Thursday, November 8, 2012

Popeye's Best Friend - Spinach

Popeye The Sailorman, He Lives In A Garbage Can

That Popeye sure is a cool dude.  "I am who I am and that's all that I am."  Yep, me too.

Spinach always helped Popeye.  He'd pop out that can of spinach from someone around his armpit   ~~~ ewww ~~~ then pop the lid off, tilt back his head and gobblegegook that spinach in one gulp.   Now .... I think that if old Popeye can do that, so can I.  I love spinach, although I prefer mine raw, with a nice warm bacon dressing on a salad plate.  But the canned stuff will do if it makes me strong and able to get things done.  Like smack the crap outta someone or clean the whole house in one day. I'm going to start my Popeye campaign.  Gonna eat spinach for every meal.  If I'm going to do that, I will probably have some weird looking body waste but as long as it's the spinach, all will be well.

By this time next week, I should be strong as heck.  I should also have big muscles popping up in both arms and best of all, I will be able to do anything.

After all, I believe in the old saying.....give someone spinach, and that person can lift the world with one hand.  Amen.

Old Things Around The Area

T. J. Raikes, 1930 Menard County Sheriff campaign ad.
Was elected in 1934 as sheriff.
Thomas Jackson Raikes, the county sheriff.  Was a farmer near Greenview.  Was elected in 1934 and served a full term, then after elected for a second term, shortly after he died of a heart attack.
Thomas and Martha (Belton) Raikes, Sheriff Menard County.  He has his badge on and his holster and gun on his shoulder.
Robert Gilmer on the left 1913.  He lived in Irish Grove.  In his will, he bequeathed his library to the Irish Grove Presbyterian church and $500 to the Greenview Presbyterian church on the condition that the church be built within 2 years from the date of the will or the money reverted back to his estate.  His estate consisted of about $4,000 in personal property and 300 to 400 acres of land.  He had also left the General Presbyterian Mission and Board most of his estate.  His uncle filed suit to be the only heir and lost the law suit.
Quote For The Day
Be not angry that you cannot make others
as you wish them to be,
since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
--Thomas a Kempis
Do you use the LOL in your internet communications?  Why do we use this....I thought everyone was supposed to use why did someone come up with LOL. 
I know it's supposed to mean Laughing out Loud, but everyone always uses it at the end of their communication so to me it means....."I don't have anything else to say so I'm putting LOL to end this conversation".
The end.....LOL


Ok you turkeys....Turkey Day
is coming soon.
The following link is my contribution to
your good day.

Thanks for coming to my blog.
Have a good day
All rights reserved


Chris said...

I have some roots in Greenview, like my 5th Uncle Samuel Courson "SC" Mills who made furniture there and is listed in the 1875 Lakeside Directory of the State of Illinois as such. He died there in 1887 and is buried in Sugar Grove Cemetery. Would like to know if you have any information or old pics of the Mills, Varner, Cogil or Estill families. SC married a Varner and two of his daughters married into the Cogill and Estill families. I saw that you mentioned TV repairman John Estill in one of your blog posts. Do you know who his parents were?

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