Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Special Post Requesting A Prayer

A Former Greenview resident, Gail Clemens Castleman, had a grandchild who was killed by child abuse in 2006.  The child abuse is still being investigated but it is hoped that the final result will determine that the baby's father and his girlfriend were the abusers as that is where he was when it happened.   He had temporarily gone to live with his dad which was a big mistake but fears that this would happen went unheard.   For some reason the investigation has been covered up.  It is now being brought out in the open and perhaps the details will be on television at some point.

From the baby's pictures you can see his face had been horribly bruised.  Even the Emergency Room could not save him.  His body was also bruised.  His funeral was the saddest thing I ever attended.  He deserves justice.

A special prayer event is planned today, Sunday, July 31.  Please say a prayer for Kegan.  He was a beautiful little boy who didn't do anything to deserve to die. 

You can pray from your home or just anywhere.  Pray that his abusers are caught.

If this link doesn't bring it up, go to facebook and search for Kegan Jointhewaragainst Childabuse.

Kegan with bruises 2 weeks before he died when
his mama saw him.  No official wanted to check it out.

12-28-04 to 1-13-06


He is with God now.