Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ten Things To Know About Me

Ten things about me huh?!

Some of you knew me as a kid but you only know me now via the internet.  And, some readers have never met me....what a loss that is!!  I'm a really sweet person who loves life and if you're my friend, I'll have your back!  (As long as you don't crap on me!)

But, there are at least ten things you should know about me to really get to know me.  So here's the list....hopefully you will know a bit more about me after you read it  (and you might be a bit more bored too).

1.  I'm a history doesn't matter what kind of history, I just love old things and the history surrounding the item, the article, the whatever.  BUT.....I hated history when I was in high school.

2.  I love to cook.  I have taken some gourmet classes and can cook with the best of the chefs.  I especially love to bake and make desserts, but I can do a pretty fair job on any item I set out to make.

3.  I can sew up a storm.  When my kids were little, I used to make a lot of their clothes.....I even made coats and hats and once I made my nephew a three piece suit for Christmas.  In the latter years, I made dozens of doll clothes to fit 18 inch dolls.  In fact, I still have a closet left over from a mall booth I had before people started stealing me blind in that booth.....seems my doll clothes were a popular item with the thieves and especially around Christmas.  A few years ago, I won first place in the sewn doll clothes category at the Illinois State Fair.

(purple/white outfit on the right
is the State Fair winner)

4.  I've got just a few (minor????) medical conditions.  A massive heart attack resulted in 6 bypasses during open heart surgery.  I now have congestive heart failure.  I had a 3.6 cm brain tumor and went blind.  Surgery resulted in  total eye sight recovery in the right eye but not the left eye.  The dang thing is, that tumor seems to like to pop up again and even after surgery and radiation.  I had a hip replacement and need both knees replaced.  Before long, I will be boasting that I am the BIONIC WOMAN!  You should hear the bells and clangs when I go through the airport and courthouse X-ray machines...wires in the chest and in the leg.  It's almost like Dog the Bounty Hunter as the security raise their guns when I start through.

5.  I don't work.....I sit home on my butt and do as little as possible and draw a disability check.  The joys of not working.....and I don't know when I had time to work when I really did. 

6.  I write articles, blogs, posts, and stories and now am working on a novel.  I might never get the novel done but at least I'm trying.  I have written my life's story and a couple other stories about things in my life.  I really want to try to write a children's book, but haven't got started on that idea yet.  I write this blog Monday through Friday and I don't mind telling you that it is difficult sometimes coming up with different topics each day.....some get pretty boring and some articles are just crappy but, I try to keep going even when I have no creative ideas flowing through the mind.

7.  I draw portraits from photos.  A few years ago, a portrait I drew in charcoal of my grandson was hung in the art gallery at the Illinois State Fair and I received honorable mention.  I didn't win placement for a money prize but, honorable mention was an honor for me as I have no formal art training.....I just do it.  I painted a mural of a chicken yard on my kitchen wall......people don't believe I painted the chicken mural, but I really did. 

(the chicken mural on my kitchen wall)

8.   I hate to do house work and laundry.  I will wait until we either have no more socks and underwear or until I can write in the dust in the case of housework.  My mama didn't raise me to be a housekeeper....and no one ever comes to see me so why should I care.....and if they do come, they just will have to see the crud.

9.  I'm an avid gardener and love flowers.  For the past two weeks I have been out in the yard planting some new perennials.  I try to thin out my plants and move them elsewhere so that the big yard we have has plenty of flowers and plants.  I hate fighting the poison ivy that is ever present in this yard....the land used to be a forest and the poison ivy doesn't want to give up.  I made a rock garden in the back yard along with a reflecting pool which incidentally needs cleaned out at this moment....horrible job!

(a garden spot with iris)

10.  I collect dolls of all kinds.  Mostly my collection ranges from the late 1800's through the mid-1960's but I do have quite a few current day collectible Barbie dolls which have never been opened.  I took some classes to learn doll repair and do my own repair and occasionally some repair for others.   Right now I have over 500 dolls.  I did have close to 600 dolls, but decided to thin the herd, so I sold some and gave away others.

(a doll bed with some old dolls)

(dolls with coats I made....doll on the right is from mid-1950's)

I really didn't mean to take up a whole blog post with stuff about me, but I guess I did.  But now you might know a bit about me. For now, I'm going to make this a shorter post than usual and forgo most of the other subjects I usually post.

Quote For The Day
History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived,
however, if faced with courage,
need not be lived again.
--Maya Angelou

Thank you for coming to my blog.
(all rights reserved)

Hope to see you again soon.

1 comment:

Maggie Scarborough said...

I loved reading about you even though you've mentioned some of this on LO. You're a hardy woman, Carla. I admire all that you accomplish. I loved the picture of the hens in the yard that you painted. Some of your dolls reminded me of some I had when I was a child.

Keep up the great work!!