Friday, September 2, 2011

The Holiday Weekend And A Rant

Labor Day Weekend

The labor unions will march this Labor Day as they always do.  Many persons in the USA are members of a labor union.....our family is certainly not excluded.  Without the protection of Labor Unions, many jobs would be lost and wages would most likely be lower than what would be expected for the particular job.  Some persons don't like labor unions, while others do.  But if a person has never had any exposure or ever been a member of a labor union, it is not exactly a good respresentation when the person says a labor union is not good.  It's an opinion only and it can be controversial.  Members of labor unions are proud people and take their jobs seriously.

Just stop to consider these things.  If you are a management person you most likely aren't a member of a labor union and might not even like labor unions at your sit in a concrete building on a chair at a desk.  Who pored the concrete in your building .... most likely a laborer who was a member of a labor union.  Who made your desk and could have been in China, but probably at an USA factory with labor union workers.  You drive home on a highway which has a new surface....who did that surface?  Most likely a company which hires labor union workers. 

On Labor Day, you will see many cars on the road going here and there.  Chances are the majority of them might be from factories which hire labor union workers.  You stop at a classic car showing of 1960 and older doubt these were made by labor union workers.

You stop at the local grocery store to pick up bread and milk and canned goods.  Who do you suppose made those, or packaged those grocery items.....most likely labor union workers.

It's hard to not like labor unions, because they are a defined part of our everyday lives.  Love them or hate doesn't matter, you will still have contact with something handled or made or built by a labor union worker. 

In their parades, they will wear their T-Shirts proudly and will walk with dignity, all the while whooping and making happy noise, laughing and waving and even throwing candy to the kids.....because they have kids of their own who depend on the living from a labor union job.  They are proud they do manual work.

Esprit de corps......they are banded together as a group in the labor parade.  The common spirit exists in this group of persons because they have a lot in common and the morale runs true.  They are the "Majority" in the work place.  A proud labeling. 

This may have been the most controversial subject I have ever written about in this blog, but it needed to be said.....I am a common folk, married to a labor union worker with a son-in-law who also is a labor union worker.....our family livihoods depend on labor union wages.  WE ARE PROUD FOLKS and not ashamed of manual labor. 

Celebrate, have fun, cook out, watch parades, go swimming for the last time, eat hardy, party but don't be a naysayer.....

Thoughts For The Today And The Weekend

Heaven is blessed with perfect rest
 but the blessing of earth is toil.
--Henry van Dyke

God sells all things at the price of labor.
--Leonardo de Vinci

It is labour indeed that puts the difference on everything.
--John Locke

Few can be induced to labor exclusively for posterity -
Posterity has done nothing for us.
--Abraham Lincoln

Today as a grandmother, my heart is breaking.  Yesterday my granddaughter was diagnosed with spina bifada.  She is age 13 and has apparently had the condition but was undiagnosed even after spending many days in the hospital at various times.   No one suspected and no one did the x-rays needed for diagnosis.   She has continually suffered from the symptoms... severe pain, bowel problems and others but continued her life. Her pain had become terrible while playing her favorite sports.....she was a star softball player, and was on several local all star teams.  Normally she played on the Riverton team.  Last spring she was selected as a cheerleader.  Now that will most likely not be possible unless the doctors can control the increasing pain.  She wants to continue sports if she can.

She is the daughter of a Desert Storm veteran who came back with rashes and many other medical conditions from the shots which were given prior to going as well as the exposure to severe conditions in the Desert Storm/Gulf War.  There are documented cases that many children of these Veterans are suffering from severe disabilities and medical conditions, but the government just can't seem to admit fault and the affected children are ignored. 

As a grandmother my heart breaks.  Lerin, my beautiful granddaughter, didn't do anything to deserve this.    But, she must suffer the consequences of war and the pain of being told her life is not what she thought it would be when she grows up. She cried all of yesterday.  Unfair.  Rant over!  But the heavy heart continues.

I most likely will not be posting until next Tuesday.  Thanks for reading the blog.  Comments are welcome.


Anonymous said...

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 11.9 percent of wage and salary workers in 2010 were members of a labor union. Most of the goods and services that we use or consume are actually produced or provided by employees and workers who are not members of a labor union. Representation by organized labor in the manufacturing sector of our economy continues to decline. The only segment of the economy which has experienced a growth in organized labor is the public sector where 36.2 percent of the workforce are members of a labor union (education, law enforcement, local government workers)

Ken Dirks

doll lady said...

Many many union jobs have been lost due to the economy so yes the decline has happened. But...labor unions will go on. When I worked as a management person, I was dead set against labor unions and was a naysayer....then my family became members of a labor union and the thought process changed....the middle class section of our world must have the chance to earn a good living. Thanks for the statistics.....we must all think about the services and goods which are now bought in China and other countries....many US labor union jobs have been lost to that also....unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

I am not particularly anti-union, but it does seem to me that they are no longer relevant to our economy. in the past 10 years 85% of workers rejected the opportunity to organize when representation elections were held...that tells me that workers are also realizing that they do not need, nor want, a labor union.
Ken Dirks

doll lady said...

Ken...I have a tendency to agree with you. There are some unions which end up not helping the workers....and these unions have some high cost union dues. This might turns off the workers and cause them to realize "I could work this same job with no union." Some of the foreign auto makers in this country provide jobs with no labor unions, but the wages are pretty low (my nephew works in a southern auto plant like this). But... in some jobs the unions will prevale I'm sure for a long time to come.

Construction/laborers are two of those professions....and the big American auto workers will too....that is if the American Auto maker doesn't cease to exist .... which at some time high cost labor union demands could be their downfall....and it could be this same thing for other segments of occupations too. And if that time comes, I know our family's position could change.

auntie m said...

I'm very sorry your grand daughter has to suffer with this disease.

doll lady said...

Hey Auntie Em....thanks for dropping by .... I'm glad to see you....I'm glad no one else in the family has ever had to suffer from this disease. Hope you like the pumpkin cookie recipe....:) XO Carla