Tuesday, February 7, 2012

R U Serious

Some things just can't be taken serious.

Life itself sometimes is just a comedy of errors.  On any one day, someone might cut you off in traffic.  You might get 4 telemarketer calls in a row and you're even on the Do Not Call List.  Then maybe the toilet stopped up and then you dropped and broke a plate.  Things happen!  But don't take them too seriously or you will flip out.

When you are having a "too" serious moment ..... think of something funny.  Or think of a word that you can relate to something else in your mind.....an example of one I like to use is "Algorithm".  If you are a mathematician, you know that it concerns calculation procedures.....but in my "sick" mind, "algorithm" is former Vice President Al Gore doing the Macarena dance.  And when I think this, my thoughts are less serious and my whole being is laughing my fool head off.

Another example I use is the word hyperbole.....in my mind I see a kitchen bowl with arms, hands and legs and feet running around waving it's arms and jumping up and down like a hyper person.  See this is another word to see in your mind when it might be wise to back off being so serious.

So when someone asks you "U R Serious", say I'm serious as a heart attack but I don't let it get to me.....I think of Al Gore doing the Macarena instead or the wild hyper bowl.

Things About Old Tyme Greenview

The town officials always oiled the roads on the hottest day of the year.

Gerald McKee always sat in the park on the park bench or on the steps of the Marbold Bank.  He blew spit bubbles all day long.

Bimmy Meehan ran the pool hall and there were lots of girls who went in there....although it was really a smokey place.  I learned to play pool there.

Whit Stone had penny candy and you could get a brown penny candy size bag and fill it half way full for 3 cents.

You could sneak into the locker plant building on a hot day and cool off.

On May Day (May 1st) we stole early May flowers from townsfolk's yards and put them in paper cones made from wallpaper and took them to the old people in town.

On a really hot day it was cooler to go to the cemetery and sit under the trees....there was always a cool breeze coming across the cemetery.

When an airplane came over the town, everyone came outside to watch it fly over.

When you went out on a date, you dressed up.  And, when you went to a funeral, men always wore a suit and women had on their best Sunday dress.  And, you always took a casserole or other food item to the family when someone died.

The deliverymen, like the milkman or the dry cleaner man, were all like members of the family.

Families went to visit other family members and you also went to your neighbor's house to visit and have a cuppa coffee.

Men went to Emma's Corner Cafe every morning for their coffee and sat at the back table with Emma.  Emma always ate her ice cream in a coffee cup.

Greenview was just Greenview....and we took pride in our town.

Thought For The Day
Genius is one percent inspiration
and 99 percent perspiration.
--Thomas Alva Edison

People often ask me why I blog.  I typically can come up with a pretty good excuse (I mean reason).  Then, after I give an answer, I typically think that was a dumb answer....and surely there are many more and better reasons why I blog.

So I recently sat down and came up with a list about why I blog .... here it is:

a.  I'm on the learning curve and want to share with people how to lean into that curve and benefit from it.  (dumb answer).
b.  tons of people always comment on my posts so I'm really connecting and getting people to comment (dumb answer).
c.  I blog so I can tell lies and get away with it (not so much a dumb answer).
d.  to exercise my mind (smart answer).
e.  to hide beneath my Superman cape like Clark Kent and Superman did (pretty stupid answer).
f.  to make money (did I miss something....where's the money??).
g.  I'm vain and really want to show my smarts (OMG the answers are getting worse).
h.  I have fun doing it (now that's better)
i.  I blog so my retired and otherwise friends who have time on their hands have something to read (by jove I think you've got it...that's it!!!)

Now we all know why I blog....some might be  little fibbers....but who cares....I'm still blogging so that's all that counts!!

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Hope to see you soon.

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