Thursday, January 26, 2012

Looking Out Over The Enchanted Forest

The Forest Is Full of Enchantment!

Whenever I want to have a really good time, I just go to the enchanted forest.  It's right behind me and it has some cool things!  I just pack my sammiches, usually peanut butter and honey because they are so good and give me protein too, and also I pack a big bottle of vitamin water because I need strength to climb over all of those logs and to be able to jump the streams.

Right off the bat I come across Little Miss Muffet sitting on her tuffet....she isn't eating her curds and whey because she says they suck.  She is eating the Big Mac that the last visitor gave her.  And has a big chocolate milkshake too with a big daub of whipped cream.  She says the spiders aren't bothering her much in this cold weather so she can spend a bit of time chatting about the lack of snow and how she doesn't have to burrow down in the ground so far this year.

Onward to my next stop, I jump the stream and tred up the hill to the big stone wall with Humpty Dumpty sitting in the middle.  He's about frozen because his eggshell is cracked from the last fall he had....but he's still intact.   He says he hasn't had many visitors this time of the year and has lost weight because no one has left him little tidbits to give him new weight.  I usually give him a sugar cube which he relishes with glee.  Humpty says his mom Cluckety Cluck still lives with him and sits on him every night to keep him warm and comfy in the enchanted forest.

Leaving Humpty I sprinted up the hill to find a pail of water with Jack and Jill...but half-way up the hill I find an empty pail but no sign of Jack nor Jill.  Still no sign of them at the top either so I go onward toward the house in the forest belonging to the Three Bears.  I'm scared of Papa Bear but I heard his bark is worse than his bite.  I sure never want to find out though.  I knock but no answer.  Where the heck is everyone today??  So on to my next planned last stop.

Up another hill and around the corner I find my target....the Old Lady In The Shoe.  Yes she's there and so is Jack and Jill and the Three Bears and Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf and Hansel and Gretel and even Rip Van Winkel with the Black Raven sitting on his shoulder.  I can't believe they are all together in one spot in the enchanted forest.  Some of them hate each other and want to eat each other so this is almost miraculous.  I stop to ponder the situation for a while and then they see me.....all of them wave and motion me over.

I slowly approach and then I see a big table with bags of pretzels and sandwiches and a big cake sitting in the middle, with a blue cooler just like mine full of coke and orange drink cans.  Paper plates and plastic silverware enough for all of us.  That cake sure looks familiar and so do those paper plates and the cooler even has my name on it.  What the heck.....have my enchanted forest friends pilfered my house to get their picnic supplies.  I thought I was missing quite a few items lately....guess I know now who got those.

But we're here for the party....just a bunch of friends in the enchanted forest.  A case of bringing the enemies together and bonding by the friends of the forest. See...even the worst enemies can mend the fences long enough to have fun for a while.   We'll all eat, and be merry and dance the dance of enchantment among the trees.  Up the hill and through the woods..........

another rather lame excuse for a spoof!

A Smattering of Old Greenview Things

 Johnson and Denton opened in 1933 in the Wernsing Building.  Wernsings had a general store in the same building since 1883.

In 1935 Dick Cramer opend an impletment company in the Rayburn garage location.

The post office was in the Roberts bujilding for 30 yeawsr and then in 1936 moved to the First State Bank Building.  ( and was there until the new post office was built).

The first building in Greenview was the Legion bilding.  Second was the Payne building which was also called the Bracken-Woodruff building.  Al Barnett operated a hotel in the Woodruff building.

In 1944 the locker plant opened in the first floor of the Opera House.

B. C. Armeling sold the hardware and implement to Harold Baugher in 1947.

In 1948 Gerald Meehan bought the Corner Cafe from Clinton Lance and then later his brother Bimmie and his wife Emma purchased the business.

Thought For The Day
The palest ink is better than the best memory.
--Chinese Proverb

Do you have people telling you to not eat this or not eat that?  Of course at some time we have all had someone tell us this. 

Remember Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.....they were told not to eat the apple, but old Satan himself tempted them with a lie and they ate that apple and look what it got!

When we were kids, our moms probably said: don't you eat that candy!  And she meant it too...and if we did eat that candy bar we were in deep doo doo with mama.

Then we grew up and maybe we were at the Weight Watchers meeting and they said "don't eat that!"  Eat this crappy tasting stuff that will melt your excess pounds.  Oh it melted pounds had to starve yourself with putrid tasting things.

Then came the doctor you the third degree because all of your arteries were closing up......but he said it a different way....he said ....."go ahead and eat it and you won't be here long".  That should have taught us a lot, but did it?  I tend to cheat.  And, when I lay me down to sleep, I pray that the bad foods are processed quickly through my body and not land in the arteries. 

Sorry men!

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See you soon.  The rating indicator is at the bottom of the post.

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