Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What You Sayin' Bud?

So many things from my past creep up on me.  It gets to be "I remember that".... or  "My (whomever it was) said that".

Some words and phrases I remember were vintage sayings.  Some were slang of the time.  One term I loved as a kid was "skedaddle" and another was "scalawag".

I remember when a bum or a bummer was a hobo who was probably drunk on his hind end.  Now it means something totally different.  I remember Groucho Marx and the funny things he when he said....I don't care to be a member of a club that accepts members like me.  How funny is that....he was a true man of the times, with a "funny" to respond to any conversation.

"Discombobulate" is another funny word I remember from the past.  I think it means a person feels like he/she is a million pieces floating in space and very confused. 

Who could forget when the Sound of Music brought forth the ever popular word "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".  One of the best words ever.  Hard to spell but easy to say and cool besides.  Just the "bees knees"!

I love the phrases which have a meaning you have to think about.  Like this one:  "I'm a secondhand vegetarian.  Cows eat grass, I eat cows". 

If I didn't think about remembering the old times a lot, I would be "scobberlotching" .... probably gotcha on that one.

Oh well.   I think I will go mall watching and see how many I can see who "got hit by the ugly stick".  Of course I will "fly by the seat of my pants".  I might be "in the hot seat" though if I say something to someone about "being ugly as an eight day clock".  They will probably tell me to "shutyaface" and then I'll be "hotfootin it" back home before they "beat me to a pulp".  Lots of those ugly folks "think they are the cat's whiskers" that's for sure.

So sit back and think about your past and words and phrases you heard.  And don't forget about those funny tongue twisters we used to say when we were young.  My most favorite was " if you must cross a course cross cow across a crowded cow crossing, cross the course cross cow across the crowded cow crossing carefully".

blahht tongue is tied now.


I'm trying to find out more about old Sarah Jeffries who lived in the jungle tangled undergrowth up by the block east.   I think she lived with her brother William Neeley before living alone.   Many of us knew her as the hermit.  Let me know if you know anything about her. 

History of the Gas Station East Side of Road
The following is what  I've been able to establish.  Can't guarantee it's right but it's close.
1.  Built in 1953, Oanafo (sp) Lowe.  Standard although someone said it was Texaco.  Is in the 1960 yearbook as Lowe's Standard.
2.  1957 Goat Taylor ran it as a Standard.  Not sure if he got it from Lowes and then it went back to Lowes.
3.  Reggie Harbin was next.  Was in the 1965 yearbook as the operator.
4.  Ed Hanson was next but not much is known about him.  He was killed by the AMVETS in a wreck while driving a 1967 GTO.
5.  Ed Backs but unknown dates although I remember him having the station when I was driving in 1966 or 1967.
6.  Glenn Tuttle.  Unknown date of opening.  Still owns the site but it doesn't have a gas station - is now a repair service and car sales (Tony Tuttle, son).
If you know any other information which disputes or adds to this, let me know.
Quote For The Day
No man knows how bad he is till he has tried
very hard to be good.
--C. S. Lewis
Time to get ready for Thanksgiving.  This year, and every year and every day,  I am thankful to be alive.  Next comes the thankfulness to be able to write this blog.  And finally, thankful for having readers who faithfully come to the blog to see if a new post is posted.  Thank you for that.  Without having you, the readers, there would be no need to continue.
May your preparations for Thanksgiving in the coming days be full of excitement and happy anticipation that you will be among family.   I will be having the Thanksgiving dinner this year...the first in a long time, but due to my daughter's surgery a few months ago and her inability to fully recover, I'm taking a turn cooking for my family.  
 I hope that I will be able to post at least one more post before Thanksgiving, but if not ~~~ Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks for coming to my blog.
All rights reserved on all blog content.


Anonymous said...

I think the movie "Mary Poppins" introduced the term supercalifragilisticexpialidocious rather than "The Sound of Music"

Ken Dirks

Anonymous said...

Gas station;
1. Bob Simmering
2.Goat Taylor
3. Oanfa Lowe
4.Bill and Don Beauchamp
5. Reggie Harbin
6.Ed Hanson
7. Ed Back's
8.Glenn Tuttle.
Glenn has been there since 1969 at least as I bought tires from him in June of 69 after returning from over seas.
Rick Setzer

doll lady said...

thank you rick....I knew I could get the right info posting this.

doll lady said... are right....having a bad day I guess....memory is shot at the moment. LOL

Cleaning houses said...

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