Monday, November 19, 2012


I'm A Senior....You're A Senior....Everyone's A Senior...

Well....almost everyone's a senior.

And what does that have to do with anything?

Because the above word applies to us, and to them and to all who are seniors.  Here a senior, there a senior, everywhere a senior.  Look high and look low, you will see a senior.  Sitting on their butt, resting their legs, or just enjoying the sunshine on a sunny day.  Or maybe sitting in one of those artsy coffeehouses sipping on a java and maybe eating a nice sweet roll or a piece of pie.

What you might ask does this have to do with anything?

Well it does, because my new word really describes the senior "crowd" which we seem to be a part of.  According to the AARP, once you get to that magic number of age 50, you are a senior.  That puts a lot of us in the mix.  AARP is describing us as old at age 50.  So how do they describe us at age 60, or age 70 or age 80....."over the hill and through the woods" I suppose.

I personally think we should be called the "Exhaustibated Crowd"....not the "seniors" of the world....and definitely not the "oldies".  "Exhausitabated Crowd" just sounds so sophisticated...much more so than those other negative terms usually applied to the over 50 crowd.

Let's get down to business and use "Exhausitbated" for all of us seniors.  After all it  truly describes many of us....ME ME ME ..... and if you don't know the meaning of my new word.....(drum roll please))))))))

It means "Just too tired to give a crap".  Ain't it so!

Old Pictures

Picture of Cramers.  I would guess it was early 1960's or late 1950's.
Note the sign has A-C for Allis Chalmers.
This is the building where Mel Lockwood later had store which burned.
Tripp Lumber Yard on the south side
of the square.  Early 1960's.  The buildings where the lumber was stored are to the left.  And clear to the left is the little
red shingled house where Frank Bless lived, with the Presbyterian church in the far left distance.

As I go through life, I find that many words and phrases just turn me off.  I hear this stuff and think "where the heck did that come from".

I know I've mentioned this before.  But some of these really bug me.

For instance one phrase I hear all the time is "hand prepared".  I see this on restaurant menus.  If you really think about it, I question whether there are other ways the menu item could be prepared ... like "foot-prepared" or perhaps "prepared by R2D2 the Robot"?

Another of those ugly set of words (in my estimation) is deal breaker.  What is a deal breaker?  Does it mean a deal which is going to financially ruin you?  I think it always has something to do with a negotiated something or other, but if the deal isn't taken, what happens?  Will the sky fall?  And if the deal is taken, will the person win a prize? And what about the phrase "a little pregnant".  What is a little pregnant.  You are either pregnant or not pregnant. 

But the best one I've heard lately is "let me hold that for a minute" and used when two persons are having a conversation without even having anything in their hands to hold!!!  So I guess you are asking the other person permission to let you hold something which is invisible.  And if the other person doesn't grant permission, is the second person who wants to hold the "whatever" for a minute, stealing?    Geeze! Perhaps you can see why I am confused with these terribly strange phrases which are subject to all kinds of interpretation.   And, I don't think I'm going to find answers to all of my questions and thoughts on this subject.  So I guess I will just go on frowning when I hear the dreaded phrases because I really don't know what the person doing the talking means.   And that person probably doesn't either.  Aghhhh!

Thanks for coming to my blog.
Tis the season to be thankful.
I am.
Thankful for my family and thankful
for my friends and thankful
for my readers.
Blessings to all.
Have a good holiday.


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