthia says so

Watched "Old Yellar" and "Peter Pan" at the town's theater.

Rode my bike a lot and when in trouble it was taken away.

Got to drive trucks from the farm when age 10.

Rode in a horse pulled sleigh over snow covered fields.

Bucked bails and fed cattle and plowed the fields.

And, all in all, I didn't turn out too bad!! 

Resume Complete!

County Fair
Tonight is the Demolition Derby.  If you love to see and feel the thrill of old cars crashing into each other, it's a must see.  This begins at 7:30 and the grandstand is free with a $10.00 adult gate admission after 3 pm.  Ages 6 to 10 is $3.00 admission at the gate.  Under 6 is Free. 

Saturday Night is the Tractor and Truck Pull at 6pm.  The gate admission changes again to $7.00 Adult/$3.00 children.  Grandstand free with gate admission.

Sunday Night is the Mud Bog and Dash For Cash beginning at 5 pm.  Gate admission is the same as Saturday night.

A lot to see for a small price.  Plus, you can buy a corn dog and a lemonade shake-up and a cotton candy and get a smile on your face.  Got for it!!

Maybe Blog Will Be Better
I have been having so much trouble posting this blog and have been working to find out why.  I have a computer which uses "Vista" so sometimes the normal is not.  A recommendation was made for me to install an upgrade which I have done and perhaps some of my problems would go away....I did and I think it's better.  And,  I can see all kinds of things on here I couldn't see before.....I couldn't see my followers before and now I can.  I'm not the most computer  smart/oriented, so sometimes when installs are recommended, I ignore them......and maybe that's the reason some of you are having problems with comments.  Maybe there are updates to windows that you need to make.  I will continue to try to improve upon this's for you...and any comments and suggestions will be welcome.

What's To Eat At Our House
Based on how hot it is this evening, we might go see the Demolition Derby at the that case, I will be having multiple corn dogs since those are a favorite of mine.  If it doesn't cool any, we will be going to have Pizza at Gabatoni's in Springfield.  For years and years Gabatoni's pizza has been a favorite.  It's now a bit expensive for the huge pizza, but who cares....we bring home the left-overs and love it the next day.  A good thing!!

Don't forget to consider making a trip to Peoria to Alwan Bros Meat for Hotel Steaks.  This is on War Memorial Drive in Peoria Heights.    These hotel steaks can provide you with a very tender steak at a fraction of the cost of other choice steaks.  These are thick and tender when cooked properly....I sear them in a pan with a bit of low fat margarine and then throw them on the grill.  Medium rare is the best at our house. 

Marbold Is A Household Name In Greenview
Almost everyone in or from Greenview knows the name Marbold.  The family was a rich family who lived here and the family was  instrumental in the progress and growth of Greenview. Next week I will providing some information on the Marbolds.  Most is just information I have found during my searches online and in books.  I hope you will learn a bit more about our history and those who were the forefathers of  the community.   

John Marbold, the father of H. H. Marbold

Thought For The Day

We live in our desires
rather than in our achievements.
--George Moore

I remember many times someone saying to me "A Penny For Your Thoughts".  I always wondered why my thoughts were only worth a penny, because I felt that my worth was much more.  Each person must always think highly of oneself, because you are important even if someone else thinks otherwise.  You must sit back and discover purpose for oneself and never quit believing in yourself. 

You must recognize your strengths and build upon them and make the most of them at all times.  Be confident about yourself...your looks, your abilities and your character.  Always stand up for your rights!  If you fail at something, don't mutilate yourself, just get up and try again. 

Always be kind and thoughtful to others and it will pay back to you.  Do favors and don't expect anything in return....personal satisfaction is generally enough.

This weekend, sit back and enjoy the fact that you are you.  Accept yourself as you are.  You can't do much to change the way you look or the color of your skin, but you can improve upon your other attributes.  Never let yourself down.  Be kind to yourself and be thankful for what you have in life.  Take care ..... from one Greenviewanite friend to another.  Later....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good reading Carla, thanks for the time and effort.

Rick Setzer