Wednesday, February 8, 2012

If I Ruled The World

My Dream World

Just like Tony Bennett's song "If I ruled the world", in my world,  every day would be the first day of spring, because I hate winter so badly.  I really am a candidate to move to a warm climate but the man of the house just won't budge.

Of course in my ruling of the world, everyone would have a maid and a butler at government expense.  This way none us common folk would have to do housework, lawn mowing, etc.  Even the maid and the butler would have a maid and a butler.

Teachers would make as much money as a lawyer.  The teacher teaches our kids to do right and not lie and the lawyer does the opposite.....and charges up the ying yang to let's increase those teacher salaries.

Chocolate would have only 25 calories in each candy bar!  Need I say more about chocolate???!!

Those plastic cases which are used to fully encase things to keep people from stealing, would have to be made from something which can be penetrated easily.. make the plastic so something other than a pick ax can be used to open the dang plastic casing.

And when it comes to the media, the media would have to sign a statement each time they made a post or a statement on television.....the statement would swear that every piece of information was true and straight to the point with absolutely no exaggeration, no political bias content and would assure the reader that they aren't competing for the Tabloid of the year article.

I'm sure I could list about a million changes I would make, but in order to get on with my life of leisure and prepare for my maid and butler, I better get the house cleaned.

In today's issue of the State Journal-Register, there is a wonderful article about George Baugher and his days in the army with Elvis Presley.

Springfield Pictures

Building the Lincoln Library 1901

Holiday Inn East....Dirksen Parkway/31st Street

Springfield Fire Equipment.....late 1800's or early 1900's

Springfield Fire Equipment - unknown date

Thought For The Day
Good manners will open doors that
the best education cannot.
--Clarence Thomas

In these days of high cost everything, how in the world does a person live on the cheap???

It used to be a joke to answer this question about living cheap, with eat "Tube Steak"...but who can afford bologna now days!!  When you go to the store, the old bologna we used to know where we could get a hunk at West Foods for a dime or a quarter is no more....the butcher won't even pick up the bologna roll for that cost.

So what should I get in order to live more cheaply???  For one thing, do not count on beef being in your diet plans because I recently saw an article that the price of beef is going up.....meaning lots higher!!!

First of all start out eating lots of pasta.....pasta this and pasta sauce, white sauce, pasta with chilli, pasta with oil and garlic (no shrimp of course), pasta with margarine, pasta bare!  But of course we will all weigh about 40 more pounds than when we started this "on the cheap" diet. 

The next day instead of pasta, have rice.  Rice with chicken broth, rice with beef broth, rice with cinnamon and a bit of milk and sugar, rice with tomato sauce  and spices, and rice plain.  The Asian people survive on rice so why can't I??!!

Secondly, eat more soups and make some good old cornbread to eat with it (bread is the staff of life)......the good thing is once the level of the soup goes down, add another potato or two and a couple of more carrots and a couple more cups of water and a handful of leftover rice or pasta.....instantly, you have created more soup for your cheap diet.  Even on a hot summer day when it's 88 degrees out, eat your soup and chomp on your cornbread and sweat out that weight you want to lose.

And now comes cheap desserts.  One word....jello!  Jello with nothing.  Jello with a half of a banana.  Orange jello one day and Strawberry the next day.  Variety is the spice of life.

Now you have a makings of a cheaper way to live.  Do not overeat and become fat as a little pig on this high calorie pasta and rice.  You will now have more jingle in your pocket and more fat on your belly....what did you be slim and trim on a pauper's diet????

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Hope to see you soon.

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